MBB 323 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MBB 323


The total energy found in the system and its surroundings does not change. ... Electrical - Heat (A kettle) Gravitational - Heat (a water fall) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MBB 323

MBB 323
  • Lecture 3
  • Office hours Friday 230
  • Tutorials start this week.

Summary from last lecture
  • A system is defined by its boundary.
  • The total energy found in the system and its
    surroundings does not change.
  • Energy can take a variety of forms.
  • Energy has the unit of Joules (J) kgm2/s2
  • Last lecture discussed gravitational and
  • kinetic energy doing a certain amount of work
  • per second on a pump (Power measured in
  • Watts W J/s).

Farmer can pump water to his field if
(Ain-Aout)/ Aout hout /hdrop
V (m/s)
The pump system
To field
Aout (m2)
hout (m)
V (m/s)
V (m/s)
From valley stream
hdrop (m)
Ain (m2)
Ain - Aout (m2)
Check out www.agr.gc.ca/pfra/water/wpower_e.htm
WORK energy can be converted completely into
other forms of WORK
  • Forms of WORK
  • Mechanical lt-gt Electrical (A generator)
  • Electrical lt-gt Mechanical (A motor)
  • Gravitational lt-gt Mechanical (A hydro dam)
  • Review carefully these forms of energy.

WORK energy can be converted completely into HEAT
  • Mechanical -gt Heat (Stirring a liquid, friction)
  • Electrical -gt Heat (A kettle)
  • Gravitational -gt Heat (a water fall)
  • For a closed system (which means?) the change in
    energy of a system is
  • DE w q,
  • w the work done on the system.
  • q the heat flowing into the system.
  • Other terms if particle flow is possible (see
  • Heat is a form of low grade energy. To
    understand what heat really is we need to first
    discuss temperature.

Introduction to Temperature
  • When two systems are allowed to exchange heat,
    they will eventually reach the same temperature.
  • Heat is positive if it flows into a system (here
    from the hotter system into the colder).
  • Heat is negative if it flows out of a system.
  • A new principle is being satisfied here. It is
    not a conservation law, but rather a law of
    maximization. As we shall see this has
    everything to do with entropy.

Measuring Temperature
  • A thermometer is used to measure temperature.
  • A thermometer can take many forms
  • Mercury or other liquid in a bulb connected to a
    thin evacuated glass tube.
  • Thermocouple
  • Gas thermometer (PV nRT).
  • Colour (see Stefans law p 27)
  • Recently developed a primary thermometer based
    on quantum mechanics Spietz et al., Science,
    Vol 300, p1929

The Fahrenheit system (1724)
  • "placing the thermometer in a mixture of sal
    ammoniac or sea salt, ice, and water a point on
    the scale will be found which is denoted as zero.
    A second point is obtained if the same mixture
    is used without salt. Denote this position as
    30. A third point, designated as 96, is obtained
    if the thermometer is placed in the mouth so as
    to acquire the heat of a healthy man." (D. G.
    Fahrenheit,Phil. Trans. (London)

The Celsius system (1742)
  • Celsius scale defines as 0 degrees as the
    temperature of the triple point of water (mixture
    of ice, water and steam at atmospheric pressure
    101.325 kPa) and 100 degrees as the boiling point
    of water at this pressure. Originally Celsius
    defined the scale the other way around, but this
    was soon dropped in favour of the current scale.
  • There is nothing special about this scale except
    that water is commonly found and that the
    gradations are a useful size.

The Kelvin Scale (1848)
  • Defines absolute zero and is the scale to use for
    thermodynamic problems.
  • The Kelvin Scale has exactly the same slope as
    the Celsius scale. This means that relative
    changes in temperature are the same between the
    two scales.
  • -i.e. 100 degrees Celsius or Kelvin between
    freezing and boiling points of water.
  • -generally T aTb (C-gtK a1, b273.15)
  • -What would be the conversion between C-gtF?
  • Absolute zero -273.15 degrees centigrade.
  • Boiling point of liquid nitrogen 77K, liquid
    helium 4.2K.

Why do we need an absolute zero?
  • Quantum mechanically there is a lowest energy
    state for any given system.
  • This state is called the ground state.
  • A temperature of zero corresponds to finding a
    system only in its ground state.
  • As we will see later temperature is related to
    the change in the energy of a system as the
    number of states varies. (Entropy 2nd law)
  • Properties of gases that are close to ideal
    suggest a lowest temperature.

Avogadros Number
  • How would you measure it? Consider that this is
    one of the most uncertain physical constants.
  • NA 6.023 x 1023 particles.
  • PVnRT (Pressure in Pascals, Volume in cubic
    meters, n number of moles, R8.314 JK -1 mol-1,
    T in Kelvin.
  • PV NkT, same as above, but N is number of
    particles, and k is Boltzmanns constant 1.318
    x 10-23 JK -1 (see p79).
  • Measure the volume and mass of a pure substance
    in a crystal form. Then determine the exact
    lattice spacing by X-ray crystallography.

Heat Capacity
  • What temperature change occurs when heat is
    deposited in a system?
  • The easiest way to deposit heat is to use
    electrical resistance.
  • Use an adiabatic closed system, monitor
    temperature as a function of heat energy
  • dq/dT C(T), normally specified at constant P or
  • This is the heat capacity of the system, its
    normally a good idea to consider a molar heat
    capacity (the heat capacity you would observe if
    one mole of the system was used). i.e C(T)
    nC(T), where n is the numer of moles in the
    system. This normally value is normally written
    with an overline.
  • Molar Heat capacity for
  • ice 38.07 JK-1mol-1,
  • water 75.24 JK-1mol-1 (see p37)
  • For a substance like water (pure), heat
    capacities can become singular at phase
    transitions (ice -gt water -gt steam). These
    values are called latent heats (p45) and can be
    quite large.
  • Macromolecular phase transitions however are much
    broader (and what we care about more).
  • Consider the melting of a DNA oligonucleotide.

A picture of the physical state of a system
something to think about.
  • Volume of 1 Mole of water at room temp and
  • 1Mole of water at atmospheric pressure and at
    room temperature occupies 18 ml of volume (as
    density is 1 g/ml, MW is 18g/Mole).
  • What is the average spacing between liquid water
  • 6.02 x 1023 molecules occupy 18 x 10-6 m3 so on
    average one molecule occupies 3 x 10-29 m3. The
    dimensions of this box would be 3 x 10-10 m.
  • How about of 1 Mole of steam under the same
  • PVnRT gt 101.3 x 103 V 8.31 (298) m3
  • V 0.024 m3 , so now each molecule occupies on
    average volume of 4 x 10-26 m3, or a cube having
    edges 3.4 X 10-9 m long.
  • Why does nature favour under these conditions
    liquid water and not steam? Consider also that
    the water and steam in this example has the same
    average kinetic energy of 3/2kT or 600m/s.

Next Class
  • Variables and equations of state (p29-44)
  • Read closely about the work done by pressure or
    volume changes (p21-23).
  • Read about reversible and irreversible processes
  • Read the heat capacity section (p25-27).
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