Title: Practical Use of MDA Tables
1Practical Use of MDA Tables
A Case-Study in the Practical Use of MDA Tables
from Sybase's Internal IT/DBA Team
David Burgess Sybase Staff DBA
- DBA Nightmares
- ASE Performance and Tuning Problems
- The ASE is slow, fix it!
- How MDA Tables can help
- How MDA Collector can help
- Performance and Tuning with MDA Collector
- MDA Solutions Practical applications of MDA
Tables and Collector - Common Problems with MDA Tables
- QA
3Presentation Goal Fixing DBA Nightmares
- Black Box ASE
- Black Box Applications connecting to the ASE
- Hung query
- Hung ASE
- Query hogging 100 CPU
- Query crashing ASE
- Query resulting in massive blocking
- Problem logins running problem SQL
- Runaway SQL consuming log
4MDA Quick Review
- MDA tables were introduced in ASE
- MDA Monitoring and Diagnostic Access
- Also called monitoring tables
- 41 tables installed master database (15.0.2)
- Table names begin with mon (e.g.,
monProcessActivity) - Can be accessed with standard SQL commands
- Table data is generated from in-memory structures
- No data is stored in master database
- Tables are proxy tables
- No license needed included in ASE base product
- MDA tables provide access to detailed monitoring
data - Process Activity
- CPU usage, IO activity, resource usage
- Resource usage
- Data cache, procedure cache, engines
- Object usage
- Tables, partitions, indexes, stored procedures
- Query history
- SQL text, statement metrics, query plans, errors
5How MDA Tables can help
- Identify, track and fix
- Root cause of many ASE PT issues
- Bad SQL that impacts performance
- Rogue processes hogging resources (CPU, IO, etc.)
- Bad stored procedures
- Bad indexes
- Problem applications and logins
- Unused objects (tables, indexes)
- MDA Tables provide a lot of data
- Up until recently, ASE did not provide many
ready-to-run sprocs to sort that data into
6How MDA Collector can help
- Why Setup MDA Collector?
- Collector tables can be used as ASE baseline
- Problems always happen when DBA is away from
desk Collector is always working - Collector should be setup to gather enough info
to catch the problem when it happens - Use the Collector reports to review errors
- Review last few collections just before ASE
problem - Archive Collector reports for root cause analysis
7How MDA Collector can help
- MDA Collector Reports
- MDA Collector has two dozen ready-to-run reports
to help translate MDA data into information - Use the Collector reports to review errors
- Review last few collections just before ASE
crash or other error - Archive Collector reports for root cause analysis
- Run Collector reports to generate a new baseline
- New Baseline required after any change
- Compare new baseline with old baseline to measure
performance improvements
8How MDA Collector works
- Can be configured to collect on three options
- Application SPID running longer than 15 seconds
- System info every 60 seconds Engine Counters,
Device, syslogs, contention... - Historical SQL, Errorlog, Deadlocks... every 15
seconds - Can be set to collect snapshot for any
frequency - May set to archive for any number of days
- Example Prune everything older than 7 days
- Techwave 2006 presentation on MDA collector
reference - http//www.sybase.com/techwave/techwave2006
9How to setup MDA Collector
- Enable MDA tables and grant mon_role permission
- Create Collector database
- Install ASE sprocs and schema from zip-files
- http//www.sybase.com/techwave/techwave2006
- Copy start_scripts from zip-files onto ASE host
- Run start_script and purge_script
10How to startup MDA Collector
- START_MDA to call all 3 'start' sprocs
- Makes 3 user connections to ASE as the
mda_collect user - dbadb_metrics..sp_dba_MON_SYSTEM_control 'start
- dbadb_metrics..sp_dba_MON_APP_control 'start'
- dbadb_metrics..sp_dba_MON_HIST_control 'start'
- Those sprocs then wait in infinite loop until
'stop - A snapshot is collected at every specified
control_table interval - How to make it work for your version
- Edit control table to collect what? and how
often? - Edit Collector sprocs to add additional filters
sp_dba_MON_SYSTEM_col_v1252 sp_dba_MON_APP_col_v12
