Title: The West and the World Chapter 17
1The West and the WorldChapter 17
2Map Exercise 17.1Spain and Portugal
Explorations Colonies, c. 1600 CE (page 386)
- 1. Colonies and Geography
- a. Where are Spains colonies located?
- b. Where are Portugals colonies located?
- 2. Routes
- a. Identify the explorers who sailed for Spain
Portugal - b. Describe their routes using compass
directions and seas sailed.
3Map Exercise 17.2France, Britain, and Dutch
Holdings, c. 1700 (page 388)
- 1. Identify the colonial holdings of each
European power. - a. France
- b. Britain
- c. The Dutch
- 2. Why would Europe be able to settle the
interiors of the American continents but not
Africa? - 3. Why might European possessions be very
limited on the continental coasts of Asia (as
opposed to the islands offshore)?
4Maritime Power - wests first outreach
knowledge of outside world
upper classes become used to imports
new technology
round-hull ships sail Atlantic new
metalworkbetter cannon compass better
5Portugal Spain
Vasco de Gama India 1497 Indonesia China
1514 Japan - 1542
forts in African Asian ports
Spain goes west Americas
Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the globe
6Northern European Expeditions
1500s Britain, Holland, France
British naval victory over Spain 1588
North America
Dutch to Indonesia, South Africa
all received government awarded monopolies of
trade - chartered companies
7major consequences for world history
more inclusive world economy
opening of parts of the world to western
Columbian Exchange
lack of immunitydeath from smallpox measles
8(No Transcript)
9European population in Americas grew
New World crops change life in old world
new animals to Americas
population increases
10west dominates international trade (GB, Dutch,
Asian shipping continues, Muslim traders in East
Africa, Turks in Mediterranean
Europeans secure harbors build forts to protect
111600s new world economy dominated by Europeans
- expand manufacturing - mercantilism to protect
home markets support exports - tariffs to
discourage competition from rivals
rest of world supply raw materials -buy
manufactured goods from Europe
12International Inequality
core regions dependent economic zones
some in dependent areas gain wealth - African
slave traders - food merchants in Latin America
wealth gained spent on European imports no
local manufacturing
13many areas not affected by world economy (most
East Asia regional commerce
China not interested in international trading
Europeans still wanted Chinese products -
American silver paid for it
Japan isolated
Ottoman, Persia, Mughal India -limited trade
Russia most of Africa not involved
dominance spreads to new areas 17 18th c.
tariffs against Indian cotton cloth
Britain turns holdings into dependent regions
Eastern Europe joins world economy
15Colonial Expansion
Americas loosely controlled colonies
West Indian Islands Panama Aztecs Incas
early colonies want gold - tribute w/o
agricultural settlements more formal
16North America
early 17th c - French Canada - British
Dutch Atlantic coast - all 3 West Indian
different from Latin America
French manorial estates - Catholic Church
important - surrender to British 1763
17less value than Asian or West Indian colonies -
small populations, not much trade
Indians Europeans dont mix (did in Latin
Indians die or move west - new culture with horse
18North American society Western European
- trade manufacturing - Enlightenment ideas -
political assemblies
family political economic ideology
19Africa Asia
Europeans stay on coast
except - Angola slave expeditions - South
Africa - settlements
South Africa Dutch expand to interior - wars
with Bantu
20Asia few settlements
Spain Philippines - strong church presence
Dutch East India Co. - Indonesia
French British fight over Mughal Empire -
British win - defeat Indians too
India - administration limited (unlike N.A.) -
agreements with local rulers - cultural impact
slight - few settlers
21colonial development affects Europe -
economically - diplomatically
colonial rivalries add to existing hostilities
between countries
bring new wealth products
Seven Years War - first world wide war -
Europe, Asia, America