Title: CEA Technologies Inc'
1(No Transcript)
2What is CEATI?
A user driven technology solutions and
development program to
- Identify and address technical issues
- Share and gain expertise
- Co-sponsor research and development projects
3CEATI Benefits/Value
Industry Experience - Technical Resource
Tool Cost Leveraging Practical
Application Flexibility of participation
4Participation Interest Group Representatives
- Hydraulic Plant Life Interest Group
- Dam Safety Interest Group
- Water Management Interest Group
- Strategic Options for Sustainable Power
Generation -
5CEATI Hydro Participation North America
- FERC Licensees
- Allegheny Energy Supply
- Ameren UE
- American Electric Power
- Brookfield Power Corporation
- Chelan County Public Utility District
- City of Seattle
- Douglas County PUD
- Duke Energy
- Eugene Water and Electric Board
- Grant County Public Utility District
- Hetch Hetchy Water Power
- New York Power Authority
- Portland General Electric
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District
- Seattle City Light
- Southern Company
- Tacoma Power
- TransAlta Energy Corporation
- US Government
- Bonneville Power Administration
- California Department of Water Resources
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- Canada
- ALCAN Inc.
- BC Hydro Generation
- Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation
- FortisBC Inc.
- Hydro-Quebec
- Manitoba Hydro
- Natural Resources Canada
- New Brunswick Power Generation Corporation
- Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
- Ontario Power Generation
- SaskPower
6CEATI Hydro Participation Worldwide
- Europe
- E.ON Wasserkraft GmbH
- Electricite de France (EDF)
- ESB (Electricity Supply Board)
- Fortum Generation AB
- Scottish and Southern Energy
- Vattenfall AB
- Australia/New Zealand
- Hydro Tasmania
- Mighty River Power
- Meridian Energy
- Snowy Hydro Limited
7Hydraulic Plant Life Interest Group (HPLIG)
- HPLIG assists hydroelectric utilities to
- Lower costs
- Extend equipment life
- Improve efficiency
- Increase reliability, etc.
8Water Management Interest Group (WMIG)
- Watershed Management
- Hydro-Meteorology
- Operational Optimization Modeling
- Operations/Risk/Safety/Ice/Climate
9Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- DSIG major completed research, includes
- Risk Assessment Methods
- Seepage and Erosion
10Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- Risk Analysis Research
- A seven year research project that resulted in
the book Risk and Uncertainty in Dam Safety,
published by Thomas Telford 2004, ISBN 0727732706 - Part I - Guiding Principles
- Part II - Commentary on Risk Analysis
- Part III - Theoretical Considerations
11Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- Seepage and Internal Erosion
- Developed 3 engineering tools to detect seepage
and erosion - Water temperature
- Streaming potential
- Resistivity measurement
12Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- Seepage and Internal Erosion
- This project resulted in 8 reports, including
- A parameter Study for Internal Erosion Monitoring
- Self Potential Field Data Acquisition Manual
- Laboratory Testing of the Streaming Potential
Phenomenon in Soils - SP Interpretation Manual
- Resistivity Interpretation Manual
- Long-Term Resistivity and Self Potential
Monitoring of Embankment Dams Experiences from
Hallby and Sadva Dams, Sweden - Engineering Seismic Surveys at a Test Embankment
Near Seven Sisters, Manitoba - A Study of Through-Dam Seismic Testing at WAC
Bennett Dam - In addition, two software packages were
developed, SP3D and DamTemp
13Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- Major Projects in Progress
- Erosion and Breaching
- Non-Destructive Anchor Testing
- Debris Management during Floods
- Impact of Organization Technology on
Performance (PTO) - Multi-Fractal Estimates of Flood Frequency
- Reliability of Discharge Facilities
14Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- Erosion and Breaching
- Phase I - Assemble Data
- Dam erosion failures
- Lab tests
- Assemble and evaluate mathematical formulations
and numerical - models of erosion
- Phase II - Develop Predictive Model
- Evaluate and select numerical erosion model
- Incorporate into HEC-RAS flow model
- Develop commercial erodibility test
15Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- Non-Destructive Anchor Tests
- Uses Spectral Time Domain Reflectometry
- New instrument developed
- Could detect cuts in 1 of 5 strands of a 200
long anchor - Instrument needs lower frequency/longer
16Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG)
- DSIG Workshop Deliverables
- The DSIG would like to
- Get ideas on future research projects
- Identify potential cooperative projects
- Avoid research duplication
- Exchange research results
- Gary Salmon
- DSIG Technology Advisor
- (604) 922-8235 gmsalmon_at_allstream.net
- Gus Tjoumas
- DSIG Technology Advisor
- (410) 715-1170 gus.tjoumas_at_ceatech.ca
- Chris Hayes
- Manager, Program Development
- CEA Technologies Inc. (CEATI)
- (514) 866-5370 chris_at_ceatech.ca