Title: 15-04-0011-00-004a
1Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless
Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title
response Date Submitted January 4th,
2005 Source Ian Oppermann (1), Mark Jamtgaard
(2), Laurent Ouvry (3), Philippe Rouzet (4),
Andreas F. Molisch(5), Philip Orlik(5), Zafer
Sahinoglu (5), Rick Roberts (6), Vern Brethour
(7), Adrian Jennings (7) Companies (1)
CWC-University of Oulu, Tutkijantie 2 E, 90570
Oulu, FINLAND (2) Æther Wire Location, Inc.,
520 E. Weddell Drive, Suite 5, Sunnyvale, CA
94089, USA (3) CEA-LETI, 17 rue des Martyrs
38054, Grenoble Cedex, FRANCE (4)
STMicroelectronics, CH-1228, Geneva,
Plan-les-Ouates, SWITZERLAND (5) MERL, 201
Broadway, Boston, USA (6) Harris, (7)Time
Domain, Hansville, Alabama Voice (1) 358
407 076 344, (2) 408 400 0785 (3) 33 4 38 78 93
88, (4) 41 22 929 58 66 (5) 1 617 621
7500 E-Mail (1) ian_at_ee.oulu.fi, (2)
mark_at_aetherwire.com(3) laurent.ouvry_at_cea.fr, (4)
philippe.rouzet_at_st.com, (5) molisch, porlik,
zafer_at_merl.com, rrober14_at_harris.com,
vern.brethour, adrian.jennings_at_timedomain.com A
bstract UWB proposal for 802.15.4a
alt-PHY Purpose Proposal based on UWB impulse
radio for the IEEE 802.15.4a CFP Notice This
document has been prepared to assist the IEEE
P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion
and is not binding on the contributing
individual(s) or organization(s). The material in
this document is subject to change in form and
content after further study. The contributor(s)
reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw
material contained herein. Release The
contributors acknowledge and accept that this
contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may
be made publicly available by P802.15
2List of Authors
- CWC Ian Oppermann, Alberto Rabbachin (1)
- AetherWire Mark Jamtgaard, Patrick Houghton (2)
- CEA-LETI Laurent Ouvry, Samuel Dubouloz,
Sébastien de Rivaz, Benoit Denis, Michael
Pelissier, Manuel Pezzin et al. (3) - STMicroelectronics Gian Mario Maggio, Chiara
Cattaneo, Philippe Rouzet al. (4) - MERL Andreas F. Molisch, Philip Orlik, Zafer
Sahinoglu (5) - Harris Rick Roberts (6)
- Time Domain Vern Brethour, Adrian Jennings (7)
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
4Proposal Main Features
- Impulse-radio based (pulse-shape independent)
- Support for different receiver architectures
(coherent/non-coherent) - Flexible modulation format
- Support for multiple rates
- Enables accurate ranging/positioning
- Support for multiple SOP
5Motivation for (2-4)
- Supports homogenous and heterogeneous network
architectures - Different classes of nodes, with different
reliability requirements (and cost) must
6UWB Technology
- Impulse-Radio (IR) based
- Very short pulses ? Reduced ISI
- Robustness against fading
- Episodic transmission (for LDR) allowing long
sleep-mode periods and energy saving - Low-complexity implementation
7Modulation Features
- Simple, scalable modulation format
- Flexibility for system designer
- Modulation compatible with multiple
coherent/non-coherent receiver schemes - Time hopping (TH) to achieve multiple access
8Commonalities with Other Proposals
- Many commonalities exist between the
CWC/Aetherwire/LETI/STM/MERL proposal and other
proposals, including FT - UWB technology
- Modulation features
- Bandwidth usage
- Ranging approach
- Discussions are under way for future
collaborations and merging
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
- Coherent RX The phase of the received carrier
waveform is known, and utilized for demodulation - Differentially-coherent RX The carrier phase of
the previous signaling interval is used as phase
reference for demodulation - Non-coherent RX The phase information (e.g.
