Title: Collaboration in the Development Supply Chain:
1- Collaboration in the Development Supply Chain
- Tools, Technology, and Change Management
Rich Becks Vice President of eBusiness and Supply
Chain Seagate Technology
2Collaborative Computing Imperatives
- Narrow product windows
- Rapid Price Erosion
- Mass customization
- Outsourcing
3Accelerate the Design Process
Shorter Development Cycles Efficient Use of
Post Release Problem Teams
Collaborative Teams Expected Resource Level
Actual Resource Level
- Earlier supplier involvement
- Expertise on demand
- Faster consensus making
Resource Level
Few Changes
Many Changes
Source Seagate
4Collaboration Opportunity
Collaborative ProductLifecycle
Shorter Design Cycle
Post-Release ECOs Reduce Profit
Cash Flow
Delayed Profitability
Faster Time to Market
1. Breakthrough Solution
2. Early Supplier Involvement
5. TTM Leader increased Share
3. Customer Collaboration
4. Faster Prototyping
Market Validation
Mature Market
Source E2Open
5The Development Supply Chain
Source Seagate
6PLC IT Investments Current State
Source E2Open
7Todays Ad Hoc Collaboration
Risky, Undocumented, Expensive
What Tools do you Use To Collaborate For Product
Source Forrester Research 50 of Fortune 1,000
8The Development Supply Chain
- Goals
- Rapid Innovation
- Design leverage / Reuse
- Fewer ECs
- Earlier component/product maturity
- Accelerate problem discovery gt FA gtredesign
- Reduce cost to both customer and supplier
The most efficient supply chain will win the
Source Seagate
9The Development Supply Chain
IT Pipe Drawing Specs Design
Data Test Data
- How
- Common test methods/tools
- Common design tools/processes
Collaborative Computing
- Collaborative/concurrent design (teams)
- Synchronization of design requirements
- Linked IT
Source Seagate
10Specific CoDev Challenges
- Lack of One version of the Truth
- Legacy tools not designed to work together.
- CAD and visualization
- Product data management (PDM)
- Materials planning and BOM systems
- ERP and systems used by production/operations
- No linkage to external partner systems.
- Security Protecting IP, competitive advantages
11Managing Expectations
Wants Needs Available now
- MyData.com view Links to services Collaboration
Portal - Seamless system integration Data warehouse
Custom integration - Peer to peer collaboration Workgroup
repository PDM Lite - Native design sharing View markup Online 2D
review - Open Systems/Standards Modular tools Connectors
- Digital Product Life Cycle Mgt. Process
transparency Collaboration Portal
12More Wants
More Application Development
- Integration to company portal
- Single sign-on, role based
- Simple, user-friendly UI
- Partner access to information
- Metrics dashboards
- Business process management
- Requirements mgt.
- Source Code/software links to configurations
- Virtual prototyping
More Infrastructure Development
13Achieving the Virtual Design Center
Virtual Design Collaboration
Shared Design
Systems Integration
Configuration Process
Configuration Management
Change Process
Change Management
Release Process
Information Accessible Worldwide
Store and Manage Data
Information Management
Common CAD/CAE Tools- IDEAS, MGC, Frame, MSOffice
14How to choose tools?
- Entitlement scope
- Engineers or everyone?
- Inside the firewall or through it?
- Automate or expose data flow?
- Map and code application hooks vs.
- Control and make data transparent
- Business Process impact
- Workflow task mgt., routing, alerting
- Metrics dashboards, exceptions and excursions
15Organizational considerations
- Engineering, IT or eBusiness initiative?
- Who owns the data?
- Overcoming legacy inertia.
- Change management threat vs. opportunity
- Roll out strategy
- Business unit, product, function, or community?
- Integrations with enterprise applications
- Boiling the Ocean
16Wide Area Processes
Decision Statement
17Security Considerations
- Authentication Who are you?
Privacy What you can see.
Access Who sees what?
Integrity Can you trust the document?
Non-Repudiation You are who you say
Audit Who touched what, when?
PKI The key to the data
18Putting the Product in the Center
- Collaboration Provided By
- Universal Access Using Web
- Browser-Based Viewers
- Centralized team data
Project Process
Source Alventive
19Product Collaboration Environments
Secure, browser-based
- Personalized
- Structured unstructured data
- Secure, controlled access and versioning
Your active projects
Your Tasks to complete
Your Web meetings
Your Alert messages,
Team-based workflow
Source E2Open
20E2Open/Seagate Collaboration Portal - Case Studies
- HSA Tester Development (Product)
- Science Park Renovation (Function)
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24Web Based Design Review
Reduce Design Cycle Times Cut Travel Costs
- Pass The Baton Modification
Design Review
Supplier 3
Supplier 2
Supplier 5
Supplier 1
Supplier 4
Supplier 2
Source SDRC
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27Design Center Rennovation Functional use case
- Tender Management
- Project Management
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30Pilot Feedback Mar. 2001
..keeps one focused on the objective at
handsome emails can be pretty nebulous.
Allowed me to get approval based on the data
Better communication translates to better time
to market.
11 People, 5 Locations, 2 Companies
31Pilot 2 Lessons learned
11 People, 5 Locations, 2 Companies
32Lessons learned
1. Net Readiness matters
2. New way to work
3. Ease of use is a must
4. Training bridges gap
33Where to Host the application?
- Need dial tone reliability
- Must have redundant power generation, UPS backup
systems, diesel storage facilities,. - Capital requirements in the tens of millions.
- Ongoing staffing, maintenance.
34Collaboration Benefits Realized
- Faster decision making, greater accountability
- Reducing overhead expenses.
- Email servers, Data Base Servers
- Simplifying Wide Area Network,
- Fewer information administrators
- Reduced authorization steps
- True team based decision making.
- Active membership in teams.
35What does Collaborate mean?
Thank You
- Webster Collaborate
- To work together in a joint intellectual effort
- To Cooperate, treasonably with the enemy..
36- Rich Becks
- Vice President of eBusiness and Supply Chain
- Seagate Technology
Rich Becks, is the Vice President of eBusiness
Development for Seagate Technology and has 15
years experience in high technology product
development and manufacturing in the data storage
industry. He has held senior positions in
Materials Management, Strategic Procurement as
well as Information Technology and eBusiness. He
has implemented ERP and Advanced Planning
systems in addition to Collaborative Development
platforms and infrastructure.