Title: InterProcess Communication IPC
1Chapter 4
- Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
2On The Same Machine
- Semaphors
- Mutexes
- Monitors
3Message Passing
- Carry explicit information
- Compared to semaphores, etc.
- Can be used for synchronization
4 IPC Primitives
- Send/receive
- Send/receive can be blocking or non-blocking
- Communication can be synchronous or asynchronous
- Communication can also be transient or persistent
- Sockets (Java and Unix)
5 IPC Primitives (Cont.)
- Send ( destination, msg )
- Receive ( source, buf )
- destination and source can be process id, port
(with single receiver), or mailbox (multiple
receivers) - Blocking vs. non-blocking
- Non-blocking returns after minimal delay only
local operation is involved - Blocking receive blocks until message available
- Blocking send different definitions
6Communication System
7Send A Message
- In non-blocking send/receive, interrupt can be
used to inform calling process when operation is
complete (e.g., Unix SIGIO) - Non-blocking receive can simulate blocking
receive (busy wait), but not vice versa (unless
extra thread is used) - Non-blocking receive is not very useful (you
cannot proceed without message)
- Blocking
- Advantages Ease of use and low overhead of
implementation - Disadvantage low concurrency
- Non-blocking
- Advantages Flexibility, parallel operations
- Disadvantages Programming tricky Program is
timing-dependent (interrupt can occur at
arbitrary time, and execution irreproducible) - Using blocking version with multi threads
10Multi-thread for Blocking
Some threads are blocked while others continue to
be active.
- Many OSs support both blocking and non-blocking
versions of send/receive - With blocking version, timeout option is often
available - Blocking send may also block on full buffer (no
more space in send buffer)
12Implementation Consideration
- Time-out is especially important for
inter-machine communication, due to possible
failure of communication or remote machine - Copying to local kernel takes time, but
facilitates buffer reuse by sender - If destination is on same machine,
send-by-reference, is most efficient if memory
can be shared, but access must be controlled
after send - Copy-on-write
- Synchronous communication if sender blocks until
some response returns from destination. - Asynchronous not synchronous
- The client is not assumed to wait for the server
after issuing request - It may continue processing before reply arrives
- often handled using message passing
- Transient Both sender and receiver must be up
and running - Persistent Sender and receiver need not be
running at same time
14Persistent Communication
- Message stored by communication system as long as
it takes to deliver - Sending application does not need to keep
executing after sending - Receiving applications does not have to be
executing when message sent - Needed when
- systems are large
- not all parts continually connected
- Handle network failure
- mobility
15Transient Communication
- Message stored only as long as both sending and
receiving application are executing - Can have various transient synchronous
16Persistent Communication
A stopped running.
A sends message and continues.
A sends message and waits until accepted.
A stopped running.
Message is stored at Bs location for later
B is not running
B starts and receives message.
B is not running
B starts and receives message.
(a) Persistent asynchronous communication
(b) Persistent synchronous communication
17Transient Communication (1)
A sends message and continues.
A sends message and waits until received.
Message can be sent only if B is running.
Request is received.
B receives message.
B is running but doing something else.
B processes request.
(c)Asynchronous communication
(d) Receipt-based synchronous communication
18Transient Communication (2)
A sends request and waits until accepted.
A sends request and waits for reply.
Request is received.
Request is received.
B is running but doing something else.
B is running but doing something else.
Process request
Process request
(f) Response-based synchronous communication
(e) Delivery-based synchronous communication
19Example E-Mail
- User message sent to local mail server
- Stored in temporary buffer
- Subsequently sent to target mail server
- Placed in mail box for recipient to read
- How about RPC?
- Actually delivery-based transient synchronous
20Ways of Communication
- Shared memory
- Copy-on-write
- Pipe
- Socket
- Message passing
- A lazy approach
- Widely used
- In UNIX fork() call
- Another example
- String s1Hello
- String s4s3s2s1
Region size
Simple copy
Amount of data copied (on writing)
0 kilobytes
8 kilobytes
256 kilobytes
(0 pages)
(1 page)
(32 pages)
8 kilobytes
256 kilobytes
Note all times are in milliseconds.