52 sp_dba_MON_HIST_col_v1252 WHERE ml.SPID
AND mp.SPID ltgt _at_v_my_SPID --AND
mp.DBID ltgt db_id("dbadb_metrics") --AND
mp.DBID ltgt db_id("sybsystemprocs") --AND
mp.Login ltgt "mda_collect"
11How to use MDA Collector
- Example Collector Reports HIST APP show
minutes, SYS is hour - HIST PROCS
dbasp_MONR_HIST_DeadLock Captures all deadlocks
and can go back in history dbasp_MONR_HIST_ErrorLo
g All errors caused by SPIDS. dbasp_MONR_HIST_SQL
Smt All statements and associated CPU, Read,
Writes, Network activity etc. dbasp_MONR_HIST_SQLT
ext Recreate all the SQL executed, can be
limited to a particular SPID dbasp_MONR_SYS_
Engine_Stats Collected every 180 Seconds, allows
us to identify peak times at a granular
level. dbasp_MONR_SYS_OpenDB_Stats DB activity,
logs contention .. tune syslogs and tempdb, could
be used to justify multiple tempdbs. dbasp_MONR_SY
S_SysWaits_Stats Context Switches,. Allows us to
identify what kind of resources are limiting the
ASE. dbasp_MONR_SYS_CachedObj_Stats Used to
identity if a user defined cached is being used
or sized right ? dbatb_MON_App_Locks Simila
r to lock history, will identify which spid are
holding locks on which objects during the
snapshot. dbatb_MON_App_ProcessActivity Will
identify the source of the SPID (IP
Address) dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Waits Shows what
the SPID waiting for dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Smt I
nformation on Statements executing, e.g. CPU,
Reads/Writes, source of statement etc., Network
activity. dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_SQLText Catches
all SQL text, for queries running longer that
interval (15 seconds currently)
dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Procs Procedures running
longer than 15 secs, and currently executing
during the snapshot.
12MDA Collector Tips Tricks
- Consolidating MDA Collector START/STOP scripts to
one central host - Consolidating MDA Collector data to one central
Reporting ASE - Set RPC or loopback to the reporting ASE
- Run Collector reports on Reporting rather than
OLTP - Future Direction of DBA team for MDA Collector
13ASE Performance and Tuning ASE is slow, fix it!
- DBA Solutions
- Slower than what? Compare against a baseline
- Any recent system changes upgrades, new
hardware - Identify the problem system resource or sql
and query plan - Rogue transaction hogging resources or blocking
users - Users blocked on tempdb
- Make one change at a time and compare against
previous baseline
14P T with MDA Collector Where to Start?
- Gather baseline of normal performance
- Advise smaller intervals of about 15 20 minutes
- Get baseline for peak times and non-peak times
- Keep archive of baseline samples
dbasp_MONR_SYS_SysWaits_Stats 1 WaitEventID SUM_W
aitTime SUM_Waits AVG_WaitTime AVG_Waits Descripti
on 250 35419 43653 621 765 waiting for incoming
network data 179 13867 288344 243 5058 waiting
while no network read or write is
required 260 13680 570 240 10 waiting for date or
time in waitfor command 61 10017 1797 175 31 hk
pause for some time 19 7081 118 124 2 xact coord
pause during idle loop 57 7079 65 124 1 checkpoint
process idle loop 104 3541 118 62 2 wait until
an engine has been offlined 178 3522 833 61 14 wai
ting while allocating new client
socket 214 579 30190 10 529 waiting on run queue
after yield 215 306 438260 5 7688 waiting on run
queue after sleep 251 293 40505 5 710 waiting for
network send to complete 51 153 14839 2 260 waitin
g for last i/o on MASS to complete 29 96 16440 1 2
88 waiting for regular buffer read to
complete 266 88 169 1 2 waiting for message in
worker thread mailbox 31 71 13061 1 229 waiting
for buf write to complete before
writing 41 51 707 0 12 wait to acquire
latch 55 47 8310 0 145 wait for i/o to finish
after writing last log page 150 40 536 0 9 waiting
for a lock 36 17 4483 0 78 waiting for MASS to
finish writing before changing 52 11 991 0 17 wait
ing for i/o on MASS initated by another
task 124 9 344 0 6 wait for mass read to finish
when getting page 209 3 1875 0 32 waiting for a
pipe buffer to read
15P T with MDA Collector Where to Start?
