Title: Classifying Classy Animals
1ClassifyingClassy Animals
2 - Which one of these animals is a member of the
same category as this toucan?
Click the animal that you believe is the correct
3You got it! They are both BIRDS.
- Now, do you know what all birds have in common?
A. All birds have teeth, a backbone, and feathers
B. All birds have feathers, wings, and are cold
C. All birds have beaks, wings, and feathers
Click the answer you believe is correct.
4The answer is C
All birds have beaks, wings, and feathers
5- Which one of these animals is a member of the
same category as this frog?
Click the animal that you believe is the correct
6Yes! They are both AMPHIBIANS.
- Now, do you know what all amphibians have in
A.They are cold blooded, born in water, and
breathe through their skin and lungs, or their
B. All amphibians have scales, breathe through
their lungs or gills, and are cold blooded
C. All amphibians lay eggs, have backbones, and
Click the answer you believe is correct.
7The answer is A
They are cold blooded, born in water, and
breathe through their skin and lungs, or their
8- Which one of these animals is a member of the
same category as this dog?
Click the animal that you believe is the correct
9Bingo! They are both Mammals.
- Now, do you know what all mammals have in
A.Mammals are warm blooded, nurse their young,
and breathe through their gills
B. Mammals are warm blooded, breathe through
their lungs, and nurse their young
C. Mammals lay eggs, have a back bone, and are
warm blooded
Click the answer you believe is correct.
10The answer is B
Mammals are warm blooded, breathe through their
lungs, and nurse their young
11- Which one of these animals is a member of the
same category as these fish?
Click the animal that you believe is the correct
12You got it! They are both Fish.
- Now, do you know what all fish have in common?
A.Fish are warm blooded, have scales, and breathe
through their gills
B. Fish lay eggs, have a backbone, and breathe
through their gills
C. Fish have scales, a backbone, and breathe
through gills
Click the answer you believe is correct.
13The answer is C
Fish have scales, a backbone, and breathe through
14- Which one of these animals is a member of the
same category as this snake?
Click the animal that you believe is the correct
15Great! They are both Reptiles.
- Now, do you know what all reptiles have in
A.Reptiles have scales, are warm blooded, and
live in the water or on land
B. Reptiles are cold blooded, have scales, and
breathe only through lungs
C. All reptiles lay eggs, have a backbone, and
are cold blooded
Click the answer you believe is correct.
16The answer is B
Reptiles are cold blooded, have scales, and
breathe only through lungs
- In your journal answer these questions to
earn todays star student
points. - Are you a vertebrate? How do you know?
- Are you a fish, reptile, amphibian, mammal, or
bird? What characteristics support your answer?