Title: NICOLE Examples
1NICOLE - Examples
- Asking for Participation
- Engagement Marketing
- Competing with the noise
- Combination of quality quantity
- Learning new skills and investigating new
partnership opportunities
2Web site Resources
- " A Web site is a better source of information on
nutrition than a video game or printed pamphlet,
according to a study of low-income mothers
reported in the January issue of the Journal of
Nutrition Education and Behavior."
FV Express Bites is a stage-tailored nutrition
education website Susan Nitzke, PhD, RD, CD, and
Amanda Park, MS, RD (Accepted in JNEB).
Alice Henneman, MS, RD, Extension Educator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in
Lancaster County FOOD Web site
3Resources Galore
"Ask the Dietitian TM www.Dietitian.com
(1995) Independently ranked among the 15 most
popular nutrition websites on the internet.Â
Thousands of frequently asked questions on 100
nutrition topics. Joanne Larsen MS RD LD
- www.DiningOutNutrition.com Direct access to
restaurant nutrition information and help with
finding healthier choices. - Nicole Turner-Ravana MS
- The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
is now available online at www.JNEB.org.
5SNEs MyPyramid E-catalog
6USDA promoting a high tech approach to healthy
eating messages.
Degree Programs, Professional Development Example
Bone Health in Children and Adolescents
Implications for Client Counseling New online CE
course for health professionals that was recently
developed by the Dairy Council of California,
worth 3 CE creditsÂ
Online Courses Books
WIChealth.org Webcast online resource for
nutrition education, easy to use and shown to
change behavior
SNEs Conversations With
8Courting Blogs
9High Tech Grocery Shopping
- Safeway
- Ask the Nutritionist
- Good to Know
- FoodFlex
- Personalized online food and nutrition tool
- Get a nutritional snapshot of their Safeway Club
Card purchases. - Identify food alternatives based upon nutrients
most important to you and to create personalized
shopping lists that make shopping easier.
Peapod Offers First Ever Virtual Nutritionist
The new software NutriFilter, developed by
Peapod, allows customers to enter their specific
requirements, from gluten-free, peanut-free or
low fat to kosher, organic or high in vitamin A.
In the works "intelligent" shopping carts
10Cell Phone Tools
- Software for Palm Pilots/PDAs Phones such as
Weightmania Diet Organizer - MyFoodPhone account through Sprint
- Nutrax camera phone food diary
11Mobile Marketing
- Mainstreaming mobile marketingMajor marketers
including Procter Gamble and Microsoft are
looking to marketing on mobile devices as the
practice becomes more and more mainstream. A
JupiterResearch study found that 22 of all
companies that advertise online are also engaging
in some form of marketing over mobile phones and
devices, and that total spending on mobile
marketing would reach 2.9 billion by
2011.  Advertising Age (11/29/07)
12New Gadgets Gizmos
Coheso Tracks3 CalorieSmart
Motion-sensor-detection video games
13YouTube Whos Talking?
14YouTube Whos Talking?
The Urban Nutrition Initiative High school
students recently put their Healthy Habits
Commercials on You Tube.
15'Got Milk?' Campaign Heads To YouTube
- The California Milk Processor Board (CMPB),
creators of the original "Got Milk?" campaign,
are rolling out the 2008 iteration focusing on
teenagers with a music and social networking
strategy touting the healthful benefits of milk. - "White Gold," who sings about his love for the
(other) white stuff. The star, with a perfect
physique, calcium-enhanced hair, nails and teeth,
plays a guitar filled with milk and is backed by
the "Calcium Twins" on drums and bass.
17MySpace Forums
Ben Jerry's, Sunkist, Indy Jones Unwrap
Facebook's 'Gift of Gab Facebook's free gift
of the day. Hundreds of virtual items from its
online gift shop. Most cost 1 to send, but
advertisers will often foot the bill, especially
if it is part of a larger campaign. This new
spin on brand marketing is successful because of
its ability to leverage the power of consumers.
19MP3s, Podcasts, Online Radio, Music
- Family Album Radio shows broadcasted each month.
You can listen to MP3 files and/or read the
scripts through RadioSource (on NPR)
The "Skinny Songs" CD - features encouraging
messages about weight loss for women. (Heidi
Roizen ) Jill Jayne, MS, RD - Rockstar
Nutritionist www.jumpingjill.com Eat Like a
Rainbow Jay Mankita A hip, funky romp for kids
and the folks who feed them. Crunchy rhythms and
tasty harmonies, with a very nutritious groove
throughout. Gets 'em dancing. CD or MP3
20How do you inspire a Revolution?
- Our advantage linking theory, research, and
- Competing for brain space
- Using salable concepts in order to shape
public/consumer opinions
- Creativity, innovation, and inspiration
21- Our High-Speed Communications Culture, How Can
Nutrition Education Keep Up? - Q A