Chapter 2.3 : Interprocess Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2.3 : Interprocess Communication


A Race Condition. Because of the timing and which process starts first ... Two (or more) processes are blocked waiting for an event that will never occur ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 2.3 : Interprocess Communication

Chapter 2.3 Interprocess Communication
  • Process concept ?
  • Process scheduling ?
  • Interprocess communication
  • Deadlocks
  • Threads

Producer - Consumer Problem
Producer Process
Consumer Process
  • Buffer is shared (ie., it is a shared variable)

Progress in time..
3 instead of 2!
  • Both processes are started at the same time and
    consumer uses some old value initially

A Race Condition
  • Because of the timing and which process starts
  • There is a chance that different executions may
    end up with different results

Critical Sections
  • Critical Section
  • A section of code in which the process accesses
    and modifies shared variables
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • A method of preventing for ensuring that one (or
    a specified number) of processes are in a
    critical section

Why Processes Need to Communicate?
  • To synchronize their executions
  • To exchange data and information

Rules to Form Critical Sections
  • 1. No two processes may be simultaneously
    inside their CS (mutual exclusion)
  • 2. No assumptions are made about relative process
    speeds or number of CPUs
  • 3. A process outside a CS should not block other
  • 4. No process should wait forever before entering
    its CS

Mutual Exclusion Problem Starvation
  • Also known as Indefinite Postponement
  • Definition
  • Indefinitely delaying the scheduling of a process
    in favour of other processes
  • Cause
  • Usually a bias in a systems scheduling policies
    (a bad scheduling algorithm)
  • Solution
  • Implement some form of aging

Another Problem Deadlocks
  • Two (or more) processes are blocked waiting for
    an event that will never occur
  • Generally, A waits for B to do something and B is
    waiting for A
  • Both are not doing anything so both events never

How to Implement Mutual Exclusion
  • Three possibilities
  • Application programmer builds some method
    into the program
  • Hardware special h/w instructions provided to
    implement ME
  • OS provides some services that can be used
    by the programmer
  • All schemes rely on some code for
  • enter_critical_section, and
  • exit_critical_section
  • These "functions" enclose the critical section

Application Mutual Exclusion
  • Application Mutual Exclusion is
  • implemented by the programmer
  • hard to get correct, and
  • very inefficient
  • All rely on some form of busy waiting (process
    tests a condition, say a flag, and loops while
    the condition remains the same)

  • Producer
  • produce
  • If lock 1 loop until lock 0
  • lock1
  • put in buffer
  • lock0
  • Consumer
  • If lock 1 loop until lock 0
  • lock1
  • get from buffer
  • lock0
  • Consume
  • Note initially lock 0

Dekkers Algorithm
  • Program Dekker
  • Var turn integer
  • wantp, wantq boolean
  • Procedure p
  • Begin
  • repeat
  • wantp true
  • while wantq do if turn 2 then begin wantp
    false repeat until turn 1 wantptrue end
  • CS
  • turn 2
  • wantp false
  • NCS
  • until false
  • End
  • Procedure q
  • Begin
  • repeat
  • wantq2 true
  • while wantp do if turn 1 then begin wantq
    false repeat until turn 2 wantqfalse end

Explanation of the Algorithm
  • Procedure p
  • Begin
  • repeat
  • wantp true ( 1 )
  • while wantq do if turn 2 then begin wantp
    false repeat until turn 1 wantptrue end
    ( 2 )
  • CS
  • turn 2 ( 3 )
  • wantp false ( 4 )
  • NCS
  • until false
  • End
  • Process makes a request to enter CS
  • If the other process had made a request to enter
    CS before and if it is its turn then
  • Take back the request to enter CS by setting the
    want variable to false
  • Wait for the other process to exit CS and change
    the turn variable
  • Make a new request to enter CS and then enter CS
  • Flip the turn variable so that now the other
    process can enter CS
  • Set want variable to false to indicate that the
    process is now out of CS

  • Explicit control of transfer by a turn variable.
    Hence turn 1 means Ps turn, turn 2 Qs turn
  • If a process is blocked, the other process can
    still go
  • Dekkers algorithm is correct (prove it!)
  • It satisfies the mutual exclusion property
  • It is free from deadlock and starvation

Hardware ME Test and Set Instruction
  • Perform an indivisible xr and r1
  • x is a local variable
  • r is a global register set to 0 initially
  • repeat (testset(x)) until x 0
  • lt critical section gt
  • r 0

Hardware ME Exchange Instruction
  • Exchange swap the values of x and r
  • x is a local variable
  • r is a global register set to 1 initially
  • x 0
  • repeat exchange(r, x) until x 1
  • lt critical section gt
  • exchange(r, x)
  • Note r 0 and x 1 when the process is in CS