- Reading that Baseline
- Start with monProcessWaits/monSysWaits
- Info on whether the next step is query related,
client software, hardware or contention in ASE - If you know this to be SQL query related, you may
be able to skip monProcessWaits and go directly
to monProcessActivity/ monProcessStatement/monSysS
tatement - Most closely approximates sp_sysmon context
switching section - but gives you the details not available with
sysmon - and lets you focus down to the process detail
level - Unfortunately, the WaitEvents require
explanation (see later slide) - Comparing Baselines
- Compare Apples-to-Apples
- Remember to compare an equivalent timeframe
- Sample interval, peak periods vs. peak periods
16P T with MDA Collector What to look for?
- Focus on the "Waits"
- Log, Tempdb, data IO, WaitEvents
- Use MS Excel or OpenOffice to plot Requests vs.
Waits - Look at monOpenObjectActivity for explanation
- Sort report output
- Sort by CPUTime, WaitTime, PhysicalReads,
LogicalReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites,
PagesWritten, MemUsageKB - Remember that SPIDs report total of every and any
sql every executed by that spid. - If same spid logged in for weeks, then those
report numbers will be very high
17P T with MDA Collector Good wait events
- dbasp_MONR_SYS_SysWaits_Stats 1
WaitEventID SUM_WaitTime SUM_Waits AVG_WaitTime AV
G_Waits Description 250 35419 43653 621 765 waitin
g for incoming network data 179 13867 288344 243 5
058 waiting while no network read or write is
required 260 13680 570 240 10 waiting for date or
time in waitfor command 61 10017 1797 175 31 hk
pause for some time 19 7081 118 124 2 xact coord
pause during idle loop 57 7079 65 124 1 checkpoint
process idle loop 104 3541 118 62 2 wait until
an engine has been offlined 178 3522 833 61 14 wai
ting while allocating new client
socket 214 579 30190 10 529 waiting on run queue
after yield 215 306 438260 5 7688 waiting on run
queue after sleep 251 293 40505 5 710 waiting for
network send to complete 51 153 14839 2 260 waitin
g for last i/o on MASS to complete 29 96 16440 1 2
88 waiting for regular buffer read to
complete 266 88 169 1 2 waiting for message in
worker thread mailbox 31 71 13061 1 229 waiting
for buf write to complete before
writing 41 51 707 0 12 wait to acquire
latch 55 47 8310 0 145 wait for i/o to finish
after writing last log page 150 40 536 0 9 waiting
for a lock 36 17 4483 0 78 waiting for MASS to
finish writing before changing 52 11 991 0 17 wait
ing for i/o on MASS initated by another
task 124 9 344 0 6 wait for mass read to finish
when getting page 209 3 1875 0 32 waiting for a
pipe buffer to read 54 1 158 0 2 waiting for
write of the last log page to complete 334 1 307 0
5 waiting for Lava pipe buffer for
write 35 0 0 0 0 waiting for buffer validation to
complete 37 0 8 0 0 wait for MASS to finish
changing before changing 53 0 0 0 0 waiting for
MASS to finish changing to start
i/o 83 0 0 0 0 wait for DES state is
changing 85 0 0 0 0 wait for flusher to queue
full DFLPIECE 91 0 0 0 0 waiting for disk buffer
manager i/o to complete
18P T with MDA Collector More wait events to
watch for
- dbasp_MONR_SYS_SysWaits_Stats 1
WaitEventID SUM_WaitTime SUM_Waits AVG_WaitTime AV
G_Waits Description 51 153 14839 2 260 waiting
for last i/o on MASS to complete 29 96 16440 1 288
waiting for regular buffer read to
complete 266 88 169 1 2 waiting for message in
worker thread mailbox 31 71 13061 1 229 waiting
for buf write to complete before
writing 41 51 707 0 12 wait to acquire
latch 55 47 8310 0 145 wait for i/o to finish
after writing last log page 150 40 536 0 9 waiting
for a lock 36 17 4483 0 78 waiting for MASS to
finish writing before changing 52 11 991 0 17 wait
ing for i/o on MASS initated by another
task 124 9 344 0 6 wait for mass read to finish
when getting page 209 3 1875 0 32 waiting for a
pipe buffer to read 54 1 158 0 2 waiting for
write of the last log page to complete 334 1 307 0
5 waiting for Lava pipe buffer for
write 35 0 0 0 0 waiting for buffer validation to
complete 37 0 8 0 0 wait for MASS to finish
changing before changing 53 0 0 0 0 waiting for
MASS to finish changing to start
