Title: The Earth
1The Earths interior Cin-Ty Lee Rice University
With help from Anna Courtier (James Madison
2How do we know whats inside the Earth?
4Tap and listen?
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6Earthquakes make noise!
7Earthquakes generate waves through the Earth and
we listen
9Can we drill?
10But the Earth is 6730 km in radius!
11The crust beneath Texas is 35 km thick -not that
far, but too far to dig!
12Going to the center of the Earth is like driving
to Alaska
13Use volcanoes to drill
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16The mantle is green with olivine!
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18The core is iron metal
19How hot is it inside the Earth?
2000 degrees!
20Why is the Earth so hot inside?
Earth was formed by the accretion of little
asteroids and small planets Releases heat during
21Earth wants to lose its heat, so the green mantle
22Plate tectonics is how our planet cools
23Earths record is in the rocks