- Good for large region
- Good for small amount of update
- Less effects on system performance
- Pipe
- Between two related processes
- Processes with the same ancestor
- FIFO of bounded length (normally 4KB)
- No message boundaries
- Heavily used in shell commands
- E.g. ls -l grep d
- Named pipe
- Almost like file name and permissions (but
created by mknod) - Can be accessed by unrelated processes
- Persistent
24Pipe Code Snippet
if(pipe(p) -1) perror("pipe call error")
exit(1) switch(pid fork()) case -1
perror("error fork call") exit(2) case 0 /
if child then write down pipe / close(p0)
/ first close the read end of the pipe /
write(p1, msg1, MSGSIZE) write(p1,
msg2, MSGSIZE) close(p1) break
default / parent reads pipe /
close(p1) / first close the write end of
the pipe / for(j0 jlt2 j) read(p0,
inbuf, MSGSIZE) close(p0)
25Sockets And Ports
- An improvement on pipe.
- Based on client-server model
- Originated from BSD UNIX. Now available in most
modern OSs.
26Socket Types in UNIX
- Stream socket provides for the bidirectional,
reliable, sequenced, and unduplicated flow of
data without record boundaries. - Very similar to pipe
- Datagram socket supports bidirectional flow of
data which is not promised to be sequenced,
reliable, or unduplicated - Preserve record boundaries.
- Reliability guaranteed by high-level apps.
- Most widely used
27Socket Types (Cont.)
- A raw socket provides users access to the
underlying communication protocols which support
socket abstractions. - Not for general users
- Sequenced packet socket similar to a stream
socket, with the exception that record boundaries
are preserved. - Only for Xerox communication standard
28Socket Creation socket()
- s socket(domain, type, protocol)
- A system call
- domain AF_UNIX or AF_INET
- protocol TCP or UDP. Auto selected if 0
- Return a socket descriptor (a small integer for
later reference) - Ex s socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
29Creation Failure Reasons
- Unknown protocol
- Socket without supporting protocol
- Any more?
- Fun question
- Test the function StrtoInt(char s)
- Converting a string to an integer
30Binding Names bind()
- Socket created without an address
- Process has no way to access it.
- System call bind(s, address, len)
- s socket descriptor
- address ltlocal address, local portgt or a path
name - len the length of the address.
- Why not make socket() and bind() as one system
31Connection Establishment
- Asymmetric, involving a server and a client
- Server create?bind?listen?accept
- Client create?bind?connect
- connect(s, address, len)
- s socket descriptor
- address server address
- len the length of the address
32Connection Failure
- Timeout
- Server down or network corrupt
- Connection refused
- Server not ready yet
- Network down or server down
- Unknown host
33System Call listen()
- listen(s, max_num)
- s socket descriptor
- max_num the maximum number of outstanding
connections which may be queued awaiting
acceptance by the server process - If the queue is full, a connection will be
ignored (instead of refused). Why?
34System call accept()
- newsock accept(s, from-addr,len)
- s socket descriptor
- from-addr to store the address of the client
- Usually a pointer, could be null
- len length of from-addr
- Return a new socket. Why?
- Usually block the caller
- Cannot select the client to be accepted.
35Data Transfer
- Once a connection is established, data flow may
begin. - write(s, buf, sizeof (buf))
- send(s, buf, sizeof (buf), flags)
- read(s, buf, sizeof (buf))
- recv(s, buf, sizeof (buf), flags)
- Flags provide more features
- E.g. look at data without reading
36Discarding Sockets
- close(s)
- Sockets which promises reliable transmission will
still attempt transfer data. - Shutdown(s, how), where how is
- 0 no more receiving
- 1 no more sending
- 2 no more receiving or sending
37Input/Output Multiplexing
- A server/client could have multiple sockets?
