Title: Formal Models of Availability
1Formal Models of Availability
- Carl A. Gunter
- University of Pennsylvania
- (Soon to be the University of Illinois)
2State of the Art in Formal Analysis of Security
- Excellent progress on the formal analysis of
integrity and confidentiality. - Algebraic techniques catch bugs quickly and can
be automated. Many successful case studies with
practical protocols. - Complexity-theoretic techniques provide more
complete proofs. - Techniques are being derived to unify these.
- Modest progress on the formal study of
availability. - Limited formal models.
- Too conservative.
- Not realistic.
- Insufficient nomenclature.
- No automation.
- Few case studies or experimental validations.
- Fragile linkage to implementations.
3Toward Formal Analysis of DoS
- Shared Channel Model
- Case study DoS protection for authenticated
broadcast. - Asymmetry Paradigm
- Case study TCP.
- Composition and testing of DoS-resistent
protocols. - Case study Layer three accounting (L3A).
- Unified algebraic model.
- Formalization of authentication protocols.
- Probabilistic term rewriting.
4Broadcast Authentication
Internet television, shared spectrum radio,
digital satellite, etc.
5Challenge of Broadcast Authentication
- Inefficient to use public key signatures for each
packet. - Insecure to use a common distributed key.
- Inefficient, impractical, or impossible to use
unicast tunnels. - Many proposals have been made to address these
problems. - Delayed key release.
- Amortize costs of public key checks over multiple
6Challenge of DoS for Broadcast
- Attacks in broadcast case are more likely to be
informed attacks in which sequence numbers and
other aspects of protocol state are known. - TCP is very vulnerable to informed attacks.
- Authentication based on Public Key Checks (PKCs)
are vulnerable to signature flooding. - Attacks on Forward Error Correction (FEC) lead to
higher overheads.
7Security Models for DoS
- Common form of analysis show that the victim can
defend against an attack that occupies his whole
channel. - Effective, but too conservative.
- Dolev-Yao assume that the adversary controls the
channel and can use the legitimate sender at
will. - Seems to give away the game.
- Attacks based on limited modification.
- Not a common case.
- Tit for tat work commitment by initiator.
- Needs extension.
- Wanted a more realistic model of attack and
countermeasures to exploit it.
8Shared Channel Model
- Adversary can replay and insert packets.
- Legitimate sender sends packets with a maximum
and minimum bandwidth. - Legitimate sender experiences loss, but not
deliberate modification. - Model is a four-tuple (W0, W1, A, p).
- W0, W1 min and max sender b/w
- A attacker max b/w
- p loss rate of sender
9Shared Channel Model Example
10Signature Flooding
- Attack factor R A / W1.
- Proportionate attack R 1.
- Disproportionate attack R gt 1.
- Stock PC can handle about 8000 PKC/sec.
- 10Mbps link sends about 900 pkt/sec, 100Mbps link
sends about 9000 pkt/sec (assuming large
packets). - Processor is overwhelmed by too many signature
checks. Adversary can devote full b/w to bad
signatures at no cost. - Budget no more that 5 of processor on PKCs.
11Broadcast Authentication Streams
Data Stream
Hash/Parity Stream
Signature Stream
12Interleaving of Transmission Groups
13Selective Sequential Verification
- The signature stream is vulnerable to signature
flooding the adversary can devote his entire
channel to fake signature packets. - Countermeasure
- Valid sender sends multiple copies of the
signature packet. - receiver checks each incoming signature packet
with some probability (say, 25 or 1).
14Attack Profile
15Selective Verification
16Selective Verification
R makes channels lossy
Tradeoff bandwidth vs. processing
17How to Choose Parameters
- Parameters
- Attack factor R
- Sender bandwidth W (packets/sec)
- Packet loss rate p
- Signature check budget K (per second)
- Theorem A client receives a valid signature with
confidence at least 99 if the number of
signature copies is 5W(R1) / (1-p)K.
- Suppose we have 100 valid signature packets
hidden in a large set of packets with invalid
signatures. - If we check each packet in the large set with
probability 5, the probability that we do not
find a valid signature packet is at most - (1-(5 / 100))100 (1-(1 / 20))205
- 1 / e5 lt .01
19In More Detail
- Suppose the client checks each signature packet
with probability p. - The probability that a signature packet is
successfully received and verified by the client
is (1-p) p. - Let N be the number of signature packets.
