Title: Second Workshop on
1Second Workshop on Forging Partnerships in
Statistical Training in Asia and Pacific 23-24
November, 2004, Bangkok, Thailand COUNTRY
2Indian Statistical System
- The Indian Statistical System manages, produces
and disseminates official statistics in the
country through a 2-tier structure. It functions
within the overall federal and democratic system
of Government administrative set up of the
country. - The Constitution of India vests legislative and
administrative powers and functions between the
Central Government and the State Governments. The
responsibility is divided on the basis of a
three-fold classification viz. Union List, State
List and Concurrent List.
3- The authority and responsibility for the
collection, compilation and
dissemination of statistics relating to
particular subject is determined by the overall
responsibility for the subject under the
Constitution. - The Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation (MOSPI) is the nodal Statistical
Ministry in the country.
4- The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) under
MOSPI is vested with the function of coordination
of all statistical activities at the all-India
level. - The State Directorates of Economics and
Statistics (DES) are empowered with the
responsibility of coordination of statistical
activities at the State level and maintains
liaison with the CSO.
5Statistical Legislation
- Statistical legislation provides the support and
backing for eliciting information from the
respondents in the data collection programmes. - Important among them are
- - The Census Act, 1948 and
- - The Collection of Statistics Act 1953
6Functions of MOSPI
- The MOSPI plays a key role as the apex body in
the official statistical system in the country
and - acts as the nodal agency for planned
development of the statistical system in the
country - coordinates statistical works with a view to
identifying gaps in data availability for both
Central and State Governments and suggests
remedial measures
7- iii) maintains liaison with international
organisations like UNSD, ESCAP, UNSIAP, IMF,ADB,
FAO, ILO, etc interchanges of statistical
intelligence and development of capabilities for
improving statistical system and serves as the
clearing house for statistical matters - iv) lays norms and standards in the field of
statistics - v) advises the Central and State Government
agencies on statistical methodologies and
8- vi) prepares and publishes annual estimates of
national accounts and related aggregates. - (vii) compiles and releases the Index of
Industrial Production - viii) conducts Annual Survey of Industries,
periodic all India Economic Census, and follow up
enterprise surveys - ix) conducts large scale all India sample surveys
for creating data base to help in proper economic
and developmental planning
9- x) disseminates data and analysis through
periodic and regular publications and web site
(http//www.mospi.nic.in) - xi) supports NGOs and research institutes
including Indian Statistical Institute(ISI)
through grants and - xii) promotes international understanding in
statistics through Mahalanobis Award for best
international statistical professional.
10Indian Statistical Service (ISS)
- In order to create a core group of trained
statistical personnel, Indian Statistical Service
(ISS) was constituted to cater to the needs of
Central Ministries/Departments. Most State
Governments have also constituted a cadre of
statistical/economics experts for manning
statistical units of different Departments.
Further, the Government of India has very
recently constituted a Subordinate Statistical
Service (SSS) for providing statistical support
in different Central Ministries.
11Training of Statistical Personnel
- The Training Division of CSO is responsible for
imparting need based and effective training in
official statistics and related fields for more
than 600 Indian Statistical Service and 3800
Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) officials
besides large number of State Government
officers. - The Training programmes conducted by the CSO are
aligned to the requirements of the statistical
personnel working in the country and are of the
following types.
12Training for ISS officials
- ISS Probationary Training
- A comprehensive two year training programme for
direct recruits of ISS officers has been devised
to equip them with requisite knowledge to enable
them to discharge their duties. - Successful completion of the training programme
is mandatory. - The ISS officers remain on probation till they
successfully complete all their training modules.
13 - The training programme includes various courses
on wide ranging subjects dealing with the
subjects of the ministries where they are likely
to be posted. - Training for Promotee officers of ISS
- The officials promoted to ISS from SSS have
experience of several years before they are
inducted into the ISS. - In order to enable them to discharge their added
responsibilities, an 8 weeks training programme
has been devised for these officials.
14- The training programme includes modules on
statistical methods (one week) Official
Statistics and related methodology (3 weeks)
Management Development (one week) Office
Procedures, Communication and Office
Administration (one week) and Fundamentals of
Computers (two weeks).
15- Refresher training for In-service ISS officers
- ISS Cadre has a strength of 603 officers. For
these officers, training programmes of one/two
weeks duration are conducted/organized on
important, relevant and newly emerging subjects
of interest/benefit to ISS officers. - As per the policy, an ISS officer is to undergo
refresher training for a period of at least four
weeks every two years. - The Training Division accordingly, prepares the
training calendar in advance and before the start
of the Financial year, i.e., in April.