pulse polarity) is unknown at the receiver
-operates as an energy collector
11Pros () and cons (-) of RX architectures
- Coherent
- Sensitivity
- Use of polarity to carry data
- Optimal processing gain achievable
- - Complexity of channel estimation and RAKE
receiver - - Longer acquisition time
- Differential (or using Transmitted Reference)
- Gives a reference for faster channel
estimation (coherent approach) - No channel estimation (non-coherent approach)
- - Asymptotic loss of 3dB for transmitted
reference (not for DPSK) - Non-coherent
- Low complexity
- Acquisition speed
- - Sensitivity, robustness to SOP and interferers
12Time Hopping Impulse Radio (TH-IR) - Principle
- Each symbol represented by sequence of very
short pulses (see also Win Scholtz 2000) - Each user uses different sequence (Multiple
access capability) - Bandwidth mostly determined by pulse shape
13Transmitted Reference (TR)
- TR schemes simplify the channel estimation
process - Reference waveform available for synchronisation
- Potentially more robust (than non-coherent) under
SOP operation - Supports both coherent/differentially-coherent
demodulation - Implementation challenges
- Analogue Implementing delay value,
- delay mismatch, jitter
14Transmitted Reference
- First pulse serves as template for estimating
channel distortions - Second pulse carries information
- Drawback Waste of 3dB energy on reference pulses
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
16Design Parameters (1)
- Motivation
- Flexible waveform
- Simple
- Compatible with multiple coherent/non-coherent
receiver schemes - Large Bandwidth
- () Higher transmit power
- () improved time resolution
- (-) Increased design complexity
- (-) Less stringent requirements on out of band
interference filtering - Signal BW of 500 MHz - 2 GHz in Upper bands
- Signal BW of 700 MHz in 0 to 960 MHz Lower band
(low band) - Long Pulse Repetition Period
- () more energy per pulse (easier to detect
single pulse) - () Lower inter-pulse interference due to channel
delay spread - (-) Higher peak voltage requirements at
transmitter - (-) Longer acquisition time
- ? Frame duration between 40ns (first realization)
and 125ns (second realizations). Higher values
for the frame duration have been mentioned.
Further discussions are required to fix the values
17Design Parameters (2)
- Simple modulation schemes
- BPPM combined with Transmitted Reference
- Channelization
- Coherent schemes Use of TH codes and polarity
codes - Non-coherent schemes Use of TH codes (polarity
codes for spectrum smoothing only) - Long TH code length
- () higher processing gain, robustness to SOP
operation - (-) Lower bit-rate
- (-) Longer acquisition time, shorter frame size
(synch. phase) - TH code length 8 or 16
- TH code binary position (delay of 0 or t? ),
bi-phase - For first realization, higher-order TH with
shorter chip duration (multiples of 2ns) can be
used. This is under discussion
- Basic idea use modulation scheme that allows
coherent, differentially coherent, and incoherent
reception - Combine BPPM with more sophisticated TR scheme
- Non-coherent receiver sees BPPM with pulse stream
per bit - More sophisticated receiver sees BPPM (1 bit)
plus bits carried in more sophisticated
modulation scheme (e.g. extended TR) - Advantages
- Coherent, differential and non-coherent receiver
may coexist - reference can be used for synch and threshold
estimation - Concept can be generalized to N-ary TR system
19Waveform Design
- Coexistence of coherent and non-coherent
architectures - Combine BPPM with BPSK
- Divide each symbol into two 125 ns BPPM slots
(250 ns symbol) - In either slot transmit a signal that can be
received with a variety of receivers
differentially coherent or coherent receivers. - Non-coherent receivers just look for energy in
the early or late slots to decode the bit. - Other receivers understand the fine structure of
the signal.