i/o 83 0 0 0 0 wait for DES state is
changing 85 0 0 0 0 wait for flusher to queue
full DFLPIECE 91 0 0 0 0 waiting for disk buffer
manager i/o to complete 92 0 0 0 0 waiting for
synchronous disk buffer manager
i/o 99 0 0 0 0 wait for data from
client 143 0 0 0 0 pause to synchronise with site
manager 157 0 0 0 0 wait for object to be
returned to pool 169 0 0 0 0 wait for
message 197 0 0 0 0 waiting for read to complete
in parallel dbcc 200 0 0 0 0 waiting for page
reads in parallel dbcc 201 0 0 0 0 waiting for
disk read in parallel dbcc 202 0 0 0 0 waiting to
re-read page in parallel dbcc 203 0 0 0 0 waiting
on MASS_READING bit in parallel
dbcc 205 0 0 0 0 waiting on TPT lock in parallel
dbcc 207 0 0 0 0 waiting sending fault msg to
parent in PLL dbcc 230 0 0 0 0 waiting for site
handler to complete setup
19P T with MDA Collector Wait events to watch
- Wait event descriptions Where to look
- waiting to be scheduled (cpu)
- waiting for a disk read to complete (read)
- waiting for a disk write to complete (write)
- waiting to acquire the log semaphore (log
contention) - waiting to take a lock (lock contention)
- waiting for memory or a buffer (address
contention) - waiting for input from the network (client
speed) - waiting to output to the network (client
fetch/net stat) - waiting for internal system event (PLC, index
balance) - waiting on another thread (contention)
20P T with MDA Collector Wait events to watch
- Client Related S/W Issues
- 171 Waiting for CTLIB event to
complete -waiting on next Client command to be
sent - 251 Waiting for network send to
complete -waiting for ct_sendpassthru(), - 250 Waiting for incoming network
data -Equivalent to awaiting command - Transaction Log Delays
- 259 Waiting until last chance threshold is
cleared -Transaction log keeps filling and
crossing the LCT - 150 Waiting for semaphore
- 54 waiting for write of the last log page to
complete -you are waiting to write to the last
log page - 55 wait for i/o to finish after writing last
log page -you are waiting for the last log page
you wrote to flush - Contention
- 41 Wait to acquire latch -Address locking
contention (tran log) - 70 Waiting for semaphore -Typically normal
row/pg lock, but could be log semaphore or
spinlock contention - 52 "waiting for last MASS on which i/o was
issued by some other task" -Two nearly concurrent
select/into's in tempdb - H/W Issues CPU contention
- 214 Waiting on run queue after yield -in
memory scan, join operations, sorting, looping
logic in proc, etc. - 215 Waiting on run queue after sleep -Slow
cpu's could result in higher waits on log
semaphore and disk writes - 33 Wait for buffer read to complete -Logical
read or network read - 34 Wait for buffer write to complete -Logical
write (update in cache before disk flush)/network
send - 179 waiting while no network read or write is
required -Netserver checked and no network
read/write pending
21P T with MDA Collector Where to look?
- monCachedObject - dbasp_MONR_SYS_CachedObj_Stat
s - Provides statistics for all objects and indexes
that currently have pages cached within a data
cache - monCachePool - dbasp_MONR_SYS_CachePool_Stats
- Provides statistics for all pools allocated for
all caches - monOpenObjectActivity - dbasp_MONR_SYS_OpenObj_S
tats - Provides statistics for all open objects
- monIOQueue - dbasp_MONR_SYS_IOQueue_Stats
- Provides device IO statistics broken down into
data and log IO, for normal and temporary
databases on each device. - monDeviceIO - dbasp_MONR_SYS_DeviceIO_Stats
- Provides statistical information about devices
- monSysWaits - dbasp_MONR_SYS_SysWaits_Stats
- Provides a server-wide view of events that
processes are waiting for - monProcessActivity - dbasp_MONR_APP_Proc_Activi
ty - Provides statistics about process activity
- monSysStatement - dbasp_MONR_HIST_SQLSmt
- Provides statistics for the most recently
executed statements. - monCachedProcedures - dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Pro
cs - Provides statistics about all procedures
currently stored in procedure cache - monEngine - dbasp_MONR_SYS_Engine_Stats
22P T with MDA Collector What next?
