Title: POL 201: Intro' To American Politics
1POL 201 Intro. To American Politics
2Last Time Course Introduction
- Get a copy of the syllabus and get up to speed if
you missed last week - See/Email me if you have any questions, etc
3Lecture 2 Democracy and American Politics
- What is government, and why do we have it?
- What types of governments exist?
- What is democracy?
- How Democracy Works in the US
4Why Government?
- Government creates and enforces rules that
protect life and property - As a society becomes larger and more complex,
the need for government increases
5Government By One Person
- How?
- past heredity or religious appointment (kings,
pharaohs, tsars, etc.) - today military dictatorships
- Problem relies on the benevolence of one person
6Government By A Few People
- How?
- past aristocracy (birth/social standing)
- today oligarchy (e.g., Communist Party)
- Problem relies on the benevolence of a small
group of people
7Government By the Many
- Democracy government power is shared by all
(rule by the people) - demos the people
- kratein to rule
8Direct Democracy
9Representative Democracy
10Elections in the U.S.
- Lots of elected officials
- 500,000 (1 for every 500 people)
- Lots of elections
- federal, state, local, and other (e.g., school
boards) - direct propositions (e.g., initiatives,
113 Essential Components of Representative Democracy
- How do we decide if a representative system is
democratic? - popular sovereignty
- political equality
- political liberty
12Popular Sovereignty
- Active and enlightened citizen participation
- Free and fair elections
- Responsive government
13Political Liberty
- Thou Shall Nots for government
- example the government cant restrict free
speech (1st Amendment)
14Political Equality
- All citizens need an equal say over what
government does - Everyone needs to be treated the same by
government - equal protection (14th Amendment)
15Liberty and Equality
- Liberty what the government can and cant do
- Equality the law needs to be applied to everyone
in the same way
16Voter Turnout in US Elections
17Many Americans are Uninterested and Uninformed
- Q how often do you follow what going on in
government - 32 say only now and then or hardly at all
- Q How may days in the past week did you read a
daily newspaper? - 31 say none
- (Source 2004 NES)
18The Permanent Campaign
- The line between campaigning and governance has
blurred over time - So what?
- short-sighted policymaking
- adversarial process
- increased costs of campaigns
19Total Cost of US Elections
20The Schoolhouse Rock Diagram of American
21Trust in US Government
22Majority Rule Can Threaten Liberty Equality
- Tyranny of the Majority when a majority
overrules a minority - past internment of Japanese citizens during WWII
- present race profiling by law enforcement
23Summary Is the U.S. Democratic?
- Yes, but
- threats to sovereignty low levels of citizen
participation, uniformed citizens, unresponsive
government, etc - threats to liberty and equality majority rule
sometimes takes away liberty (tyranny of the
24Is the U.S. System Really That Bad?
- democracy is the worst form of government
except all those other forms that have been
tried. - Winston Churchill
25POL 201 Intro. To American Politics