Another Hardware ME Disabling Interrupts
  • On a single CPU only one process is executed
  • Concurrency is achieved by interleaving execution
    (usually done using interrupts)
  • If you disable interrupts then you can be sure
    only one process will ever execute
  • One process can lock a system or degrade
    performance greatly

Hardware ME Characteristics
  • Advantages
  • can be used by a single or multiple processes
    (with shared memory)
  • simple and therefore easy to verify
  • can support multiple critical sections
  • Disadvantages
  • busy waiting is used (very important)
  • starvation is possible
  • deadlock is possible (especially with priorities)

Mutual Exclusion Through OS
  • Semaphores
  • Message passing

  • Major advance incorporated into many modern
    operating systems (Unix, OS/2)
  • A semaphore is
  • a non-negative integer
  • that has two indivisible, valid operations

Semaphore Operations
  • Wait(s)
  • If s gt 0 then s s - 1
  • else block this process
  • Signal(s)
  • If there is a blocked process on this semaphore
    then wake it up
  • else s s 1

More on Semaphores
  • The other valid operation is initialisation
  • Two types of semaphores
  • binary semaphores can only be 0 or 1
  • counting semaphores can be any non-negative
  • Semaphores are an OS service implemented using
    one of the methods shown already
  • usually by disabling interrupts for a very short

Producer - Consumer Problem Solution by
Produce Wait(mutex) Put in buffer Signal(mutex)
Wait(mutex) Get from buffer Signal(mutex) Consume
  • Initially semaphore mutex is 1

Another Example
  • Three processes all share a resource on which
  • one draws an A
  • one draws a B
  • one draws a C
  • Implement a form of synchronization so that the
    output appears ABC

  • Semaphore b 0, c 0

Dining Philosophers
Figure is from Modern OS by Tanenbaum
  • 5 seating places, 5 plates of spagetti and 5
  • A philosophers life cycle
  • Repeat think eat forever
  • Eating can only be done with 2 forks
  • Devise a ritual (protocol) that will allow the
    philosophers to eat. The protocol should satisfy
    mutual exclusion (no two philosophers try to use
    the same fork simultaneously) , free from
    deadlock and absense of starvation

Dining Philosophers Solution First Attempt
  • Program diningphilosophers
  • Var i integer
  • fork array0..4 of semaphore
  • Procedure philosopher (i integer)
  • Begin
  • repeat
  • think
  • wait(forki) ( get left fork )
  • wait(fork(i1) mod 5 ( get right fork )
  • eat
  • signal(forki) ( return left fork )
  • signal(fork(i1) mod 5 ( return right fork
  • until false
  • End
  • Begin ( main )
  • for i 0 to 4 do forki 1 ( initially all
    forks are available )
  • cobegin
  • philosopher(0) philosopher(1) philosopher(2)
    philosopher(3) philosopher(4)

Comments on First Attempt
  • Mutual exclusion is implemented by a binary
    semaphore fork
  • Deadlock is possible if all 5 philosophers take
    the left forks simultaneously then all would wait
    for the right fork
  • How to handle the deadlock and ensure liveliness?
  • Let at the most 4 philosophers to sit and eat.
  • Two of them can eat, one holds a fork and the
    other just sits
  • One philosopher can eat and the other 3 can hold
    their left forks

Correct Solution
  • Program diningphilosophers
  • Var fork array0..4 of semaphore
  • i integer
  • table semaphore ( seating limit )
  • Procedure philosopher (i integer)
  • Begin
  • repeat
  • think
  • wait(table)
  • wait(forki) ( get left fork )
  • wait(fork(i1) mod 5 ( get right fork )
  • eat
  • signal(forki) ( return left fork )
  • signal(fork(i1) mod 5 ( return right fork
  • signal(table)
  • until false
  • End
  • Begin ( main )
  • for i 0 to 4 do forki 1 table 4

Message Passing
  • Provides synchronization and information exchange
  • Message Operations
  • send(destination, message)
  • receive (source, message)

Producer - Consumer Problem Using Messages
  • define N 100 /number of message slots/
  • producer( )
  • int item message m
  • while (TRUE)
  • produce_item(item)
  • receive(consumer,m)
  • build_message(m, item)
  • send(consumer,m)

  • Consumer( )
  • int item message m
  • for (i0 iltN i) send(producer,m)
  • while (TRUE)
  • receive(producer,m)
  • extract_item(m,item)
  • send(producer,m)
  • consume_item(item)
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