- Step 1 Gather current statement statistics
- Check monProcessStatement dbasp_MONR_APP_Process
_Smt - Check monProcessSQLtext dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_
SQLText - Step 2 Get SPID Resource Consumption
- Check monProcessActivity dbasp_MONR_APP_Proc_A
ctivity - Step 3 If High Wait Time Find cause
- Check monProcessWaits dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Wa
its - Step 4 If High I/O Write waits or Tempdb is
suspect - Check monProcessObject dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_O
bject - Check monOpenObjectActivity dbasp_MONR_SYS_OpenO
bj_Stats - Step 5 If Contention
- Check monOpenObjectActivity to find table(s) with
most contention (LockWaits) - Check monProcess for Blocking
dbasp_MONR_APP_Proc_Activity - Check monLocks, monDeadLocks dbasp_MONR_APP_Lock
23MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 1 Tempdb
full, ASE sprocs hang
- ltSERVER.master.1gt select from
master..monProcessSQLText - ltSERVER.master.2gt go
- SPID KPID ServerUserID BatchID
LineNumber SequenceInLine SQLText
- ------ ----------- ------------ -----------
----------- -------------- -----------------------
----------- - 369 1102774818 5 4
2 1 select bug_id,
- 369 1102774818 5 4
3 1 (
- 369 1102774818 5 4
4 1 select
- 369 1102774818 5 4
5 1 from
sy_resolution r,
- 369 1102774818 5 4
6 1
sy_resolution_activity a
- 369 1102774818 5 4
7 1 where
- 369 1102774818 5 4
8 1
r.resolution_id a.resolution_id
- 369 1102774818 5 4
9 1 and
a.fieldname 'res_status'
- 369 1102774818 5 4
10 1 and
a.newval 'Closed'
- 369 1102774818 5 4
11 1 and
bug_id bugs.bug_id
- 369 1102774818 5 4
12 1 ) as report_dt
- 369 1102774818 5 4
13 1 into bug_closed
- 369 1102774818 5 4
14 1 from bugs
- 369 1102774818 5 4
15 1 where
- 369 1102774818 5 4
16 1 bug_id in (
24MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 2 ASE
stacktrace and crash
- ASE stacktrace and die on spid 287
- Use Collector to find out what was spid 287 doing
? - Turns out that the sp_configure 'allow nested
triggers' option was enabled on ASE. This
results in a trigger sproc infinite loop
stacktrace and crash.
0000000002872008/06/13 141903.61 kernel
Stack overflow detected limit
0x0000010003249290, sp 0x0000010003249388
0000000002872008/06/13 141903.62 kernel
pc 0x0000000080f84ea0 pcstkwalk0x24(0x0000010003
249208, 0x0000010003248580, 0x000000000000270f,
0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000250)
0000000002872008/06/13 141903.62 kernel
pc 0x0000000080f84d04 ucstkgentrace0x1c0(0x00000
1000be2ff18, 0x0000000000000002,
0x000000000000270f, 0x0000000000000000,
dbasp_MONR_HIST_SQLText 60, null, null ,
287 KeyCounter SampleTime SPID
KPID BatchID SequenceInBatch
SQLText ------ ------ ------
------ ------ ------ ------
------ 15244 6/13/08 218
PM 287 250937603 12 1
select from x_debug_on 15244 6/13/08
218 PM 287 250937603 13
1 select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases
15244 6/13/08 218 PM 287
250937603 14 1 UPDATE
table_subcase SET x_eng_prty_rating
"40"\t\t WHERE id_number _at_subcase_num
25MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 3 Bad Sprocs
- Use MDA to find problem sprocs
- dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Object
- dbasp_MONR_APP_Process_Procs
- Use MDA to find stored Procedure Performance
Averages - Use Collector to find sproc averages over
historical timeline
SPID KPID Login Application Command MasterTranID O
bjectID OBJ_NAME IndexID LogicalReads 121 238
55236 tools_user tools UPDATE upd 466012129 NULL
0 0 121 23855236 tools_user tools UPDATE upd 46
6012129 NULL 0 1 121 23855236 tools_user tools U
PDATE upd 1327447903 work_nav_names 0 1015 121 23
855236 tools_user tools UPDATE upd 1823449670 wor
k_nav_trees 0
51797903 SPID KPID Login Application Command
MasterTranID OwnerUID ObjectID OBJ_NAME 121 2385
5236 tools_user tools UPDATE upd 1 276352199
26MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 4 Bad Cache
- Use MDA to show key columns in monStatementCache
- TotalSizeKB, NumStatements, NumSearches,
HitCount, NumRemovals - Use Collector to show cache stats over time
- dbasp_MONR_SYS_DataCache_Stats 1 , null, null,
null, 'summary'
1gt select from monStatementCache 2gt
go TotalSizeKB UsedSizeKB NumStatements
NumSearches HitCount NumInserts
NumRemovals NumRecompilesSchemaChanges
NumRecompilesPlanFlushes -----------
----------- -------------
----------- -----------
----------- -----------
------------------------ 40000
