Title: Is the Local Fluff Typical
1Is the Local Fluff Typical ?
John M. Dickey University of Minnesota
COSPAR 17 October 2002
2The Local Fluff is now called the Complex of
Local Interstellar Clouds.
It has... Temperature T 7000
K density (neutrals) nH 0.25 cm-3
(electrons) ne 0.1 cm-3 velocity vsun
25 km s-1
And... it only extends 2 to 4 pc from the sun !
Slavin and Frisch, 2002, Ap. J. 565, 364 and
references therein.
3Where does this fit among the phases of the
interstellar medium ?
Molecular clouds
Log HI Column Density
The Local Fluff is WNM (Warm Neutral Medium).
Diffuse clouds
1 2 3
Log Temperature (K)
4 5 pc
100 pc ?
5A nearby interstellar shell similar to the local
bubble from the SGPS (Southern Galactic Plane
Dickey 2001, ASP Conf. Ser. 231, p. 318.
6The Southern Galactic Plane Survey
- Project Team
- Naomi McClure-Griffiths
- John Dickey
- University of Minnesota
- Bryan Gaensler
- Harvard University
- Anne Green
- Sydney University
A survey of l21-cm line and continuum emission
7The Australia Telescope
Compact Array
The Parkes Telescope
8Combining data from the single dish and the
Vela supernova remnant with nearby HII region
Compact Array
Combined data
10Combined HI Cube
11Atomic hydrogen data cube
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The International Galactic Plane Survey
ATNF Compact Array
ATNF Parkes
14Figure courtesy CGPS consortium
15The Multiwavelength Milky Way
Optical (6520 Å)
Infrared (12, 60, 100 ?m)
HI (21 cm)
- HI is much more extended than optical
- Warped, flared, scale height changes
- HI is largely transparent so its a brilliant way
to study all of the Galaxy, not just the nearest
Stars obscured by dust
16A Galactic chimney from the Canadian Galactic
Plane Survey (CGPS) Normandeau et al. 1997, Ap.
J. Supp, 108, 279.
17McClure-Griffiths et al. 2002 in prep.
McClure-Griffiths, et al. 2000 A.J. 119,
2828. Parkes plus ATCA 1000 field mosaic.
An HI bubble that blows out of the disk into the
halo above and below.
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23A less dramatic, more typical area, the SGPS
test region...
24SGPS test region Radio Continuum
Extragalactic sources
H II regions
Stokes I total power
Gaensler et al., 2001, Ap. J. 549, 959.
25SGPS test region Radio Continuum
Point sources
Gaensler et al., 2001, Ap. J. 549, 959.
26SGPS test region Radio Continuum
Diffuse emission
Gaensler et al., 2001, Ap. J. 549, 959.
27SGPS test region Radio continuum
Gaensler et al., 2001, Ap. J. 549, 959.
28SGPS test region Spectral Line Cube
29Large structures like shells and chimneys stand
out, but most of the interstellar medium
has structure in density and velocity that is
stochastic (turbulent).
30In the ionized gas (the WIM) we see a turbulence
spectrum over many orders of magnitude in scale
Figure from Armstrong, Rickett, and Spangler
1995, Ap. J. 443, 209.
31In the neutral gas we also see a power law
distribution of column densities.
Figure from Dickey et al., 2001, Ap.J. 561, 264.
32The power law slope changes with velocity
See also Lazarian and Pogosian, 2000, Ap. J. 537,
720, and Lazarian and Stanimirovic, 2001 Ap. J.
551, 53.
33The slope change shows that this is a dynamical
process, i.e. turbulence, not just a
statistical distribution of density irregularities
Figure from Dickey et al., 2001, Ap.J. 561, 264.
34Tiny scale structure in the neutral ISM
4 AU
Figure from Faison et al. 1998, A.J. 116, 2916.
35Deshpande, 2000, MNRAS 543, 227.
36Deshpande, 2000, MNRAS 543, 227.
37peak variations
typical variations
The heliosphere moves through the local WNM at 25
km/s 5 AU/year. How much variation can we
expect to see in a few years ?
38What can we expect to see in the Local
Interstellar Cloud ?
- density fluctuations
- velocity fluctuations
- - magnitude
- - direction
- temperature changes ?
- ionization fraction changes ?
- magnetic field changes ???
39We might also see a linear variation of velocity
with time, if we move from the LIC (local
interstellar cloud) to the BC (blueshifted cloud).
40Conclusions Studying the properties of the
local interstellar clouds is very useful for
understanding the physical conditions in the
WNM. We may hope to see variations in the
velocity and density that will show us how
interstellar turbulence works !