Title: Information for all animal lovers
Parrotfish are a group of colorful, tropical
fishes native to shallow seas. These fish are
named for their bird-like beaks, which are used
to feed on coral polyps and algae. They come in a
wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Read
on to learn about the parrotfish.
Moose are truly massive members of the deer, or
Cervidae, family. They are both the tallest and
heaviest living deer species, followed closely by
the elk. Easily identified by their unique
antlers (in bulls), these huge mammals are truly
magnificent. Read on to learn about the moose.
3Barred Owl
Barred owls are large North American owls with
distinctive coloring. While they can naturally be
found across most of the eastern U.S. and
Southern Canada, the species is considered
invasive across its western range. These
feathered predators are skilled hunters, and
widely successful at catching prey. Read on to
learn about the barred owl.
Rhinoceroses, often simply called rhinos, are
amongst the largest of all land animals on the
Earth. Because of this, they are often classified
as megafauna, which refers to animals over
2,200 lb (1,000 kg). The name rhinoceros comes
from the Greek rhino (nose) and ceros (horn),
because all 5 species of rhino have either 1 or 2
horns on their nose.
5Indian Elephant
The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is
one of the three living subspecies of Asian
elephants (Elephas maximus). Indian elephants
are large, herbivorous mammals, which means that
they eat plants, not animals. Their immense size
means they are often classified as one of the
mega-fauna animals.
Binturongs are medium sized mammals, which are
also known as the bearcat, or the Asian
bearcat, because they look like a cross between
a bear and a cat. However, they are not related
to either bears or cats they are a civet.
Binturongs live high in the trees of forests in
South-East Asia. Read on to learn about
the binturong.
7Information For All Animal Lovers