Title: One to One Initiatives
1One to One Initiatives
- Understanding Costs Measuring Value
Keith Krueger CoSN CEO Irving, TX November 11,
2About CoSN
- Founded in 1992, the Consortium for School
Networking (CoSN), a national nonprofit
organization, is the premier voice in education
technology leadership. - Mission
- To serve as the national organization for K-12
technology leaders who use technology
strategically to improve learning - Members
- Key technology leaders/CTOs in school districts,
as well as states and intermediate service units,
and companies.
3Todays Talk
- Update from Washington on key Policies/Funding
for ed tech - Why is TCO important for one-to-one initiatives
and how do you do it? - Can we move beyond cost to measuring value?
- Funding of education technology on NCLB (Title
IID, Enhancing Education Through Technology or
EETT) is at risk this week. - Congress is in conference committee and will
decide the fate THIS COMING WEEK. - Tell your Member of Congress to fund the program
at 496 million. - www.edtechactionnetwork.org
- Also under scrutiny in Washington. Likely that
Congress will reopen the Telecommunications Act
in coming months. - Congress seems likely to keep the program, but
are considering very troubling changes. - CoSN ISTE are working jointly to educate
Congress and Erate administration. - Again, we need your voice.
- www.edtechactionnetwork.org
6National Education Technology Plan
- Released last January with seven points
- 1) Strengthen Leadership
- 2) Consider Innovative Budgeting
- 3) Improve Teacher Training
- 4) Support E-Learning and Virtual Schools
- 5) Encourage Broadband Access
- 6) Move Toward Digital Content
- 7) Integrate Data Systems
- www.nationaledtechplan.org
7National Perspective
- 1) Playing a defensive game defending existing
programs (EETT Erate) -- Dont expect new
federal support, and unless we weigh in, could
lose what we have. - 2) One-to-one will not be driven at national
level. To date this trend has been driven
largely by policymakers at state level, and
innovative leaders at the district level.
8In other words.
- The ball is in your court.
- Innovation will be driven at the state and local
level, not from Washington.
9Therefore, you will need to ready
- As educational leaders promoting a new vision of
ubiquitous computing/one-to-one, you will have to
arm yourself. - Policymakers (school boards and legislators), as
well as the public and media, will demand that
spending on one-to-one initiatives is well
planned for and accounts for the FULL cost of the
10CoSN is ready to help
- Our work on Taking Total Cost of Ownership to
the Classroom should be a first stop if you are
considering a one-to-one initiative. Site
includes - CoSN-Gartner Tool, Data definitions and case
studies - White papers and presentations
- Additional tools and resources
- http//classroomtco.cosn.org
- Tech Support k12tco_at_alyrica.net
11What Is TCO?
- All of the costs associated with deploying,
operating and maintaining a computer network - Analysis tool used by businesses since the
late-1980s - A method of understanding real costs to make good
decisions on technology investments
12Concept of TCO Is Nothing New
- If you buy a bus, you must also budget for
- Gasoline
- Maintenance
- Repairs
- Increased Insurance Premiums
- Another Driver
- If you build a network or purchase computers, you
must also budget for - Software
- Maintenance Repairs
- Implementation
- Support
- Staff Development
- Replacement Costs
13The CoSN-Gartner TCO Assessment Tool
- Simplified version of Gartner biz model adapted
for K-12 - Free web-based tool with documentation and 8 case
studies - Defines data required for valid TCO assessment
- Provides calculations and some analysis
- Allows school leaders to input information
14Why Monitor TCO?
- Evaluate technology initiatives
- Provide management oversight
- Document direct and indirect costs
- Measure and improve technology initiatives
- Plan effectively for technology implementation
- Articulate the business case for technology
investments - Reassure constituents that dollars are being used
15Why Calculate TCO for 1-to-1
- Costs are more than hardware and software more
than hardware, software and network upgrades
more than hardware, software, network upgrades
and implementation more than hardware, software,
network upgrades, implementation and user/staff
training. - Understanding value of 1-to-1 student computing
requires a complete understanding of both costs
and benefits - Thus need to know all of the costs of
implementation and ongoing support of the
one-to-one environment through the lifecycle and
future replacement
16How to Calculate TCO and Value
- How to best understand TCO for 1-to-1
- Do baseline district TCO analysis
- Estimate implementation/ongoing costs for planned
1-to-1 environment - Set goals and expected benefits
- Implementation of 1-to-1 project
- Perform TCO analysis of 1-to-1 following
implementation - Determine success of projected benefits
- CoSN plans case studies of diversified
district/school 1-to-1 projects - tablet, handheld, MAC laptop and PC laptop
- Initial case study results to be available at the
CoSN K-12 School Networking Conference in March
17Measuring Value of Investment
Cost is only one input to the technology project
decision process
Source Gartner Research
18Measuring VOI for One-to-One
- Need to measure value of investment
- Competing for funds where are best spent?
- Political project need to express specific
benefits (goals) - Garners support
- Means of going back to measure success
19Sample Value VOI Chart for 1-to-1
Relative value (benefits minus cost) is based on
district mission, or overall priorities
How does this compare to other proposed projects?
20Dont Evaluate TCO/VOI in a Vacuum
Success should ultimately be measured by
whether those educational goals have been met
- Schools need to understand their educational
goals and how technology will support their goals
something a TCO analysis and Value of
Investment (VOI) project analysis helps to
The business of schools is education
21Working with existing 1-to-1 efforts
- CoSN will be hosting major state and district
1-to-1 projects and trying to create a community
of practice, as well as identifying best
practices for the next generation of
districts/states undertaking 1-to-1 efforts.
22CoSN 2005 Annual Conference
- Theme is Value of Technology
- Major focus on 1-to-1
- Keynote session on Is 1-to-1 Our Vision
- Plus, breakout track on this topic
- -Research around 1-to-1
- -Where are we going with 1-to-1?
- -Lessons Learned
- March 6-7, 2005
- Crystal City, VA
- www.k12schoolnetworking.org
23Thank you CoSN TCO Project Sponsors!!
24Contact Information
- Keith R. Krueger
- Consortium for School Networking
- keith_at_cosn.org www.cosn.org