16- Every officer is asked to choose 3 programmes in
order of preference from the training calendar. - Eligibility level of officers for whom a
particular training programme is proposed is
decided in advance. - The request for exemption is generally not
encouraged. - Specific subjects on which training programmes
are presently being conducted for ISS officers
are wide ranging.
17- Training Programmes for Non-ISS Statistical
Personnel of Central Government/State
Governments/Public Sector Undertakings - There are about 4000 statistical officials
working in various Ministries/Departments of
Central Government and about 10,000 State
statistical personnel are working in 29 States
and 6 Union Territories of our country. - To acquaint these officials with the latest
development, training programmes of two/three
weeks duration on various aspects of Official
Statistics have been designed and are being
18- Programme for M. Stat Students of Indian
Statistical Institute(ISI), Kolkata - ISI is the premier Institute of India in the
discipline of statistics with the status of a
deemed University. - A three weeks course on Official Statistics is
organized for M. Stat students of ISI. - The course is divided into 2 modules of one week
and two weeks.
19- Module 1 comprises of lecturers on (a) National
and International Statistical System, b)
Agriculture Statistics, (c) Industrial
Statistics, d) Social Statistics, (e) Price
Statistics, (f) Financial/Banking Statistics and
(g) National Accounts Statistics. - In Module 2 one of the six topics from (b) to (g)
is chosen as specialized field of training. - Successful completion of the programme is
compulsory for obtaining their M.Stat Degree.
20- Programme for International Statistical Education
Centre(ISEC), Kolkata - ISEC, Kolkata is operated jointly by the
International Statistical Institute and the
Indian Statistical Institute. - The ISEC organises a regular 10 months Diploma
course of training on Statistics for
International participants in India. - Out of this, six weeks training on Official
Statistics is organized at CSO and rest at
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
21- The six weeks course is divided into two modules
of four weeks and two weeks. In the first
module, participants are acquainted with the
basic concepts, definitions and clarifications of
all principal subjects of Official Statistics. -
- The second module of two weeks is a
specialization course in the subject opted by the
22- Training for Subordinate Statistical Service
(SSS) Officials - The Government of India has constituted
Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) by merging
3894 statistical functional posts in 40 different
Ministries. - The incumbents who have been absorbed in the
service have expertise in the field work and
activities of the Ministry where they were
posted. - Thus, every member has a different experience of
work as the nature of work in different
Ministries is different.
23- After absorption, these officials are liable to
be posted/transferred in any of the 40
participating Ministries. - To enable these officials to discharge their
duties, it has been decided to give induction
training to all the SSS officials. - A 3 weeks module comprising of Official
Statistics (2 weeks) and Field Training (one
week) has been prepared. - For new recruits, additional one week training on
computers would be provided.
24- Other training programmes
- In addition to the regular programmes, the
Training Division also organizes (one/two days)
short visit training programmes on demand for
foreign participants. - The Training Division has also organized a four
weeks International Training Course/Workshop on
Sample Design for Household and Establishment
Surveys in collaboration with UN Statistical
Institute for Asia and Pacific (UNSIAP) during
18th October, - 12th November, 2004 at Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata for participants
of Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) countries.
25Organisation of Training Programmes
- The above training programmes are conducted
either at Training Division, CSO or at other
institutes specializing in particular subjects. - For Official Statistics, the lecturers are mostly
senior ISS officers working in the concerned
fields of official statistics.
26- For other (Statistical/Economic/IT) subjects like
Sampling Theory, Time Series Forecasting, Small
Area Estimation, Macro Micro Economics,
Software Engineering, Management Techniques,
Operations Research etc. the trainees are either
sent to organisations/Institutes specialized in
these areas or lecturers are invited from such
organizations/institutes. - The outside lecturers are selected on the basis
of their expertise in the particular field. - The feedback of the participants is also taken
into account while inviting the lecturer again
for the same topic.
27Training Programmes and other related matters
- The regular training programmes have been devised
keeping in view the statistical needs of the
officials working in the Indian Statistical
System. - The MOSPI, has constituted a Training Programme
Approval Committee (TPAC) comprising senior
officers of MOSPI and is headed by the Director
General and Chief Executive Officer, NSSO, with
Additional Director General Training as the
convenor of the Committee.