selection issue - select(nfds, readmask, writemask, exceptmask,
timeout) - nfds number of descriptors
- readmask indicating the sockets which the caller
is interested in reading - Similar for writemask and exceptmask
38BSD UNIX Sockets
Start a thread
Wait for new connection
39Java Sockets
Start a thread
Wait for new connection
import java.net. import java.io. public class
ToDServer public static void main ( String
args ) // Create a server socket that
listens on port 5555 try ServerSocket s new
ServerSocket ( 5555 ) System.out.println (
Server is listening . ) while ( true)
// Listen for connect requests Socket
client s.accept ( ) // Create a separate
thread Connection c new Connection ( client
) c.start ( ) // service the request //
end while //end try //end main
Q how to make sure there is only one object of
class ToDServer?
public class Connection extends Thread private
Socket clientSocket public Connection (Socket
aClientSocket) clientSocket
aClientSocket public void run() try //
Here we use file IO over socket private
PrintWriter pOut new PrintWriter(clientSo
cket.getOutputStream(), true ) pOut.println(
The date and time is new java.util.Date().toStr
ing() ) clientSocket.close() //try //
end of run() // end of Connection
42Disadvantages of Sockets
- Sockets are not suitable for general programming
they do not provide alternatives for buffering
and synchronization. - Connection-oriented
- Require connectionless communication in many cases
43Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)
- Based on message passing (obviously)
- Extensive support for persistent asynchronous
communication - Have intermediate-term storage capacity for
messages - Neither sender nor receiver required to be active
during transmission - Message can be large
- Transmission time in minutes.
- The idea of a message queue is central to MOM
- A sender inserts a message in a queue
- Receivers read messages from a queue
- Or a group of receivers may read from the same
queue - Only guarantee is that a message will be inserted
in receivers queue - no guarantees about when
45Message Brokers
- Issue message format
- How to make sure the receiver understands
senders message? - One format?
- Application are too diverse.
- Act as an application level gateway
- E.g. change delimiters at the end of records
46Case Study Mach System
- Developed in CMU
- Target implement much of UNIX as user-level
processes - Microkernel
- Support multiple systems
- Multiprocessor operation
- Transparent extension to network operation
- User-level servers
- Microkernel
- Operating system emulation
- Flexible virtual memory implementation
- Map files as virtual memory regions.
- Tasks execution environment
- Protected address space, collection of
kernel-managed capabilities. - Threads
- Ports a unicast, unidirectional communication
channel with an associated message queue. - Port rights capabilities to send messages to a
port or receive messages from a port - Can be transferred
- The only way to access ports by programmers
- Capability list
- List of port numbers with associated rights.
- Messages can contain port rights in addition to
pure data.
50Tasks, Ports And Communication
51Task Thread Creation
task_create(parent_task, inherit_memory,
child_task) parent_task is the task used as a
blueprint in the creation of the new task,
inherit_memory specifies whether the child should
inherit the address space of its parent or be
assigned an empty address space, child_task is
the identifier of the new task. thread_create(pare
nt_task, child_thread) parent_task is the task in
which the new thread is to be created,
child_thread is the identifier of the new thread.
The new thread has no execution state and is
suspended. thread_set_state(thread, flavour,
new_state, count) thread is the thread to be
supplied with execution state, flavour specifies
the machine architecture, new_state specifies the
state (such as the program counter and stack
pointer), count is the size of the
state. thread_resume(thread) This is used to
resume the suspended thread identified by thread.
52Access Control
- Resources accessed through ports
- Port rights
- Send
- May possessed by any number of tasks
- Send-once allow at most one msg sent
- Receive
- At most one task may possess receive right at one
time - Acquire port rights
- At creation
- Create new ports
- Receive port rights sent in messages
53A Tasks Port Name Space
54Kernel Ports
- On creation each task and threads are given some
kernel ports, e.g., - thread_self thread can create new port by
sending msg to this port - task_notify to receive msg from kernel.
- Bootstrap provides access to Name Server,
through which task can obtain send rights to
ports of publicly available servers.
55Network Communication Server
- Implemented at user-level, one per computer
- Responsibilities
- Delivery guarantee
- Make network transparent
- Monitor the transfer of port rights
- Protect ports against illegal access
- Maintain the privacy of message
56Network Communication in Mach
57External Pagers