Title: Mark Tamas
1 GVMHA House and Rep Programs
- There has been significant efforts made to
improve Vernon minor hockey this season including
a new website, mandating team size, Super League
sponsorship and program development commitment.
3Why are we here?
- We want a healthy association that supports rep
programs and house programs with equal emphasis
and communication. - We expect equal value for Rep and House programs.
- Follow up to our Nov 2006 Executive presentation.
4Areas requiring attention
- Issues/perceptions around House vs. Rep.
- Ice time and program philosophies of House
program/Rep program. - Open Communication of issues and results to
5Bernie Pimms Year-end report 2005/2006 Greater
Vernon Minor Hockey
There is a vacuum of necessary adjustments
needed in the overall delivery of our House
program. First and foremost, more full ice and
preferred ice times and (sic) being called for by
many coaches running the house programs. A
stronger sense of continuity with our coaching
and the skills that they emphasize is needed as
well To this end, a more productive and
structured mode of coach mentorship is needed.
Ending mixed aged practices, encourage mixed team
full ice practices and getting coach development
opportunities for the house level is crucial for
this programs successful delivery.
- Focus of the association appears to be with the
Rep program - Ice Time allocations for house hockey teams are
usually shared ice, even at the midget and bantam
levels. - Ice scheduling for house is focused heavily to
poorer times and earlier in the week - Director of Hockey appears focused on Rep
Program. - House teams, coaches and parents are not as
committed. - House teams sponsor the rep teams
7Ice Time Solutions
- Open explanation of Ice Costs
- Ice time schedule to be revised to show shared
house for rep evening practice. ie senior atom
to share evening ice, Pee Wee teams rep teams to
alternate sharing, Bantams to share every two
weeks this would free up more ice for house
teams and at better times. - Shared Ice time to be on the larger ice surfaces
( Multiplex or PV) Full ice practices to be
focused at the Civic. Bantam and Midget house
teams, at a minimum, to have one full ice
practice every 2nd week at earlier times
8Coaching Solutions
- Director of Hockey Operations time to be directed
based on the proportion of house to rep
registration and include the older age groups. - Break down the barriers between house and rep by
having coaches met on an age specific basis i.e.
Bantam and Midget coaches meetings vs Stream
specific meetings ( Rep vs House). - Develop a coaching program for house that
includes drills and expectations with regular
monitoring on ice and working at practices. - Access to power skating assistance and skills
assistance for all age groups. See North
Okanagan model or provide power skating
instructors for house on a monthly basis.
- Develop and Openly explain Minor Hockey
philosophy towards the House program Rep
program. - Open explanation of Registration Costs. House and
Rep programs should be self funding. - Revenue programs to be shared with all teams i.e.
Travel Assistance - We support the proposal to develop a house/rep
parent committee.