28- The TPAC practically advises the Training
Division on all matters concerning training. - The Training Division every year prepares the
training calender with details on duration of
course, content, eligibility criteria for
participants (wherever required), places where
the programmes are to be conducted. - The Training calendar is circulated among all the
statistical offices/organizations of Union and
State Governments for inviting nominations. The
Training Calendar is also put up on the website
of the Ministry (http//www.mospi.nic.in)
29- All the training programmes are in English
language. - Further, the lecturers being mostly the ISS
officers are aware of the UN/ International
reference material concerning their topics. - Generally in all training programmes, adequate
emphasis is given on practical aspects and field
visits. - Also during training, there is regular attendance
checking. - The participants are graded in all the training
programmes except in the in-service refresher
courses for ISS officers.
- The training programmes organized for Non-ISS
officials by CSO are open for all Central/State
Statistical officials of the Government and
Public Sector Undertakings. - In training programmes for Non-ISS officials,
minimum academic qualifications are prescribed so
that the officials understand subject and get the
benefit of the course.
- All the training programmes conducted/organized
by the Training Division are evaluated. - For this purpose, feedback is taken from the
participants in the pre-designed format at the
start of the programme regarding their
expectations and utility of the course etc. - The views of participants on the usefulness of
other programmes organized by the training
Division are also obtained.
32- At the end of the programme, a feedback session
is held which is attended by the Training
Division faculty. - Suggestions given by the participants are
considered and actions are taken to the extent
feasible. - The feedback form is in two parts.
- Part A filled by participants at the start of
the training programme seeks information on the
following. - (1) What are your expectations from the
33- (2) How this course will be useful to you?
- (3) Training Division is conducting
training programmes on following subjects. Give
them rank from 0 to 2 based on usefulness.( 0-
course to be deleted, 1- useful, 2- Highly
useful) - 1. Statistical Systems Basic Statistics
- 2. Agriculture Statistics
- 3. Industrial , Trade Services Statistics
34- 4. Labour, Employment Price Statistics.
- 5. Social Statistics including Population
Statistics - 6. National Accounts Statistics National
Resource Accounting. - 7. Sample Surveys and Organisation of Large
scale Sample Surveys. - 8. Computer level I-Foundation course on
Information Technology including Data Analysis
Presentation Skills. - 9. Computer level II-Electronic data processing.
- 10. Computer level III-Advanced IT Technology on
Networking RDBMS.
35- Part B seeks information at the end of the
training Programme on the following - ( 1) Have your expectations from the course
fulfilled - (a) Fully (b) Partially (c) Not at all
- (2) Give points from 0 to 4
- - Course Content - Course Material
- - Course Duration - Course Design
- - Faculty - Training
facilities - (3) Give your suggestions for the useful
topics that may be included in the future
training calendar
36Important Challenges
- The Government of India had set up a National
Statistical Commission (NSC) in January, 2000,to
critically examine the deficiencies in the
statistical system with a view to recommending
measures for systematic revamping of the system.
The NSC in its report (August 2001) has made
several recommendations on training aspects.
Important among them are - - (i) Setting up of a suitable Central Training
Facility (CTF) for ISS and senior statistical
officers of the states, equipped with all
facilities of training, stay, library etc.
37- ii) Immediate need for training of trainers so
that when availability of qualified
trainers is assured, the CTF could be transformed
into a Training Academy. - iii) Making mandatory for each ISS officer to
undergo refresher training for a period of at
least 4 weeks in every two years. - iv) Organising refresher training in
specified areas. - v) Announcing Training Calendar in advance.
- vi) Reorganisation of contents of Non-ISS courses
into smaller modules and offer them on a large
scale to supporting statistical personnel. -
38- vii) Linking of training and deployment.
- The recommendations at (iii) to (vi) above have
been implemented. Further, the Government of
India has also decided to set up CTF. The
construction of STF has started. The project is
expected to be completed by March, 2007. - Efforts are also being made to implement other
recommendations of the NSC. - The implementation of other recommendations
remains a major challenge for the MOSPI. It is
in this endevour, we look forward for forging
partnerships in statistical training in Asia and
the Pacific region.
39 Expectations from the regional network of
statistical training organizations
- we look forward for the following from forging
partnerships in statistical training in Asia and
the Pacific - (i) to exchange views and experiences on
future strategies for more coordinated systems of
training in official statistics - (ii) to identify feasible interactive and
participatory mechanism among the organizations
involved in statistical training not only in the
Asia and Pacific region but also with other UN /
international training organizations.
40- More specifically possibility of trainers
training, exchange of experts and sabbatical
programmes are required to be considered - (iii) to ensure a mechanism where by standard of
statistical training is upgraded to meet the
needs of the countries in the region - (iv) to work out set of quality guidelines for
assessing training courses and materials, in
preparation for the accreditation and
certification and - (v) to evolve a system wherein specific needs of
a particular country/countries in the matters of
training could be directly addressed to.