20Waveform Design
- Two possible realizations
- The whole symbol (consisting of N_f frames) is
BPPM-modulated. - Have a 2-ary time hopping code, so that each
frame has BPPM according to TH code
21First Realization
22Second Realization
2-PPM 16 chips 2-ary TH code
(coherent decoding possible)
This is a time-hopping that can be exploited by
non-coherent receiver Time hopping code is (2,2)
code of length 8 or 16 Effectively 28 or 216
codes to select for channelization for
non-coherent scheme
23Mitigation of peak voltage through multi pulses
ppV peak-to-peak voltage
M 1
M 4
M 2
24Coexistence of Different Receiver Architectures
- Want waveform that allows TR reception without
penalizing coherent reception - That is achieved by special encoding and waveform
shaping within each frame. Does not affect the
co-existence of coherent/non-coherent receivers
25Basic Properties
- Use of Doublets with memory from previous bit.
(Encoding of reference pulse with previous bit) - Agreed on 20ns separation between pulses
- Extensible to higher order TR for either reducing
the penalty in transmitting the reference pulse
or increasing the bit rate? - Also allows the use of multi-DOUBLET
26Differential Encoding of Bits
Tx Bits
0 0 1 1
0 0
Reference Polarity
-1 -1 1
1 -1
1 -1 1
-1 1 -1
Note This slide is meant to describe the
encoding of data on the reference pulse and data
pulse in the basic modulation format. For
simplicity we have omitted the multipulse/multifra
mes per symbol structure.
27Total Modulation Scheme (First Realization)
modulation format that allows Coherent,
differentially coherent, and non-coherent
demodulation at once
28Higher-order modulation
TH Pattern
TH Code 1,1 1,1
0,1 0,0 1,0
Data 1,1 1,1
1,1 1,1 1,1
29Comments on Transmitted Signal
- Frame period for solution 2 is Tframe (Np D)
t? tdelay - ?delay is some allowance for channel delay spread
- Frame period could be dynamic modified dependant
on - the estimated channel delay spread or
- ability of receiver to cope with delay spread
- Symbol period is length of the TH code x Tframe
- Upper Band Nominally 250 ns x 16 4 µs
- Lower Band Nominally 500 ns x 8 4 µs
- Realistic Receiver structures exist for
multi-pulse TR schemes (see back-up slides)
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
31Proposed RAKE -- Coherent Receiver
Channel Estimation
Rake Receiver Finger 1
Rake Receiver Finger 2
Sequence Detector
Convolutional Decoder
Data Sink
Rake Receiver Finger Np
- Addition of Sequence Detector Proposed
modulation may be viewed as having memory of
length 2 - Main component of Rake finger pulse generator
- A/D converter 3-bit, operating at symbol rate
- No adjustable delay elements required
32Proposed Transmitted Reference Receiver
Differentially Coherent
- Addition of Matched Filter prior to delay and
correlate operations improves output signal to
noise ratio and reduces noise-noise cross terms
Matched Filter
Convolutional Decoder
SNR of decision statistic
33Differentially-Coherent/Non-Coherent Receiver
Architecture Basic Mode and Enhanced Mode 1
BPPM Demodulation branch
Controlled Integrator
Dump Latch
Tracking Thresholds setting
Ranging branch
Block index for acquisition reference
Energy Analyzer
Leading-edge refinement search
Range info
Recyle this branch for Enhanced Data Rate Modes
34De-spreading TH Codes
TH Sequence Matched Filter
Bit Demodulation
Case I - Coherent TH despreading
TH Sequence Matched Filter
Bit Demodulation
b(t) soft info
Case II Non-coherent / differential TH
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
36Bandwidth Usage (1/4)
- Flexible use of (multi-)bands
- Signal bandwidth may be 500 MHz to 2 GHz
- Bandwidth may change depending on application and
