Title: The KUSP Project
1The KUSP Project
- Kent University Shibbolized Portal
- Bonnie Ferguson
- b.ferguson_at_kent.ac.uk
- Current situation - Athens
- Federated Access Management
- Shibboleth
- Federations
- KUSP project
- Shibboleth Demo
3Current situation
- Athens accounts are needed to access many
resources - Institutions must create and manage accounts
- Duplicates some user information
- Different usernames and passwords
- AthensDA allows accounts to be handled locally
- Move towards sharing resources Jorum, etc.
- JISC currently subsidise Athens free to
Universities - July 2008 - JISC withdraws Athens subsidies
- OpenAthens will be available but at a charge
(800 - 9500 per year, depending on
institutional size) - JISC will fund FAM as replacement
5Services using Athens
- Most Athens services should adopt Shibboleth by
July 2008. - Shibboleth-Athens and Athens-Shibboleth Gateways
to bridge the gap.
6What is Federated Access Management (FAM)?
- Next generation access-management system
- FAM builds a trust relationship between Identity
Providers and Service Providers. - Authentication is devolved to a users home
institution. - Attributes about the user (including roles) can
be exchanged.
7Federated Access Management
8Benefits (1)
- User registers only once with home institution
- Reduces time needed to manage multiple user
accounts - New tools for managing licenses and service
http//www.switch.ch/aai/about/introduction/ http
9Benefits (2)
- Users wont have to remember additional usernames
and passwords. - Simplified authentication process may lead to
increased use of subscribed services. - Interoperable with other SAML-based software
10Where does the word Shibboleth come from?
- The word comes from the Old Testament (Judges
121-6). - Two groups from different sides of the river
Jordan who had different accents. One pronounced
the sh sound as si. - To separate friend from foe, those crossing the
river were asked to pronounce the word
shibboleth (it means an ear of corn). - According to the bible, the 42,000 who pronounced
it sibboleth were killed.
11Its also a band
12But seriously, folks.
- A technology that enables FAM.
- Functionality of Athens DA
- Standards based - SAML (Security Assertion Markup
Language) - Open source middleware software
- Privacy-preserving
13Shibboleth Architecture
14Shibboleth identity Provider (IdP)
- Uses institutional user database
- Provides authentication
- Sends user attributes
- (aka Shibboleth Origin)
15Shibboleth Service Provider (SP)
- Shibboleth module protects web-based applications
- Intercepts HTTP requests and redirects to WAYF
(or a specific Identity Provider) for
authentication - Receives ticket/cookie
- Optional additional call for attributes
- (aka Shibboleth Target)
16What is a Federation?
- A federation is a group of institutions and
organisations that sign up to an agreed set of
policies for exchanging information about users
and resources to enable access and use of
resources and services. - Organisations that use Shibboleth to access
resources must join or create a federation.
ement/federation/shibboleth.aspx http//en.wikiped
- WAYF (Where are you from?) service
- UK Access Federation (http//www.ukfederation.org.
18Joining the UK Access Federation
- Apply in writing
- Signed by Executive Liaison
- Management Liaison must be named
- Agree to be bound by federations Rules of
19The KUSP Project
- Funded by the JISC Core Middleware Infrastructure
Early Adopter programme - January 2006 March 2007
- 1 Developer full time for 1 year
20What can Shibboleth do for us?
- Athens replacement
- Single Sign on solution?
- Manage authentication for both internal and
external applications?
21The KUSP Project - Aims
- Creating a new Shibboleth infrastructure for the
University of Kent - Building a Shibbolized portal and VLE with Single
Sign-on (SSO) - Investigate PrivilEge and Role Management
Infrastructure Standards (PERMIS) for portal
authorisation - Pushing the envelope
- Providing support to the partners in the
University of Medway project to adopt Shibboleth
22Shibboleth Test Environment
- Shibboleth Identity Provider
- Connect to University LDAP
- Shibboleth Service Provider
- Protecting Static Web pages
- Join InQueue Test Federation
23Shibboleth Where to start?
- Shibboleth Software is free and Open Source
- Help is available!
- Shibboleth Wiki (https//spaces.internet2.edu/disp
lay/SHIB/) - MATU Installation guides (http//www.matu.ac.uk/do
cs/) - Mailing lists
- (shibboleth-users_at_internet2.edu)
- Two Sun servers, running Solaris 9
- Shibboleth Identity Provider
- Shibboleth Service Provider
- Licenses for
- WebCT Powerlinks SDK
- WebCT developers network
25Identity Provider - Software
- Software comes packaged a java .war file.
- We installed it on
- Solaris OS
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache Web Server
- mod_jk
26Identity Provider - Configuration
- The configuration is stored in several XML files
in /usr/local/shibboleth-idp/etc by default - idp.xml - Main configuration file contains
providerId, information about the federation and
links to other configuration files - resolver.ldap.xml - Connection parameters for
LDAP and list of attributes to retrieve - arp.site.xml - Attribute release policy - list of
attributes. Can be configured to release
different sets of attributes to different
applications. - metadata.xml - holds metadata for all the IdPs
and SPs in the federation and the SSL certificate
chain. Must be updated regularly!
27Service Provider
- Shibboleth does not provide its own
authentication mechanism (out of scope for
Shibboleth). It can be paired with a range of
authentication systems - Apache ltLocationgt directives in httpd.conf (e.g.
simple HTML page) - JAAS module - for dynamic web applications like
WebCT or uPortal that use the attributes of the
user to display information - Yale CAS (Central Authentication Service)
28Service Providers One or Many?
