Title: Phase 3
1Phase 3
The Journey Continues.........
2How are groups structured?
- 6-8 members
- different subject area teachers
- (people who dont usually get to work together)
3Sharing results of individual reviews
- Teachers discuss
- information gained
- gaps located
- repetitions identified
- integration suggested
- assessments with standards matched
- best current practice/materials reviewed
4Before beginning the mixed review, department
chairs will instruct their staff on the use of
the six tasks for creating a workable
curriculum map.
5Collection and Reporting
- The role of the facilitator
- accumulates and documents each
members findings - creates a document (using template) reporting
the data collected for Phase 4
6Questions asked Who will be responsible for
distributing maps and how will it
be done? How are we going to mix the staff? Who
will be in charge of the groups? When will groups
7- Phase 4
- Large-group review
- all members of the faculty gather
- leader asks audience to comment on emerging
patterns - compile data and look for trends
8Phase 5...... here we come!
9Now this is the law of the jungle - As
old and as true as the sky And the
wolf that keep it may prosper, And the wolf that
shall break it must die. As the creeper that
girdles the tree trunk, The law runneth forward
and back And the strength of the pack is the
wolf And the strength of the wolf is the pack