regulatory environment - Use of TH and/or polarity randomization for
spectral smoothing - Different bandwidth use options being considered
37Bandwidth Usage 2GHz option (2/4)
ISM Band
ISM Band
Upper Band 3
Upper Band 1
Upper Band 2
Lower band
0.96 3.1
5.1 6.0
8.0 8.1 10.1
38Bandwidth Usage -500 MHz Option (3/4)
ISM Band
ISM Band
Upper Bands 1 - 4
Upper Bands 5 - 12
Lower band
0.96 3.1
5.1 6.0
8.0 8.1 10.1
39Bandwidth Usage Variable Option (4/4)
ISM Band
ISM Band
Upper Bands 1 - 4
Upper Bands 5 - 12
Lower band
0.96 3.1
5.1 6.0
8.0 8.1 10.1
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
41Spectral Shaping Interference Suppression
- Basis pulse use simple pulse shape gaussian,
raised cosine, chaotic, etc. - Drawbacks
- Possible loss of power compared to FCC-allowed
power - Strong radiation at 2.45 and 5.2 GHz
Monocycle, 5th derivative of gaussian pulse
Power spectral density of the monocycle
10log10P(f)2 dB
frequency (Hz)
42Linear Pulse Combination
- Solution linear combination of delayed, weighted
pulses - Adaptive determination of weight and delay
- Number of pulses and delay range restricted
- Can adjust to interferers at different distances
- (required nulldepth) and frequencies
- Weight/delay adaptation in two-step procedure
- Initialization as solution to quadratic
optimization problem (closed-form) - Refinement by back-propagating neural network
- Matched filter at receiver ?good spectrum helps
coexistence and interference suppression
43Spectral Shaping Polarity Scrambling
Td 10 ns
Td 20 ns
W/ Polarity Scrambling
W/O Polarity Scrambling
44Adaptive Frame Duration
- Advantage of large number of pulses per symbol
- Smaller peak-to-average ratio
- Increased possible number of SOPs
- Disadvantage
- Increased inter-frame interference
- In TR also increased interference from reference
pulse to data pulse - Solution adaptive frame duration
- Feed back delay spread and interference to
transmitter - Depending on those parameters, TX chooses frame
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
46PER in 15.4a Channel Model Non-Coherent (Energy
Collection) BPPM
Framing format
- Simulations over 1000 channel responses
- BW 2GHz Integration Time 80ns
- Implementation loss Noise figure margin 11
dB - Max range is determined from
- Required Eb/N0,
- Implementation margin
- Path loss characteristics
X1 (CM8) X2 (CM1) X3 (CM5) X4 (CM9)
Required Eb/N0 19.5 dB 20 dB 21 dB 21.5 dB
Max Range (I) 10.78 m 84.61 m 86.72 m 58.67 m
Max Range (II) 7.33 m 53.25 m 54.15 m 34.72 m
Case I 250 kbps PRP 250 ns with 16
pre-integrations 4 µs
Case II 250 kbps PRP 500 ns with 8
47 PER/BER in 15.4a Channel Model DBPSK (RAKE)
Theoretical BER Curves Integration Time 50 ns
Implementation loss and Noise figure margin 11
X1 (CM8) X2 (CM1) X3 (CM5) X4 (CM9)
Required Eb/N0 18 dB 17.5 dB 18.5 dB 18.5 dB
Max Range (I) 12.66 m 116.70 m 120.27 m 90.84 m
Max Range (II) 9.18 m 79.34 m 81.23 m 58.67 m
Case I 250 kbps PRP 250 ns with 16
pre-integration 4 µs
Case II 250 kbps PRP 500 ns with 8
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
49Link Budget Non-Coherent (Energy Collection)
Parameter Mandatory Value (PRP 4 µs) Optional Value(PRP 500ns - 8 integrations)
Peak Payload bit rate (Rb) 250 kb/s 250 kb/s
Average Tx Power Gain (PT) -10.64 dBm -10.64 dBm
Tx antenna gain (GT) 0 dBi 0 dBi
fc (geometric frequency) 3.873 GHz 3.873 GHz
Path Loss _at_ 1m L1 20log10(4.?.fc / c) 44.20 dB 44.20 dB
Path Loss _at_ d m L2 20log10(d) 29.54 dB _at_ d 30 m 29.54 dB _at_ d 30 m
Rx Antenna Gain (GR) 0 dBi 0 dBi
Rx Power (PR PT GT GR L1 L2) -84.38 dBm -84.38 dBm
Average noise power per bit N -174 10log10(Rb) -120.02 dBm -120.02 dBm
Rx noise figure (NF) 7 dB 7 dB
Average noise power per bit (PN N NF) -113.02 dBm -113.02 dBm
