Title: Department of Geomatics Imaging in the Geosciences
1Department of GeomaticsImaging in the Geosciences
- Geological Airphoto Interpretation
2Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
- Geologists need data about
- Lithology
- Sedimentary Bedding
- Folding
- Faulting
3Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
- Lithology
- Colour
- Tone
- Texture
- Drainage
- Fracture
4Department of Geomatics451-209 Imaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
5Department of Geomatics451-209 Imaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
- Sedimentary Bedding
- Strike Ridges (Bedding Traces)
- Cuestas - Dip
- Vee-form in streams
6Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
7Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
8Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
9Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
- Sedimentary Bedding
- Strike Ridges (Bedding Traces)
- Cuestas - Dip
- Vee-form in streams
10Department of Geomatics451-209 Imaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
- Folding
- Sense- anticlinal or synclinal
- Orientation
- Character - open or tight
11Department of Geomatics451-209 Imaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
12Department of Geomatics451-209 Imaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation
13Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Geological Airphoto Interpretation