Title: Stem Cells The medicine of tomorrow
1Stem Cells The medicine of tomorrow?
2What are Stem Cells?
- Stem cells are the bodys founding cells, the
original building blocks of life - First few cells that form after conception (sperm
and egg) - From here, they specialise into everything that
makes up the human body (skin, blood cells,
muscle, bones, nerves etc) - After birth, stem cells remain in your body for
the rest of your life, where they maintain and
repair all your organs.
3What are Stem Cells?
4Where do Stem Cells come from?
- Embryo (ethical concerns)
- Umbilical cord (no ethical concerns)
- Controversy surrounding stem cells- involves
embryonic stem cell harvesting and potential
destruction of human life. - Netcells does NOT engage of in any form of
embryonic stem cell research.
5What can they be used for?
- Current medical uses
- To date more than 80 diseases can be treated
with stem cells, most notably blood cancers,
lymphoma, genetic and metabolic disorders. - Future medical potential
- Future applications include Parkinsons,
Alzheimers, stroke, heart diseases, diabetes etc.
These are still in clinical trial however! - Match with siblings (1 in 4)and parents (1in 8)
6Match with siblings
7Match with parents
8How do we process it?
- Collection takes 5 to 10 minutes, no risk to
mother and baby - (Demonstration of blood collection bag)
- Receipt at laboratory (medical courier and bar
coded) - Flow Cytometry testing
- Stem cells extracted (SEPAX machine and no human
handling in processing) - Stem cells stored at -196 C
- Retrieved if needed, and sent anywhere in the
world, at no additional cost.
9Why is it a good idea to store stem cells?
- Siblings with diseases treatable with stem cells
- Family history of certain diseases
- People of African descent and mixed race
marriages - Form of medical insurance- chances of needing
stem cell therapy
10What to look for in a stem cell bank
- Reputable company
- Personalised Service
- FACT Accreditation
- Flow cytometry testing
- Storage in bags
11What is the cost?
- You can store your babys stem cells from as
little as R360 pm over 60 months. - R12 500 total cost, R500 settlement discount
- We offer an interest free payment plan over six
months, other options also available - Our payment plans also include R200 000 that pays
out immediately, should your child be diagnosed
with one of more than 40 diseases, including
accidental HIV.
12Contact details
- www.netcells.co.za
- Dr Yvonne Holt (Medical Director)
- (082) 5691888
- Kim Hulett (Managing Director)
- (082) 776 1688