Minimum Eb/N0 (S) 14 dB 17.6 dB
Implementation Loss (I) 5 dB 5 dB
Link Margin (M PR - PN S I) 9.64 dB 6.04 dB
Proposed Min. Rx Sensitivity Level -94.02 dBm -90.42 dBm
50Link Budget DBPSK (RAKE)
Parameter Mandatory Value (PRP 4 µs) Optional Value(PRP 500ns - 8 integrations)
Peak Payload bit rate (Rb) 250 kb/s 250 kb/s
Average Tx Power Gain (PT) -10.64 dBm -10.64 dBm
Tx antenna gain (GT) 0 dBi 0 dBi
fc (geometric frequency) 3.873 GHz 3.873 GHz
Path Loss _at_ 1m L1 20log10(4.?.fc / c) 44.20 dB 44.20 dB
Path Loss _at_ d m L2 20log10(d) 29.54 dB _at_ d 30 m 29.54 dB _at_ d 30 m
Rx Antenna Gain (GR) 0 dBi 0 dBi
Rx Power (PR PT GT GR L1 L2) -84.38 dBm -84.38 dBm
Average noise power per bit N -174 10log10(Rb) -120.02 dBm -120.02 dBm
Rx noise figure (NF) 7 dB 7 dB
Average noise power per bit (PN N NF) -113.02 dBm -113.02 dBm
Minimum Eb/N0 (S) 13 dB 16 dB
Implementation Loss (I) 5 dB 5 dB
Link Margin (M PR - PN S I) 10.64 dB 7.64 dB
Proposed Min. Rx Sensitivity Level -95.02 dBm -92.02 dBm
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
52Framing 802.15.4 Compatible
Data Frame (32 octet PSDU)
ACK Frame (5 octet PSDU)
- Numerical example (high-band)
- Preamble SFD PHR 6 octets
- Tdata 1.216 ms
- T_ACK 50 ms (turn around time requested by IEEE
802.15.4 is 192ms) - Tack 0.352 ms
- IFS 100µs
- Throughput 32 octets/1.718 ms 149 kb/s
- Average data-rate at receiver PHY-SAP 250 kb/s
(Basic Mode)
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
55Saving Power
- Power Saving techniques achieved by combining
advantages offered at 3 levels - Technology (best if CMOS)
- Architecture (flexible schemes provided by the
THpulse modulation) - System level (framing, protocol usage)
- Selected techniques used in one existing
realization (see proof of concept slides) - Low-duty cycle Episodic transmission/reception
- Scheduled wake-up
- 80ms RTOS tick
- Ad-hoc networking using multi-hop
- Special rapid acquisition codes / algorithm
- Matchmaking further reduces acquisition time
- Multi-stage time-of-day clock
- Synchronous counter / current mode logic for
highest speed stages - Ripple counter / static CMOS for lowest speed
stages - Compute-intensive correlation done in hardware
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
- Motivation
- Benefit from high time resolution (thanks to
signal bandwidth) - Theoretically 2GHz provides less than 20cm
resolution - Practically Impairments, low cost/complexity
devices should support 50cm accuracy with simple
detection strategies (better with high resolution
techniques) - Approach
- Use Two Way Ranging between 2 devices with no
network constraint (preferred) no need for time
synchronization among nodes - Use One Way Ranging and TDOA under some network
constraints (if supported)
58TOA Delay Estimation - Non-Coherent
- Use bank of integrators to determine coarse
synchronisation uncertainty region - Symbol synchronisation uncertainty region given
by coarse synchronisation ( e.g., 4ns-20ns) - A refinement search is applied onto the
uncertainty region by either - further dividing it into narrower non overlapping
regions for non-coherent refinement (e.g., 1ns gt
4ns) or - Coherent search with a template correlation
Integrator outputs
Detects the coarse uncertainty region
Energy Analyzer
Performed within the selected uncertainty region
Leading Edge Search Refinement
TRB the length of uncertainty region
Range info
59TOA Delay Estimation - Non-Coherent (contd)
- The algorithm selects the maximum value
integration window index and then it searches
backward to find the first integration value
which crosses an adaptively set threshold. - If there are no values crossing the threshold,
the peak position is used for the TOA estimation.
