- Elsa M. Orellano, Ph.D., OTR/L, ATP
- Puerto Rico Assistive Technology Program
- Filius InstituteUniversity of Puerto Rico
- Recognize the role of free assistive technology
(AT) programs as a backup to assess the
effectiveness of a more complex commercial AT - Learn to configure several free AT software to
- assist in decision making regarding software
utilization and/or purchase - enhance the reading and writing skills of
individuals with learning disabilities.
3Students with Learning Disabilities
- 1 out of every 5 people in the U.S. has a
learning disability - 51.2 of students receiving special education
services through the public schools are
identified as having learning disabilities. - Graduation rate is lower for students with LD
(4) than the rest of the students without
disabilities (62)
(23rd Annual Report to Congress, U.S. Department
of Education, 2001)
4Facts About Learning Disabilities
- LD is a lifelong disorder
- Learning disabilities can affect the persons
ability to - Speak
- Listen
- Read
- Write and spell
- Reason
- Recall
- Organize information
- Calculate
5Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology
- Can be used as
- Remedial strategy
- Compensatory strategy
6Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology
- Assitive technology can
- Increase individuals independence and
productivity - Increase individuals self-esteem
- Increase individuals success in school, work,
and community - Decrease individuals anxiety
(Jendron, 2007)
7Why We Need Free Assistive Technology?
- Funding constraints
- Lack of AT access at home
- Long AT time acquisition span
- Serves as a backup to assess the effectiveness of
a more complex commercial AT
8Free Assistive Technology for Americans and
Hispanics Individuals with LD
- Talking Word Processor
- WordTalk V3.6
- Edword
- Word completion program
- LetMe Type V1.81
- Text-to-Speech and Text-to-Audio Program
- Balabolka V1.22
9Free Assistive Technology for Americans and
Hispanics Individuals with LD
- Free Spanish/English Voices
- SAPI 4
- Lernout Hauspie TruVoice TTS engine
- SAPI 5
- Microsoft Voices
Download Voices at http//www.cross-plus-a.com/b
10Text-to-Speech and Text-to-Audio Programs
11- Text-to-Audio Programs
- Converts text into audio files (MP3, WAV) to hear
it on computer, IPod or CD/MP3 player
- Text-to-Speech Programs
- Translate text into speech
- Highlight spoken text using contrasting colors
- Benefits
- Students with attention deficits
- Attend better to their reading
- Reduce distractibility
- Read for longer period of time
- Less stress in reading tasks
- Students with significant reading disabilities
- Reduce frustration of decoding difficulties
(Lundberg, 1995) - Increase reading independence and success
- Increase comprehension (Higgings Raskind, 1997)
- Increase motivation to read (Montali
Lewandouski, 1996)
(Hecker, Burns, Elkind, 2002)
13Balabolka V1.23
- Text-To-Speech and Text-to-Audio program
- It allows configuration of
- Voice language, rate, and pitch
- Font type and background color
- Highlighting colors
- Spell checker
14Talking Word Processors
15Talking Word Processors
- Read text aloud
- Many highlight words as they are voiced through
the computer - Benefits
- Helps students to identify more errors
in written text (Raskind
Higgins, 1995) - Improve length of text and gramatical cohesion
(Jones, 1998)
- Very simple talking word processor
- Voice configurations
- Different languages
- Speak and y highlight
text outloud - Text configurations
- Variety of text colors, types,
and sizes - Symbol support
17WordTalk V3.6
- Free plug-in for Microsoft Word
- From Word 97 upwards
- Tutorial at http//www.slideshare.net/paulhami/wo
rd-talk - Can be used with different languages voices
- SAPI 5
- Characteristics
- Speak and highlight the text of the document
- Talking dictionary
- Configuration of
- Highlight colors
- Voice
- Speed of speech
18Word Completion Programs
19Word Completion Programs
- Suggest the most likely or frequent words based
on the firsts entered letters - User select the desired word by entering its code
- Helpful for users that
- Are accurate in writing the first few letters of
a word - Can attend two visual stimulus at the same time
- Write long words that are frequently typed
20Word Completion Programs
- Benefits
- Increases students
- Accuracy of spelling (Handley-Moore, 2003
MacArthur, 1999) - Ability to write independently (Klund, 2001)
- Self-confidence (Klund, 2001)
- Quality and quantity of written tasks (Heinisch
Hecht , 1993)
21LetMe Type V1.81 http//www.clasohm.com/lmt/en/
- Can be used with different languages dictionaries
- Highly configurable
- Maximum of suggestion
- Location of the suggestion window
- Colors and size of the words of the suggestion
22Hands-on Workshop
23Elsa M. Orellanopratp_at_pratp.upr.eduPuerto
Rico Assistive Technology Program 787-767-8642,
787-764-6035Fax TTY 787-754-8034 Toll Free
U.S.A. 1-888-633-6035