Title: Cara Heiden
1Cara Heiden
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3Cara Heiden
- Division President
- Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
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5Wells Fargo Company
- 1 retail residential lender
- 1 residential mortgage servicer
- 1 renovation financing provider
- 1 reverse mortgage originator
- 1 construction lender
- 1 FHA/VA producer
6Homeownership Has A ProfoundImpact on our Country
- Families feel rooted and secure
- Children achieve higher levels of education
- Communities are more vital
- Families achieve greater financial success
- Fuels economic growth
7Through Fair and ResponsibleLending and
Make the dream of homeownership possiblefor any
American who aspires to the dream.
8Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
Trade Constituency Groups
Secondary Investors Capital Markets Securities
Federal / State Gov. Federal Agencies,Regulators
- Settlement Services
- Appraisers
- Title Companies
9Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
10Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
11Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
12Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
13Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
14Mortgage Industry Stakeholders
15Subprime Mortgages Made to Borrowers with
Perceived High Credit Risk
- Lack strong credit histories
- Higher default potential
- Experienced credit challenges
16Homeownership Has Increased
The expansion of subprime mortgage lending
contributed to the rise in homeownership
minority and households in low-income census
tracts have recorded some of the largest gains.
Ben BernankeFederal Reserve Chairman
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18Fair and ResponsibleLending and Servicing
19Wells Fargos Nonprime Real Estate Fair
Responsible Lending Principles
- Approve loans borrower has ability to repay
- Provide information for fully-informed decisions
- Do not make pay option ARMs or negative
amortization loans - First mortgage customers who qualify offered
prime pricing options - Advise customers about pre-payment fees
- Limit prepayment fees
- Only make loans that offer demonstrable benefit
20Consumer Education is Vital
Steps To SuccessSM
- Financial Education
- Credit Reports
- Automated Banking Products
More than 30,000 Customers
21Advocating Change
- Fair and Responsible Lending and Servicing
practices for all mortgage providers - National oversight and enforcement of
non-regulated mortgage providers - Industry collaboration to expand options for
helping customers
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