MES-SB based TOA Estimate
Searchback window
Strongest Path, energy block
Threshold based TOA Estimate
Actual TOA
Contains leading edge
MES Maximum Energy Search TC Threshold
comparison SB Search Back
MES based TOA Estimate
60ENERGY Spread in CM1
- PDF of TOA estimation errors are illustrated for
MES at various EbN0 - CM1, integration interval 4ns, Tf200ns (results
will be updated for Tf240ns)
61Ranging Simulation Settings
Notations and Terms Definition Value in Simulations
Tf Pulse repetition interval, frame 200ns
Nb Number of blocks within a Tf 50
Nc Number of refinement intervals within a Tf 400
TH Time hopping sequence in chips h1, ...., h5
POL Polarity codes p1, ..., p5
N1 Number of frames in the 1st-step 50
N2 Number of frames in the refinement 30
BW Bandwidth 2GHz
C Number of correlators (refinement stage) 10
Note Results are to be provided when Tf is set
to 240ns.
62Ranging Results
- IEEE 802.15.4a CM1-Residential LOS
True Distance (m) One-way ranging error (confidence level)
25m 8cm (97)
30m 8cm (90)
- Round Trip ranging error
- (with no drift compensation)
- 16cm (0.088ms), no clock drift
- 17.1cm (1ppm)
- 20.1cm (4ppm)
- 26cm (10ppm)
- 56cm (40ppm)
63Two Way Ranging (TWR)
Is the frequency offset relative to the nominal
ideal frequency
- Range estimation is affected by
- Relative clock drift between A and B
- Prescribed response delay
- Clock accuracy in A and B
- Channel response (weak direct path)
250 kbps, 38 bytes PPDU 250 kbps, 38 bytes PPDU 500 kbps, 9 bytes PPDU 500 kbps, 9 bytes PPDU
Df/f \ Treply (max error) 1408 ms 1226 ms 336 ms 154 ms
4 ppm 1.69 m 1.47 m 0.40 m 0.18 m
25 ppm 10.56 m 9.19 m 2.52 m 1.15 m
40 ppm 16.9 m 14.7 m 4.0 m 1.8 m
Example using Imm-ACK SIFS of 15.4 and 15.3 of
respectively 192us and 10 us and PPDU size of
respectively 38 and 9 bytes
- Simple immediate TWR made unusable with
reasonnable crystal accuracies. Solution is - Performing fine drift estimation/compensation
- Benefiting from cooperative transactions
(estimated clock ratios )
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
65Antenna Feasibility Capacitive Dipole and
Various Bowtie Antennas
Bowtie antenna
66Proof-of-Concept (1) Non-coherent Transceiver
Non-coherent, Energy Collection Receiver
5 Mbps BPPM 350 ps pulse train with long
scrambling code
67Proof-of-Concept (2) Non-coherent Transceiver
UWB-IR BPPM Non-Coherent Transceiver
UWB Transmitter 400 µm x 400 µm 0.35 µm CMOS
UWB Transceiver Test architecture lt10 mm2 0.35 µm
68Proof-of-Concept (3) Transmitter - Lower Band
UWB Transmitter chip for generating impulse
69Proof-of-Concept (4) Receiver - Lower Band
Coherent UWB Receiver with multiple time
integrating correlators
70Proof-of-Concept (5) High Speed Coherent
Circuit Elements
RF front end chips in CMOS 0.13mm, 1.2V
20 GHz digitizer for UWB
20 GHz DLL for UWB
3-5 GHz LNA Chip and layout
- Introduction
- Background
- Transmitted Signal
- Receiver Architectures
- Bandwidth Usage
- Optional Aspects
- System performances
- Link budget
- Framing, throughput
- Power Saving
- Ranging and Delay Estimation
- Feasibility
- Conclusions
- Proposal based upon UWB impulse radio
- High time resolution suitable for precise ranging
using TOA - Modulation
- Pulse-shape independent
- Robust under SOP operation
- Facilitates synchronization/tracking
- Supports multiple coherent/non-coherent RX
architectures - System tradeoffs
- Modulation optimized for several aspects
(requirements, performances, flexibility,
technology) - Trade-off complexity/performance RX
- Flexible implementation of the receiver
- Coherent, differential, non-coherent (energy
collection) - Analogue, digital
- Fits with multiple technologies
- Easy implementation in CMOS
- Very low power solution (technology,
architecture, system level)
73Backup Slides
74BER Performance in AWGN Channel
MRC Solution (coherent)
Differential Solution
Energy Collection solution in OOK
Transmitted Reference (one pulse)
-3 dB the reference is not in the same PRP !
