Title: FEL Gain length and Taper Measurements at LCLS
1FEL Gain length and Taper Measurements at LCLS
D. Ratner A. Brachmann, F.J. Decker, Y. Ding, D.
Dowell, P. Emma, J. Frisch, S. Gilevich, G.
Hays, P. Hering, Z. Huang, R. Iverson, H. Loos,
A. Miahnahri, H.D. Nuhn, J. Turner, J. Welch, W.
White, J. Wu, D. Xiang, G. Yocky (SLAC, Menlo
Park, California) W. M. Fawley (LBNL, Berkeley,
California) August 25th, 2009
2Gain Length Measurement
- Goal of this talk Characterize FEL as function
of undulator length
- Gain length studies
- Measure power, radius, position on YAG
- Saturation studies
- Measure energy loss of electrons with dump BPMs
3Gain Length Measurement
- Moving Undulators
- Measure power at YAG screen (50 m from last U)
- Remove undulators sequentially
- Problem 3 minutes per undulator move
- If FEL unstable, too long to measure gain length
- Too long for a routine measurement
- Need faster method!
YAG Screen
4Gain Length Measurement
- Sequential dipole correctors kick beam 15mrad
- Strongly suppress short wavelength FEL
- Smears bunching in direction of motion,
decreases overlap with X-rays
- Full gain length scan in lt 10 minutes
Full FEL
Bunching from FEL process
YAG Screen
Bunching misaligned, smeared
All undulators remain inserted
5Gain Length Measurement
- Spontaneous background is larger
- FEL Process can restart, produce additional
spots - If spots overlap, distorts measurement
SASE re-start (New bunching)
Bunching from FEL process
YAG Screen
All undulators remain inserted
6Gain Length Measurement
Full FEL
- FEL restarts after kick
- Top image shows full FEL
- Bottom image shows second spot from distorted
orbit - Cropping image or second kick fix problem
X Kick at Undulator 5
X Kick
0.75 mm
7Gain Length Measurement
- Move Undulator vs. Kick Beam
8Short Wavelength Measurement
- Gain length of 3.3m at 13.6 GeV
gex,y ? 0.4 mm (slice) Ipk ? 3.0 kA sE/E ? 0.01
9Long Wavelength Measurement
- Gain length at 4.7 GeV (1.3 nm)
- Kick suppression weak so use undulator-pull
- Stop before saturation to protect YAG
GL 1.62/-0.15 m M. Xie 1.5 m
gex,y ? 0.4 mm (slice) Ipk ? 1 kA sE/E ? 0.01
10Gain Length Measurement
- Laser Heater varies energy spread, 0 to 120 keV.
Microbunching Instability? Laser heater improves
gain length
Parameters 1.5Å, 250pC, 3kA, Compression factor
11Taper Studies
- Taper undulator K to match e- energy loss
- Linear taper for wakefield and spontaneous
radiation - Saturation taper for FEL radiation
Linear Taper
Saturation Taper
- Maximize final power by searching for optimal
saturation taper
12Taper Studies
- Use same method to study taper
- Dipole corrector kicks, measure electron E-loss
(YAG saturates)
13Taper Studies
- Saturation taper gives factor of 2 power gain
- Simulation more effective, but sensitive to
Gain factor of 2.4 from taper
Gain factor of 3.3 from taper
14- Thanks to
- LCLS project director J. Galayda, Commissioning
Team and - many collaborators and visitors from LBNL, LLNL,
15(No Transcript)
16Gain Length Measurement
X Kick
X Kick
17Longer wavelength measurement
- Two example gain length measurements
- Why pull undulator
4.7 GeV (Undulator pull)
13.6 GeV (X-corr Kick)
Stop before saturation to protect YAG
1.62/-0.15 m gain length
2.85/-0.06 m gain length
gex,y ? 0.4 mm (slice) Ipk ? 1.5 kA sE/E ? 0.02
gex,y ? 0.4 mm (slice) Ipk ? 5.0 kA sE/E ? 0.01