Title: NASA LiDAR and the EarthScope Spatial Data Explorer
1NASA LiDAR and the EarthScope Spatial Data
- NASA Contribution to EarthScope
- Available to entire Geophysical Community
- Areas Currently Available
- San Andreas
- Mt. Rainier
- Mt. St. Helens
- Darrington, WA
- Types of Products
- Bald Earth (DEM Shaded Relief)
- Highest Surface (DEM Shaded Relief)
- Potential for Others
3NASA LiDAR File Characteristics
- Imagery Assembled into Mosaics
- based on USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle boundaries
- east-west strip covering north or south half of
adjacent quadrangles - DEMs at 6 foot Grid Spacing, 13 cm Vertical
Accuracy - Shaded relief images
- Illumination Azimuth 225 degrees
- Illumination Elevation 60 degrees
- 3x3 kernel size
- GeoTIFF format 5 150 MB
- JPG Thumbnails
- FGDC Metadata
4Example LiDAR Products
Bald Earth Shaded Relief
Bald Earth DEM
5Accessing NASA LiDAR viaEarthScope Spatial Data
6ES SD-Explorer Background
- Query, Browse, and Download Geospatial
Observations - Java application based on technology initially
developed by NASA Code 935 (Applied Information
Sciences Branch) - Modified by IAGT to support various program
initiatives including EarthScope - Central Metadata Database (MySQL)
- Geospatial Observations can be in any data format
7Access via EarthScope Sitehttp//www.earthscope.o
8Application Data Hosted by IAGThttp//www.iagt.
9Guest or Registered Users
10Batch Files for UNIX Windows
11EarthScope Spatial Data Explorer
12Login Guest or Private Credentials
13Ready to Go
14Map Interaction
15Zoomed In with Grid Off
16Observation Query Filters
17Keyword Filter
18Initial Limited Query Results
19Menu Settings Query Results
20Modified Query Results
21Adding a Geospatial Region Filter
22Query Results with Region Filter
23Observation Extents on Map
24Multiple Selections
25Browse Selections
26Download Observations
27Example Derivative Product
28Example Derivative Product
29Other NASA Data Available
- http//www.earthscope.org/data/explorer.php
- http//www.iagt.org/earthscope/es-sde.asp
- Poster
- Fred Pieper fpieper_at_iagt.org 315-252-8669
- Dave Harding David.J.Harding_at_nasa.gov