- SAML SSO is an end to end protocol between one SP
and one IdP. - If you are Shibbolizing multiple applications
(like uPortal and WebCT), each one requires their
own Service provider. - However, Guanxi takes a different approach by
allowing a single Shibboleth SP for an
institution with associated guards for each
29Service Provider - Configuration
- Configuration files in /opt/shibboleth-sp/etc/shib
boleth - shibboleth.xml - main configuration file with
Federation information, SSL certificate ,
RequestMap of all applications being protected
with parameters - aap.xml - attribute acceptance policy - can set
rules about the attributes you accept - metadata.xml same as identity provider
30Service Provider - Configuration
- 2 files work together to provide Shibboleth
protection to web resources - httpd.conf ltLocationgt block
- Shibboleth.xml ltRequestMapgt elements
31Shibbolizing applications JAAS modules
- uPortal - SpieJaasModule developed by the SPIE
project at Oxford University (http//spie.oucs.ox.
ac.uk/) - WebCT Shibboleth inbound authentication module
ibboleth/) - Many more Blackboard, DSpace, Plone, EZProxy
32Java Authentication and Authorization Service
33Authentication only
- uPortal and WebCT JAAS modules were basic
- Triggered Shibboleth Authentication
- Retrieved the username attribute
- Set as current user in system
- Used inbuilt (uPortal or WebCT) authorisation
- PrivilEge and Role Management Infrastructure
Standards - Authorisation (privilege management) system that
complements existing authentication systems. - PERMIS web interface -write PERMIS policies
- URLs need to be known in advance
- uPortal URLs built on the fly
- http//shibsp.kent.ac.uk/uPortal/tag.f4d450cdb66bf
1f5... - http//shibsp.kent.ac.uk/uPortal/tag.a3a580b2d384e
523... - Would require additional code to handle
Authorisation - Develop JAAS module
- Portal level to call PERMIS when building
portal pages - Out of scope of KUSP project
36Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Specialized form of software authentication that
enables a user to authenticate once and gain
access to the resources of multiple software
systems. - Kerberos, CAS, CoSIgn, Web-SSO, etc.
37SSO - Aims
- Integrate WebCT into portal
- Sign into portal and get dashboard view of WebCT
38SSO - Results
- Shibboleth uses Cookies so SSO happened
39Portal Integration
- IFrame
- Session Display problems
40Portal Integration
- Vista MyWebCT portlet
- Used proxy authentication module
- Displayed limited dashboard
41Portal Integration
- Home-grown portlet using web services
- Allows fuller dashboard interface
- Best to extend existing portlet
42Shibboleth Demo
- http//shibsp.kent.ac.uk/uPortal
43Findings - Authn not Authz
- Shibboleth for Authentication not authorization
- Personalised systems like portals and VLEs need
to perform three types of user management - Authentication
- Authorization/Role management
- Remembering user preferences
- Is it appropriate to externalise this?
- Outside of scope of project to redevelop
authorization for personalised system such as
portal or VLE
44Findings More potential
- Did not use Shibboleths full potential!
- uPortal and WebCT still required user accounts
- uPortal can create these at first login
- Still need to manage these accounts
- Did not use Shibboleth role-based attributes
- Did not use privacy protecting functionality
(always relied on Username) instead of tickets
and roles
45Findings - WebCT
- The WebCT/Shibboleth module was not necessary for
the Shibbolized portal - Proxy module was sufficient since it was only
passing a username instead of using the full
Shibboleth functionality
46Findings - SSO
- Shibboleth can handle SSO for web based
applications - No extra software required (such as CAS)
- Will investigate for future use
47Lessons Learned
- Setting up the Shibboleth Identity provider and
Service Provider was relatively straightforward.
It is the integration of Shibboleth with existing
applications that is much more difficult and time
consuming, so leave plenty of time for this in
your project plan. - Keep a Blog or Wiki of the installation
procedures, lessons learned and other issues. - Make contact with other projects as early as
possible. - Join all relevant mailing lists at the beginning
of the project and dont be afraid to ask lots of
stupid questions.
- Shibboleth Wiki (https//spaces.internet2.edu/disp
lay/SHIB/) - MATU Installation guides (http//www.matu.ac.uk/do
cs/) - SWITCH Installation guides (http//www.switch.ch/a
bian.html) - LSIP project (University of Liverpool)
Implementation Documentation (http//www.liv.ac.uk
/LSIP/Documentation/ DraftShib13ImplementationDocu
ment.html) - uPortal website http//www.uportal.org
- WebCT (Blackboard) website and developers
network http//www.webct.com/ and
http//devnet.webct.com/ - SPIE project (Oxford University)
http//www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/rts/spie/ - InQueue Shibboleth federation http//inqueue.inter
net2.edu/ - FEAR project (Reid Kerr College)
- http//shibboleth.internet2.edu
- http//www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/publications/pu
b_shibboleth.aspx - http//www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/themes/access_manag
ement/federation/shibboleth.aspx - http//www.switch.ch/aai/about/introduction
- http//www.goshibbolethgo.com
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Federation_of_
Planets - https//spaces.internet2.edu/display/SHIB/Shibbole
thFederations - http//www.ukfederation.org.uk/
- http//shibboleth.internet2.edu/docs/draft-interne
t2-shibboleth-requirements-01.html - http//sec.isi.salford.ac.uk/permis/
50Any questions?
- http//www.kent.ac.uk/is/kusp
- b.ferguson_at_kent.ac.uk
- How long will FAM take to implement?
- How much will it cost?
- What impact on service?
- Changes to training and documentation required?
- Support moved from Library to Computing Service?
- Could OpenAthens be a cheaper option?
- What about non-web based resources?