Title: Software for Twin Tubes
1Software for Twin Tubes
- A. Koutsman, P. Kluit, N. van Eldik, E. Moyse
- 17 april 2008
- Twin Tubes Principle in ATLAS
- Software implementation
- Future
2Twin Tube Principle
- Two MDT tubes interconnected at the high voltage
end - Read-Out on both ends
- Difference in time gives position along the tube
- Built-in delay in HV-jumper
- Twin tubes installed in region with limited
trigger chamber coverage BOL4A13 BOL4C13 - No change needed for DAQ software
- Helps tracking in f
- independent measurement
- reduce fake hits
- if two tracks through one trigger chamber twin
coordinate resolves ambiguous solution
from NIM-paper
Twin time resolution (ns)
nomenclature Prompt hit (1) or Twin hit (2)
- MuonDigitization/MDT_Digitization/MDT_Digitizer
- If an MdtSimHit is from a BOL-chamber simulate a
twin hit Identifier, drifttime and ADC-value - Calculate twin tube drifttime using
drifttime(tprompt), signed(with respect to
RO-side) hit position along tube (x),
tube-length(L), propagation-speed in both
tubes(vprompt, vtwin), HV-delay(?0) and
- Smear ttwin with twin-resolution for more realism
- Insert into MDT_SortedHitVector, sort and store
- Two new job-options to activate twin tubes
simulation UseTwin, UseAllBOLTwin(only for
4Write MdtPrepRawData
- MuonCnv/MuonRdoToPrepData/MdtRdoToMdtPrepData
- If hit is from a BOL-chamber find prompt and
twin tube, calculate unsigned position along tube
(xgeo), fill a new MdtPrepData with driftradius
and xgeo for prompt hit - Calculate xgeo using sign(1), tubelength(L),
twin pair time difference(?t), propagation-speed
in both tubes(vprompt, vtwin), HV-delay(?0)
- xgeo error is set at measured ?t-resolution/propag
ation-speed - Three new job-options to store twin tube PRD
UseTwin, UseAllBOLTwin (only for testing),
Use1DPrepDataTwin (ignore twin hit/info) - Store twin PrepRawData ? new class
MdtTwinPrepData - Calibrate ? new class MdtTwinCalibrationSvc
5New Classes
Original MdtPrepData Identifier IdentifierHash Lo
calPosition (driftradius, 0) ErrorMatrix 1X1
(error radius) MdtReadoutElement TDC-value ADC-va
lue MdtDriftCircleStatus
MdtTwinPrepData Identifier (prompt
tube) IdentifierHash (prompt tube) LocalPosition
(driftradius, xgeo) ErrorMatrix 2X2 ( 0,0
error radius,
1,1 error xgeo ) MdtReadoutElement
(prompt-tube) TDC-value (prompt tube) ADC-value
(prompt tube) TDC-value (twin tube) ADC-value
(twin tube) MdtDriftCircleStatus
Return drifttimeprompt, drifttimetwin
propagation speedprompt, propagation speedtwin
slewingtimeprompt, slewingtimetwin
6Test Truth vs. PrepRawData
- Are the hits from twin tubes correctly propagated
through the whole muon reconstruction chain? - Compare hits using CalibrationNtuple
- SDO Truth?positionAlongTube()
- TwinPrepData?localPosition.x()
- xgeo the twin coordinate in Geomodel
coordinate frame
7Summary and Outlook
- Twin tubes installed on two chambers in ATLAS
- Digitization of twin tubes complete ? ready to
commit - MdtPrepRawData almost complete ? new twin classes
to be written - MdtTwinPrepData
- MdtTwinCalibrationSvc
- 14.2.0
- Write twin calibration software
- Testing of muon reconstruction chain using