Title: Faculty of Graduate Studies
1Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Fall 2009
- Dean Associate Vice-President (Graduate)
Douglas Peers -
- Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Asia Weiss - Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Susan Warwick
3Where is the Faculty of Graduate Studies?
FGS Headquarters is located on the 2nd floor of
York Lanes in 283 York Lanes X
marks the spot
but really FGS is
4Who Is In FGS?
- Well, just about everybody!
- Students All Masters, Doctoral and graduate
diploma students - (6,000 students)
- Faculty Graduate Program Directors, Graduate
Diploma Coordinators and faculty members
appointed to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(course directors, supervisors, advisors, etc.) - Staff FGS Staff, Graduate Program Assistants in
each program
5Graduate Programs
Administration of Graduate Studies at York
More than 55 different graduate
programs Incoming class of 2,136 graduate
students joining the approximately 4,000 Masters
and Doctoral students already at York.
6Graduate Diploma Programs
- Yorks graduate diplomas most of which must be
pursued while enrolled in a graduate degree
7How to Get Information
- Through FGS Web site
- Here, you will find relevant news, contact
information, regulations, policies, forms, and
guidance to ensure that you have a productive
academic life at York. - The latest FGS calendar is available online.
- Also available are useful links
- and important dates and deadlines.
8How to Get Information
- Through Your Graduate Program
- Graduate Program Director (GPD)
- Graduate Program Assistant (GPA)
- Able to provide information pertinent to your
program and progress. - Listservs, graduate handbook, website, email
etc. - The Student Portal https//my.yorku.ca/web/guest/
- It is the responsibility of all students to
familiarize themselves each year with Faculty
Regulations, as well as with those additional
regulations of their specific program.
www.yorku.ca/grads/ - For example
- keep your contact information up to date
- check your York email account - regularly
- check your Student Record Online - regularly
- ensure your courses are appropriate to program
degree requirements - be familiar with specific requirements
associated with your degree, diploma, or
certificate - understand times to completion limits
- follow deadlines for submission of theses and
dissertations - complete required research ethics forms and
procedures - submit Reports on Progress as required
- Are You Registered?
- www.yorku.ca/grads/registration/index.htm
- Registration Deadlines Fall 2009, September
15th, 2009 - Winter 2010, January 15, 2010
- Summer 2010, May 15, 2010
- Register BEFORE each deadline to avoid 200 Late
Fee - Maintain continuous registration from start to
finish. - Registration, enrolment blocks
- Minimum and maximum terms to completion
- Full-time vs. Part-time status
Important Every student agrees through the act
of registration to be bound by the regulations
and policies of York University and of the
Faculty and program in which that student is
- YU-card Office www.yorku.ca/yucard Room 200
William Small Centre Monday to Wednesday, 9am to
7pm - Thursday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
- Graduate Tuition Fees http//sfs.yorku.ca/fees/co
urses/index.php - Refund Tables http//sfs.yorku.ca/refunds/tables/
- Tuition Payment methods info at
http//sfs.yorku.ca/ - ? Pay at the bank, 3rd party sponsorship
- For payroll deductions - visit FGS at 283 York
Lanes - OSAP Applying to OSAP http//sfs.yorku.ca/aid/osa
p/index.htm - OSAP Loan Distribution Pick up for Graduate
Students - August 26 to September 24 at the Loan Zone in
Founders College. You must schedule an
appointment to pick up your documents (no walk-in
service is available) using the Financial
Document Tracker at http//sfs.yorku.ca/services/t
racker/index.htm -
12Plan Your Graduation
- MASTERS All requirements must be fulfilled
within 12 terms of registration as a full-time or
part-time masters student (full-time can be
maintained at no more than the maximum full-time
advertised length of the program). - PhD Registered full-time for the advertised
full-time length of the program (to a maximum of
18 terms of registration as a full-time or
part-time doctoral student). -
Continuous registration at York University must
be maintained.