37800 1329
529133 138721 390412
12 1398
KeyCounter SampleTime CacheID RelaxedReplacement B
ufferPools CacheSearches PhysicalReads LogicalRead
s PhysicalWrites Stalls CachePartitions CacheName
Accurate SamplePeriod Hit Ratio 3793 7/7/08 410
PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 app_cache Y 97 0 3794 7/7/08
412 PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 app_cache Y 96 0 3795 7/
7/08 413 PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 app_cache Y 93 0 37
96 7/7/08 415 PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 app_cache Y 93
0 3797 7/7/08 416 PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 app_cache
Y 94 0 3798 7/7/08 418 PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 app_
cache Y 93 0 3799 7/7/08 419 PM 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
app_cache Y 92 0
27MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 5 Baseline
for setting resource limits
- Use Collector to find high-watermark of sql
- Can then use this information to set realistic
resource limits - dbasp_MONR_APP_Proc_Activity, dbasp_MONR_APP_Proce
ss_Object - LogicalReads resource limit io_cost
SPID Application ObjectID OwnerUserID LogicalReads
590 isql 298132503 1609 824100 sp_help_resour
ce_limit name appname rangename rangeid
limitid limitvalue enforced action scope ----
------- ------------ ------- ------- ----------
-------- ------ ----- NULL isql at all times
1 4 1024000 2 2 1
28MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 6 Bad SQL
- Use MDA to find most I/O intensive statement
- Use Collector to find most I/O intensive
statement in last 2 hours
select into ts from master..monSysStatement se
lect KPID, BatchID, LineNumber, LogicalReads,
Elapsed datediff(ms, StartTime, EndTime) from
ts where LogicalReads gt 100 order by 4 desc
KPID BatchID LineNumber LogicalReads
Elapsed ----------- -----------
----------- ------------ -----------
574619857 9 13 5509405
68613 575602932 10 3
360656 7956 575209751 10
3 86241 606 575406493
10 3 59546 983
576258422 2 62 39963
223 575275534 1 62
39959 216 575930476 2
62 39955 250
332857800 65454 1 15884
1600 575275534 9 1
12758 176
dbasp_MONR_APP_Proc_Activity 120 , null, null,
null, 'ANALYZE'
29MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 7 Archiving
unused objects
- Use MDA to find old unused tables to be archived
- Unused indexes that be dropped or impacting
performance - Use Collector to find old unused tables over last
few months. - Archive Collector reports for a few Quarters
Find Indexes that have not been used since the
server was started select DB convert(char(20),
db_name()), TableName convert(char(20),
object_name(i.id, db_id())), IndexName
convert(char(20),i.name), IndID i.indid from
master..monOpenObjectActivity a, sysindexes
i where a.ObjectID i.id and a.IndexID
i.indid and (a.UsedCount 0 or a.UsedCount is
NULL) and i.indid gt 0 and i.id gt 99 -- No
system tables order by 2, 4 asc
30MDA Collector SolutionsCase Study 8 Hot tables
- Use MDA to find Hot Tables and Indexes
- Use Collector to find tables usage over time
- dbasp_MONR_SYS_OpenObj_Stats
select db_name db_name(DBID), table_name
object_name(ObjectID, DBID), IndexID,
LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, Operations,
LockWaits from master..monOpenObjectActivity
order by LogicalReads desc DBName
IndexID LogicalReads PhysicalReads
Operations ------------------------------
----------- ------------
------------- ----------- qts_db
bugs 0 1858361243
181866 3526752 qts_db
sy_resolution 0 1534176756
16555 18742290 qts_db
e2_cset 0 1462264415
1347 1307975 qts_db
x_bugs_nc1 2 1023824797
332059 0
qts_db sy_product_name
0 930762883 145
799079 qts_db
sy_resolution_activity 0
873960390 408227
229939 qts_db
sn_activity_details 0
675669657 726
17946 qts_db
doc_xref 0
396974905 3098
31Common Problems with MDA Tables
- Overconfiguration of MDA Table options could
result in problems in the master database. - Keep the MDA Table options realistic
- Turn on only what you need
- Another benefit with Collector smaller pipe
config is enough - exec sp_configure "sql text pipe max
messages",100 - exec sp_configure "plan text pipe max
messages",100 - exec sp_configure "statement pipe max
messages",100 - exec sp_configure "errorlog pipe max
messages",100 - exec sp_configure "deadlock pipe max
messages",100 - exec sp_configure "max SQL text monitored",2048
32Common Problems with MDA Tables (Cont.)