PER 1 with 32 bytes PSDU ? acceptable BER
4x10-5 with no channel coding
75BER Performance in AWGN Channel
76Antenna Practicality
- Bandwidth 3 GHz-10 GHz
- Form factor
- Omni-directional
77Positioning from TDOA
3 anchors with known positions (at least) are
required to find a 2D-position from a couple of
Specific Positioning Algorithms
78TR BPPM Scheme Comparison
79Assumptions and Notes
- Results are theoretical calculations
- Assumes ideal impulse UWB pulses in AWGN
channel - Different TR-BBP options are considered with
different number of pulses per pulse train - Multipath fading simulations can be performed to
back up theory
80Pulse repetition structures TR BPPM with
doublets (Scheme 1)
81Pulse repetition structuresTR BPPM single
reference (Scheme 2)
82Pulse repetition structuresAuto Correlation
BPPM with doublets (Scheme 3)
83 Pulse repetition structuresAuto Correlation
BPPM single reference (Scheme 4)
84Pulse repetition structuresAuto Correlation
BPPM alternate (Scheme 5)
- PPI slot - slot inside each TH chip containing a
burst of pulses including reference pulses (ref.
slides from Laurent / CEA) - Np represents the number of pulses in each PPI
slot - The energy E per PPI slot is kept constant
- The pulse energy Ep E/Np
- TW represent the time-bandwidth product
86Ep/N0 degradation versus number of pulses per
pulse train
87Ep/N0 degradation versus Time/Bandwidth product
88Ep/N0 degradation versus number of pulses per
pulse train
- Scheme 5 - AC Alternate performs better then
all the other pulse repetition structures. - AC generally performs better than TR
- AC alternate and AC with doublets have the
advantage of requiring only a single delay line. - Scheme 5 - AC Alternate, was proposed at
Monterey meeting in January. - Criticism was given based on accumulated noise
in noise-cross-noise-cross-noise... Products. - Seems to outperform other schemes with simple
analysis - Also more readily implementable since fixed delay
line can be used.
90Channel / Delay Estimation Coherent Approach
91Channel / Delay Estimation Coherent Approach
- Swept delay correlator
- Principle estimating only one channel sample per
symbol. - Similar concept as STDCC channel sounder of Cox
(1973). - Sampler, AD converter operating at SYMBOL rate
(1.2 Msamples/s) - Requires longer training sequence
- Two-step procedure for estimating coefficients
- With lower accuracy estimate at which taps
energy is significant - With higher accuracy determine tap weights
- Silence periods for estimation of interference
92Optimal Energy-Threshold Analysis (CM-1)
- Optimal normalized threshold (normalized with
respect to the difference between the maximum and
minimum energy blocks) changes with Eb/N0 and
block size. - Smaller thresholds are required in general at
high Eb/N0, while larger thresholds at lower SNR
MAE Mean Absolute Error in detecting leading
energy block with simple threshold crossing (1000
channel realizations)
Eb/N0 8 --- 26dB