- The probability that none of the N signature
packets is successfully received and verified by
the client is (1-(1-p) p)N. - Roughly speaking, we set
- p K / RW
- N 5 / (1-p) p.
20Sample Numbers
- 10Mbps with 20 loss and 2 second latency
- 1584 data packets
- 11 hash packets, 11 parity packets
- 20 signature packets, verification probability
25 - 100Mbps with 40 loss and 1 second latency
- 8208 data packets
- 57 hash packets, 66 parity packets
- 200 signature packets, verification probability
21Selective Verification is Very Effective
22Authentication Loss
23Throughputs Under Severe Attacks
Little effect!
8 sig o/h
3 sig o/h
8 sig o/h
24The Asymmetry Paradigm
- Attackers leverage a feature that inflicts a
great cost on the server at little expense to the
client - Defenders leverage asymmetric goals
- Attacker acquire all of a resource.
- Client acquire a single unit of resource.
- Inflate the cost of a resource that the attacker
consumes at a greater rate, so that it becomes a
bottleneck for the attacker before being able to
deny service.
Jujitsu a martial art that forces attacker to
use his size and weight against himself.
25Is the Asymmetry Paradigm generally applicable?
- Applicable Are there typically resources
consumed by the attacker more quickly than by the
clients? - Effective Does an application of the asymmetry
paradigm remove the threat of DoS? - Composition Can the paradigm be applied without
changing the existing protocol?
26TCP/IP A case study
- Common
- Round Trip already have example for one-way
protocol - Susceptible to DoS attacks
- SYN flood and others
- Existing solutions as benchmark
- Increase size of SYN cache, random drop, SYN
27TCP/IP A case study
- Connection initiation
- SYN, SYNACK, ACK 3-way handshake
- Agree on source, dest, source port, dest port,
source seq. , dest seq.
28TCPs Memory Requirements
- TCB Control Block SSN, RxMT, Acked
- Packet buffers
- Outgoing unacked data
- Incoming, unread out-of-order data
- Until ESTABLISHED, only need portno, ISN, ACK
- SYN Cache of size B
29ExampleTCP SYN Cache
- Parameters
- Network capacity is rA 300K SYNs/sec (100Mbps
Fast Ethernet) - B 10,000
- Slots free at rate of B/tA
- SYN cache occupancy
- On timeout tA 100 seconds (30-120 seconds)
- On success RTT 10ms (lt1 - 100 milliseconds)
30SYN-flood defense selective processing
- If attacker arrives at rate lt f B/tA then (1-f)B
slots reserved for legit clients
31SYN-flood defense selective processing
- If attacker arrives at rate lt f B/tA then (1-f)B
slots reserved for legit clients - Process SYNs w/ probability p lt f B/(tA rA)
32SYN-flood defense selective processing
X 1/p
Limited by net capacity.
X 1/p
- If attacker arrives at rate lt f B/tA then (1-f)B
slots reserved for legit clients - Process SYNs w/ probability p lt f B/(tA rA)
- Increase connection rate by 1/p
33SYN-flood defense selective processing
p rA
X 1/p
- If attacker arrives at rate lt f B/tA then (1-f)B
slots reserved for legit clients - Process SYNs w/ probability p lt f B/(tA rA)
- Increase rate by 1/p
- Attacker rate of p rA cannot fill more than f B
34SYN-flood defense selective processing
p rA
X 1/p
- Process SYNs w/ probability p lt f B/(tA rA)
- Examples
- If p 10-3/6, then attacker can never occupy
more than half of SYN cache, but clients rxmt
6000 SYNs/connection - If increase size to 30B, and p .005 then same
.5 limit, but client only rxmts 200
SYNs/connection. For 500KB file, this is only 2
overhead. - Without selective processing (p 1) need B 6
X 107 ( 6000B) to achieve the same level of
35Experimental validationSuccessful connections
vs. attack rate
- Attack rate in SYNs/sec received at server
- Graph shows successful connections per 450
threads - Defenseless kernel gt6 SYNs/sec shuts out client
Aggregate connections
Attack rate
Model predicts cliff
- Progress is possible on formal analysis of
availability. - New models are more realistic and point to new
countermeasures. - Key concepts
- Shared Channel Model
- Selective Processing Countermeasures
- Asymmetry Paradigm