- Excessive Polling
- E.g. sampling every second
- If more than every minute, you'd better have a
real good reason - Drives cpu network I/O artificially high
- Collecting Everything for Everybody
- Instead of using MDA parameters (especially SPID
KPID) - "turn it all on and wait for magic to happen
- Joining MDA tables (or subqueries)
- Accuracy problems if self-joins, subqueries
even normal joins - Enabling pipe tables too early
- Determine that you have a bad query before
looking for it
33Common Problemswith MDA Tables (Cont.)
- Performance problems with the following options
- Enable only if requried for specific problem
- exec sp_configure "plan text pipe active"
- exec sp_configure "plan text pipe max messages
- exec sp_configure "sql text pipe active"
- exec sp_configure "sql text pipe max messages
- exec sp_configure "statement pipe max messages
- exec sp_configure "statement statistics active
- exec sp_configure "per object statistics active
34Common Problemswith MDA Tables (Cont.)
- MDA table changes between ASE versions
- Install script after ASE upgrade
- Internal Ct-Lib/Cs-Lib error 33620240
'cs_convert cslib user api layer external
error Conversion between 8 and 12 datatypes is
not supported. - Must re-run requried SYBASE/SYBASE_ASE/scripts/i
nstallmontables - ASE 15.0.2, this script is part of
'installmaster' - Do NOT run this script with 'sqsh. 'sqsh' sees
a '' as the start of a sqsh variable, and this
messes up the native RPC names, since these RPC
names start with a '' as well.
35Common Problemswith MDA Tables (Cont.)
- Arithmetic overflow for multiple engines while
using MDA monEngine table - ContextSwitches
field. - "select sum(convert(numeric(18,0),ContextSwitches)
) from master.dbo.monEngine - Invalid MDA table data
- Incorrect DBID
- Invalid columns wait time
36Common Problems with MDA Tables
- CR 343252, 367005, 446789 Fixed in ASE 12.5.4
- Querying the monCachedObject table can cause
other processes to timeslice resulting in
performance hit. - CR 427028 Fixed in 12.5.4
- "ubo_object_from_slotPss Invalid slot id 0"
"current process infected with 11" in module
"lock__print_deadlockchain" after ASE encounters
a deadlock when "print deadlock information" is
set or the "deadlock pipe active" MDA option is
in use. - CR 446789 Fixed in 12.5.4 ESD5
- Enabling the 'per object statistics active'
Tables configuration option may cause degradation
in query performance.
37Common Problems with MDA Tables
- CR436330 Fixed in 15.0.2 ESD3
- CR336077 Fixed in 12.5.1 ESD2 , 15.0.2 ESD5
- Under rare conditions querying the
monOpenObjectActivity table may result in error
14108, or stacktrace, or crash - Workaround to not collect from monOpenObjectActivi
ty table - update dbadb_metrics..dbatb_mon_control set
Record 'N where KeyType 'openobjectactivity - sp_sysmon with MDA
- Must use sp_sysmon option "noclear" to preserve
the counters - sp_sysmon "000100", noclear
38Learn more about MDA
- http//www.sybase.com/sb_content/1027266/MDA_Table
s_ISUG_Final.pdf - http//download.sybase.com/presentation/isug_prese
ntations/sybs31104.wmv - http//www.sybase.com/sb_content/1027266/SybaseISU
G_MDA-042406.pdf - MDA Tables in ASE Tips and Tricks
- Rob Vs 2004 Techwave Presentation
- http//www.sypron.nl/mda.html
- Source for the MDA Collector
39Q A and Collector Demo
- Latest events from Sybase DBA team
- MDA Collector Demo
- Examples of configuring Collector to Collect
- sp_configure parameters
- dbo.dbatb_mon_control table settings
- Collector table schema
- Collector sprocs
- Example Collector setup in our Dev environment
- Examples of running Collector Reports