Title: Integrity' Diversity' Accountability' Advocacy'
1- Integrity. Diversity. Accountability. Advocacy.
2 Congratulations on starting your new course!
- MCACES is the student association for Continuing
Education (CE) and Distance Education (DE)
Students at Mohawk College, the only association
of its kind in Canada! - Each year, approximately 42 000 students enroll
in our Continuing Education Programs and
automatically become members - MCACES is managed through a 10 member volunteer
board of CE students, and employs 8 staff
members, all of whom have experience being
Continuing Education Students and are committed
to ensuring your time at Mohawk College is
3 How can we help you?
- This presentation will examine a variety of
different ways MCACES enhances the lifelong
learning experiences of our membership. - MCACES provides the following to our students
- Publications
- Programs Services
- Personal Professional Development Seminars
- Special Events including Orientation Weeks Used
Book Sale - Financial Aid Assistance CE Work Study Program
- Access to facilities including the MCACES
Resource Centre (Fennell) -
4 Publications
To pick up your copy, please visit the MCACES
5 Peer Tutoring Program Students supporting
- Could you benefit from having a Peer Tutor?
- Tutoring offers one-on-one assistance for
students having difficulties in specific courses,
with 2 hours of assistance available to students
per week. - Would you like to become a Tutor?
- If you have achieved 75 in any of your courses
last semester, and could use some extra money,
why not help other students and get paid for it? - For more information, contact
- Sandi Johnston, Peer Tutor Coordinator
- Sandi.johnston_at_mohawkcollege.ca or 905-575-2176
- Or the Student Life Office at Brantford, IAHS and
STARRT campuses
6Employment Advisement
- Career Search Transition Assistance
- Obtain assistance with creating or critiquing
important components of your career search
including résumé and cover letter critiquing,
mock interviewing and professional portfolios, in
person or online - Resources
- Access our dynamic online career resource centre,
including labour market information and
Employment Advisement blog - Special Events Career Development Opportunities
- Workshops and seminars offered regularly
- Job Fairs and Job Search Expos bring
professionals on campus - For more information, contact Lidia Siino,
Employment Advisor at - 905-575-1212 ext. 3576, or lidia.siino_at_mohawkcolle
7 Walk Smart Attendant Program
- Attendants are available to walk you to your car,
bus stop or home in the surrounding community - Walks are available Monday-Thursday,
630pm-1030pm during the Fall Winter semesters
(Fennell Campus ) - To arrange a walk, please contact us
- By Phone 905-575-2263
- By Email walksmart_at_mohawkcollege.ca
8Personal Academic Counselling
Personal Counselling Services are available
Monday to Friday 830am 430pm For more
information, please call 905-575-2211
Success Advising for Internationally Trained
Individuals Room E127A Discovery
Centre Evening Appointments Available for
CE Email - miriam.cooper1_at_mohawkcollege.ca
- Academic Counselling
- Not sure which courses to take?
- Educational planning
- Academic problem solving
- Services are available every Thursday 430pm
730pm - For more information, please call 905-575-2176
9Financial Assistance
- Awards Bursaries
- Awards are available for students who meet
established criteria and excel within their
respective Certificate and Diploma Programs - Bursaries such as the Ontario Special Bursary
Program are available for students who meet
criteria while demonstrating financial need - CE Work Study Program
- The work study program allows students to work
part-time at Mohawk College while attending
Continuing Education courses - Students work on campus while developing
employability skills - Additional Financial Aid Information and Work
Study Positions is available at all MCACES
Offices or at mcaces.mohawkcollege.ca
10Top 5 Ways You Can Become An Active MCACES Member
- 5. Access our Programs, Services, Seminars and
Special Events - 4. Become part of our social networking
- MCACES is on Twitter www.twitter.com/mcaces
,has a Facebook group MCACES and hosts a live
chat online at mcaces.mohawkcollege.ca - 3. Nominate your instructor for an Instructor
Appreciation Award - 2. Let us know how were doing! Provide us with
feedback through our NightSpeak student feedback
tool - 1. Gain valuable volunteer and leadership
experience by applying to join the MCACES Board
of Directors
11Upcoming Dates To Remember
- Seminars
- Nutrition Seminar (October 5th 7th)
- APA Writing Seminar (October 15th)
- Networking The Hidden Job Market Seminar
(October 20th) - Success in the Workplace Seminar (October 22nd)
- Special Events
- MCACES 25th Anniversary Celebration (October
19th-24th) - MCACES Job Search Expo (November 17th 18th)
- Creative Arts Painting Sale
- (November 24th, Brantford) (November 25th
November 26th Fennell) - Winter Registration Opens on November 23rd!
12Allow us to enhance your lifelong learning
- For more information or to speak with a MCACES
staff member, please contact or visit MCACES at
your campus
Visit us online! mcaces.mohawkcollege.ca Email