Title: Three strategies for assessment in autonomous language learning
1Three strategies for assessment in autonomous
language learning
- Joan Jamieson, Northern Arizona University, USA
- Carol A. Chapelle, Iowa State University, USA
2Three Strategies
- Adaptivity
- Feedback
- Self-assessment
3An Adaptive Strategy
- Learner would benefit from more than one form of
material - Computer should select appropriate form based on
responses to questions
4Overview of LEA
Beginning Reading Beginning Listening Beginning
Results Recommendations
Interest and Ability Finder
Intermediate Reading Intermediate
Listening Intermediate Writing
Results Recommendations
Advanced Reading Advanced Listening Advanced
Results Recommendations
5The Interest Survey
- Select test form
- Select recommendations
6Items on Interest Survey
7Example Strategies
8A Feedback Strategy
- Learner benefits from total scores
- Learner might benefit more from part scores
9Example Computing Total Score
10Part Scores Reflect Subskills
- Tests are often made up of subskills
- Each item can be coded according to subskill
- Scores for subskills can be computed by including
11Table of Specifications
12Tags for LEO Tests
TAG What the TAG means L listening LIN listening
for information LID listening for
ideas G grammar G1 grammar point 1 G2 grammar
point 2 G3 grammar point 3 S speaking V vocabulary
R reading P pronunciation P1 pronunciation point
1 P2 pronunciation point 2
13Tags in Script for Grammar Section
14Using Tags with System Variables
- score yields percentage correct
- score (tag) yields percentage correct for any
items with a given tag - score (G2) yields percentage correct of 2nd point
of grammarexpressions for suggesting
15Combining Tags and System Variables
score (L G V S P R) n/m1
rawscore(LIN) / tqw(LIN) Â n/m2
rawscore(LID) / tqw(LID) Â n/m3 rawscore(G1)
/ tqw(G1) Â n/m4 rawscore(G2) / tqw(G2)
n/m5 rawscore(G3) / tqw(G3)
16Mock-up of Progress Report Screen
Progress Report LEO 3 Test Learners
name Score score (L G V S P
R) Language area Number correct/number of
items Listening for information n/m1 Listening
for ideas n/m2 Grammar (point1) n/m3 Gra
mmar (point2) n/m4 Grammar (point3) n/m5
17Screen Shot of Progress Report
18Using Tags to Report Scores
19A Self-Assessment Strategy
- Learner may benefit by comparing his/her
perspective of performance with score - Computer can collect self-confidence data along
with performance data
20Example of Self-Confidence Item
Was your answer correct? How sure are you?
Click a circle below. Completely Not
sure at all sure
21Superimposed Self-Assessment Item
Was your answer correct? How sure are you? Click
in a circle for each answer. 1.
2. 3.
Completely Not
sure sure at all
22Computing Average Confidence (Tarone and Yule,
Circle clicked 5 4 3 2 1
total average
confidence correct answers 20 5
3 2 0 29 4.52 incorrect answers
0 0 4 5 2 11 2.00 Â Â (205
)(54)(33)(22)(01)/29 4.52 Â
(43)(52)(20)/11 2.00 Tarone, E., Yule,
G. (1989). Focus on the language learner.
Oxford, UK Oxford University Press.
23Computing Self-Monitoring Index
- Derived by subtracting self-confidence rating on
incorrect items from self-confidence rating on
correct items - 4.52 2.00 2.52
- Index ranges in value from 4 to - 4
- Messages could be provided instead of numbers
24Self-Assessment Superimposed onto Progress Report
Self-Assessment You seem to be aware of your
own ability. When you gave the correct answer,
you were very sure you were correct. When you
gave the wrong answer, you were not too sure you
were correct.
25Implementing Self-Assessment
- Tag self-assessment items ltSAgt
- Save value of rawscore (SA) separately for
correct and incorrect items - IF ANSWER 1 THEN SAOK SAOK rawscore (SA)
26Calculating Average Scores
27Example of Computing Self-Assessment Scores
28Three Strategies for Individualizing Assessment
- Adapting level, content, and recommendations
based on learners responses - Additional feedback in the form of diagnostic
scores - Self-assessment to heighten learners
metacognitive awareness
29Three strategies for assessment in autonomous
language learning
- Joan Jamieson, Northern Arizona University, USA
- Carol A. Chapelle, Iowa State University, USA