13Important Milestones
- MASTERS ? Masters students completing by thesis
must have a supervisory committee approved by the
end of the 2nd term of study (or, in ENVS, 12
months prior to completion) - DOCTORAL ? PhD students must have a supervisor
appointed by the end of the 5th term of study
(end of 2nd term of PhD II) - ? PhD supervisory committee must be appointed by
the end of the 8th term of study (end of 2nd term
of PhD III)
? programs may set shorter time limits in
addition to other requirements (these take
precedence keep informed)
- If you have been offered funding you will have
already been advised as to details. Funding may
be made up of any combination of TAs, GAs, RAs,
Fellowships, Scholarships, other awards, etc. - Teaching Assistantships (TAs) CUPE Unit 1
- Graduate Assistantships (GAs) CUPE Unit 3
- Research Assistantships (RAs)
- Unionized it is your responsibility to
familiarize yourself with collective agreements
at - http//www.yorku.ca/hr/services/managers/employeer
elations.html - Getting paid 25th of the month (direct
deposit) - Social Insurance Number (provide to your
program) - Banking Information (provide to your program)
- Other Scholarships, Bursaries
- getting information and applying
- all bursaries and/or awards with a financial
need component require you to complete the
Student Financial Profile http//sfs.yorku.ca/ser
15Research Funding
- Graduate students are expected and encouraged to
apply for internal and external scholarships and
awards. Every fall there are opportunities to
apply for provincial and federal funding. There
are many other funding opportunities. - Announcements will be sent to you via your
program through your York email account. - Information on Tri-Council (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR)
and OGS competitions will be sent to you by your
graduate program and posted on the FGS Web site - www.yorku.ca/grads/
16Research FundingInformation Sessions
- Fall 2009 Information Sessions for 2010-2011
Tri-Council and OGS - NSERC Sept 15 9am-12pm, Accolade East 003
- SSHRC Sept 16 9am-12pm, Accolade East 003
- CIHR Sept 17 130pm-330pm, Ross South 203
- OGS Sept 21 1030am-1230pm, Accolade West
005 - Fall 2009 WORKSHOP Sessions for 2010-2011
Tri-Council and OGS - SSHRC Sept 28 9am-12pm, York Lanes
305 - OGS (SOCSCI HUMA) Sept 29 9am-12pm,
- Deans Drop-In Scholarship Application
17Research Funding
- There are also Internal Sources of Funding
- Graduate Development Fund
- (Supports participation in conferences)
- Research Costs Fund
- (Supports research costs of CUPE Unit 1 Members)
- Fieldwork Costs Fund
- (Supports fieldwork costs of students)
- Information will be sent to you by your graduate
program and posted on the FGS Web site - www.yorku.ca/grads/
18Research Centres Institutes
- York research centres and institutes provide
professors graduate students with outstanding
opportunities for interdisciplinary and
collaborative research. - www.research.yorku.ca
19Be Aware Of
Intellectual Property Policy http//www.yorku.ca
/grads/policies/intellectualproperty.htm Academic
Honesty Policy www.yorku.ca/grads/policies/academ
ichonesty.htm Ethics Review and Approval
Process www.yorku.ca/grads/policies/ethics.htm
20FGS Workshops Research Professional Skills
- In addition to workshops and colloquia offered in
your program, FGS will be hosting graduate
student workshops in support of research and
professional skills development in collaboration
with other support services on campus. - Possible sessions include
- Applying for Scholarships and Awards
- Research Ethics
- Writing and Publication (Journals, Books, etc)
- Conference Participation
- Presentation Skills
- Time Management
- Dates and information will be sent to you by
your graduate program and posted on the FGS Web
site - www.yorku.ca/grads/
21Health Plan
Graduate students who are not covered by the CUPE
3903 health plan are automatically enrolled in
the health plan sponsored by the Graduate
Students' Association. www.yugsa.ca Opt-In/Out
Information check the website www.yugsa.ca Inte
rnational students UHIP mandatory health
insurance for all International Students. You
must pick up your card at York International. York
International 108 Vanier College Hours
Mon-Fri 9-5 Phone 416-736-5177 York
International UHIP website http//international.y
orku.ca/uhip/index.htm All International
Students should plan to attend the York
International Orientation on September 12
(repeated Sept 19) http//www.yorku.ca/scld/orient
22Library Resources
- York has many Library resources -- some are
specifically for Graduate Students, such as the
Graduate Student Reading Room, 4th floor Scott
Library www.library.yorku.ca/ - large study tables with task lighting and
comfortable chairs - electronic sound masking system installed to
muffle noise - upholstered lounge chairs
- electrical outlets
- network drops for notebook computers
- several computers and a printer
- access code via the Library Web site
- Scott Library newly renovated to accommodate
students and additional books and services.
23Library Workshops
www.library.yorku.ca/ Specific Resources for
GRADUATE STUDENTS. Extended Loans Graduate
students working on a thesis/dissertation, may
borrow from the Scott, Steacie, Law and Frost
Libraries for 100 days. Apply at the Circulation
Desk, Scott Library by submitting a signed letter
from their program director that they are
currently working on a master's or doctoral
thesis. There are conditions that apply to
extended loans. Loan Limit Graduate students
with extended loan privileges, have a loan limit
of 80 items at any given time otherwise there is
a limit of 50 Graduate Research Seminars
Advanced database searching for scholarly
articles citation searching using Web of
Science how to find dissertations,
etc. RefWorks Workshops - a bibliographic
management tool, can help you organize your
citations and will automatically create
bibliographies. Could be an essential tool to
your graduate research. Highly
recommended Library Accessibility Services
Adaptive Equipment Room, Transcription, etc.
24Reach Your Potential
- Services For Students with Special Needs
- www.yorku.ca/dshub/opd.htm
- Office for Persons with Disabilities
- Disability-related policies
- Student and faculty resources
- Contact N 108 Ross Building Phone
416-736-5140 TTY 416-736-5263 Fax
416-650-8068 opd_at_yorku.ca
- If problems or concerns arise in your academic or
personal world, dont be afraid to seek help. - Talk to your
- Graduate Program Director
- Graduate Program Assistant
- Supervisor/Advisor
- Faculty of Graduate Studies
- We can help point you in the right direction.
26York Graduate Students Association
- GSA President Nathan Cecckin
- Helps to represent graduate issues on the
Universitys highest academic bodies - Can provide a wealth of information to students
about graduate life and education - The GSA operates the Graduate Students Lounge
providing a wide variety of food and beverages
open Monday to Friday on the main floor of the
Ross Building - Graduate Students' Association
- Suite 325 Student Centre Complex
- Office - 416-736-5865GSA Web site www.yugsa.ca
27Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Seek Challenges
- Enjoy your time as a graduate student at York
University - And
28Faculty of Graduate Studies
- To your Graduate Years
- From all of us at the
- Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Thank you for coming!