Title: Evolution change over time
1Evolution change over time
- Populations evolve not individuals
- Adaptations
- Inherited traits that enhance survival and thus
reproduction in a particular environment - Charles Darwin
- Theory of Evolution
- Based on many observations
2Path to Darwins Theory
- Similar idea simpler forms of life preceded more
complex forms from ancient Greeks (2500 years
ago) - Aristotle believed that species are fixed
- Judeo-Christian thought (book of genesis)
- Divine creator earth to be 6,000 years old
- Early fossil studies extinct spp. earth may be
older - Lamarck inheritance of acquired characteristics
- Lyell Geologist gradual change by nat. forces
- Darwins voyage
500 BC
322 BC
2000 yrs old
3- Charles Darwin British naturalist born 1809
- expanded on some existing ideas
- Geologists, naturalists, and scientists
- Did not address origin of life, but rather
focused on explaining the vast diversity of life - provided supportive evidence 5 year voyage
around the world 1831-1836 - Galapagos Islands
- Wrote essay on evolution based on his
observations/experiences 1844 - Published On the Origin of Species 1859 under
competition by Wallace - Descent with modification ancestral species
could diversify into many descendent species by
accumulation of adaptations to environment - Hypothesized natural selection as driving force
4What is natural selection?
- Over production of offspring
- Limited natural resources
- Heritable variations
- Differential or unequal reproductive success
- Offspring w/in a varied population, whose
characteristics best adapt them to the
environment are most likely to survive and
reproduce - more fit individuals leave more offspring than
less fit individuals
5- with so much diversity in just a few thousand
6- even more diversity over thousands of generations
- With natural selection over vast time allows for
changes to accumulate
7Evidence for evolution
- Fossils preservation of dead organic matter
- examples
35 mya
1.5 mya
375 mya
190 mya
40 mya
5,500 ya
8Fossil record
- Layers of sediments
- Deposits pile up over millions of years forming
strata - Young on top older on bottom
- Read the layers
- compare preserved fossils
- track changes over time
9Is Earth 6,000 years old or 4.6 billion?
- Radiometric Dating
- Dating geologic structures
- by rate of radioactive decay
- Atomic elements decay at a fixed rate
- Half-life time it takes for half of an element
to decay - C14 or radiocarbon dating (plants and animals)
- unstable carbon isotope, 5730 years to decay half
of a sample - C14 C12 ratio is half in fossil than atm 5730
- If C14 C12 ratio is ΒΌ of atm 11,460
- K40 has half life of 1.3 billion years
- Famous tests
- Iceman (Italy, 1991) dated to 5500 years old
- Shroud of Turin evidence shows to be about 700
years old rather than 2000 years old
Dr. Willard Libby Atomic physicist Nobel
Prize for C14 dating work. Before that, was a
key researcher in the development of the atomic
10Comparative anatomy embryology
- Homology
- Similarities in form and structure from common
ancestory - E.g. mammal forelimbs with different functions
- Similar embryological stages
- Common structures during similar early
development (e.g., gill slits)
11Molecular Biology
- Hereditary background and proteins encoded in DNA
- Compare gene sequences
- Similar sequences more recent ancestor
- More dissimilar more distant ancestor
12Why is evolution the best explanation to the vast
natural diversity?
- Mountains of evidence of various types
- e.g. fossils, radiometric dating, comparative
anatomy embryology, molecular biology - each agrees with the other
- provides tremendous support of evolution theory
- disagreement would be falsifiable evidence
- Theory still challenged
- Theory ? guess or based on any belief
- Theory falsifiable idea supported by extensive
evidence - Theory of Gravitation, Theory of
Relativityprinciples based on facts (e.g. earth
is round)
13Populations evolve
- Although natural selection acts on individuals,
which affects survival chances to reproduce
w/in an env., a population changes over time
- Population genetics
- Darwins and Mendels ideas together
- Populations change genetically over time
- Gene pool
- All alleles in a population
- Microevolution
- Change in allele frequencies over time
- e.g. pesticide resistant allele will increase
while its alternate decreases frequency
14Agents of potential changes in allele frequency
- Natural Selection pesticide example
- Non-random mating
- Plants closer to each other may get fertilized
- People sometimes choose similar mates (short
couples) - Mutation - creates new alleles
- Gene flow gain or loss of alleles in a popln.
- Immigration or emmigration
- Genetic drift change in gene pool due to chance
- Founder effect colonization of small group
- Bottleneck effect reduction of population
15Genetic drift bottleneck effect
- Drastic reduction of popln. size
- Earthquakes, floods, fires, etc
- Surviving popln has underrepresented alleles
e.g. elephant seals were hunted down to
20 restored now to 30k found only 1 allele in
ea. of 24 genes no variation
16Selection pressures
- A particular phenotype selected for or against
depending on the environment - Guppy example
- 2 forces of natural selection working against
each other mate preference and predator
vulnerability - Balance where females are attracted to males with
brighter colored tails risk of attracting
predators - How could you test these selection pressures?
17- Observe many generations
- In predator-free environment?
- More brightly colored males with large tails
evolved - Re-introduced predators
- Less flashy males became more fit
18Natural selection affects populations
- Affects the distribution of phenotypes
- Normal distribution of varied fur frequencies
- Stabilizing selection
- Reduces extremes favors intermediates
- Most common
19- Directional selection
- Acting against one extreme or environment favors
one extreme - e.g. darker landscape or, insects exposed to
20- Disruptive selection
- Environment is varied to favor both extremes
- e.g. patchy landscape with light soil and dark