Title: Material issues for SRF applications
1Material issues for SRF applications
2Cavity Figures of merit
G geometric factor Eacc depends on the shape
- Superconductivity ! RS(Nb) some nO (_at_ 2K)
( RS(Cu) some 100 µO) - Esurf 106-107 MV/m
- Isurf 109-1010 A/m2
- lL 50 nm
3RF Superconductivity RS
RS(Nb) qqs nO (_at_ 2K) ? 0 (because RF !)
- ? RBCSgt ? D, ? l, ? Tc (High Tc SC ?)
- ? RResgt ? magnetic shielding, ? GB losses (High
Tc oups !), ? purity (?)
4Purity high RRR material required , why ?
- not for superconductivity ! (in theory ? rn, ? ?
RBCS Rs, but 2nd order effect) - ? thermal conductivity kT
- but
- ? grain size
- ? mechanical resistance
- ? cost
- ? ? Optimum ? .
5RF SC Superheating field
intrinsic limitation phase transition
Normal state
- RF period10-9 s
- bulk vortices nucleation 10-6 s
Mixed state
Superheated state
- No mixed state in RF
- RF critical field doesnt depend on Hc2
Meissner state
Type II
Type I
GL parameter k ( l/x)
but it is close to it for Nb
6Cavities limitations dissipation, Hsh
Nb Limits _at_ 2 K, 1.3 GHz Eacc 55 MV/m (? 5
MV/m ?) Jc 109-1010 A/m2 (105-106 A/cm2) (Tesla
Shape Hc/Eacc 42 Oe/(MV/m))
7Practical limitations
- Before being limited by superconductivity, there
are several trivial limits - Mechanical properties
- Welding
- Magnetic shielding of cryostats
- Field emission
8Cold mechanical properties
- Mechanical Properties
- Recent breaking of an antenna (3.9 GHz coupler)
- Diagnostic brittle fracture, but precursor
cracks during processing ? - Recommendation we need to know better cold and
room temperature mechanical properties of Nb
after cold RF test
9Mechanical properties
- Mechanical Properties 2
- Recent Forming Problems at AES Nb too hard,
spring back, 6 passes vs 1, ovalization.
Deviation from the specified shape
- Microstructure Mechanical Properties studied
(MSU) - Diagnostic non fully recrystallized material
- Recommendations
- Re-annealing of the batch ( 200 sheets)
- QA delivered material should meet tightly
specifications - We must work with the suppliers to help them to
meet specification
Non equiaxe grains gt recrystallization not
High yield strength gt still some strain
hardening gt poor formability
before HT
after HT
1015 years of evolution in SRF cavities
or why it is effective/ necessary/useful to
do basic RD along with technological developments
1115 years Q-disease
750-800C annealing
Annealed _at_ 800C, 2h
Not annealed
Hydrogen !?
Saclay - B. Bonin, et al. RFSC ' 91
12ERDA /HFS hydrogen profiling
some 0.1 to 1 at. (10000 x Hbulk !!!)
- H up-take machining, heavy BCP, (EP!), H2O
- H Surface segregation
- Hydride forming (NbHx) _at_ 100 K
- Annealing gt purification re-crystallization
- Still an issue sometimes gt process or unknown
oxide-metal interface
- Hydrogen up take with time
- up annealed sample
- down same sample after 18 month in air
- Hydrogen up take with HCl (10 days)
- up normal
- down recrystallized sample
1315 years Field emission
High Pressure Rinsing
With HPR
Without HPR
Quench, no e-
Limitation / e-
CERN - P. Bernard et al. EPAC ' 92
14Field Emission
Emitting sites dusts, scratches
Scratch edge
Scratch end
Before HPR After
Dust particles gather and weld together and to
surface ? local enhancement of E
- HPR suppress emitting sites up to Epeak
80-100 MV/m - Its a mechanical effect
4 PhDs _at_ Saclay (A. Curtoni, J. Jimenez, J.
Tan, M. Luong) ? role of dust particles,
scratches role efficiency of cures.
1515 years titanization
Optimization of purification annealing
Cornell - H. Padamsee et al. SRF 89 Saclay Safa
H. et al., J. Al. Comp. 232 (1996) 281.
16Thermal behavior lT ? RRR ? purity
- Purification annealing with a getter (Ti)
- DG (TiO2) lt DG (Nb2O5)
- Moderate vacuum, temperature
- Diffusion limited ? Practical for macroscopic
1715 years Q-slope
Baking 110C/60 h
Not baked
Saclay - B. Visentin et al. EPAC ' 98
1815 years EP (baking!)
KEK - K. Saito et al. RFSC ' 89 DESY-CERN-Saclay
- L.Lilje et al, TTF report, 1999
19Comparison BCP/EP Thats a surface effect
BCP degrades EP results
- Issues
- Eacc gt 40 MV/m cannot be reached without
baking - High field dissipation ? quench mechanism
KEK - K. Saito et al. RFSC ' 97
Buffer Chemical Polishing / Electro-Polishing
20Baking optimization
B. Visentin et al, Saclay
- 120 C, 48 h, UHV baking is long and costfull
- 120 C, 48 h, in situ baking (clean air) has
proven as effective - 145 C, 3 h, UHV baking (or Ar) has proven
effective - But recently at JLab 120 C, 12 h, UHV baking
OK ? - and 120 C, 3 h on monocrystal cavity OK ?
- There is room for optimization !
21Todays issues
- Superconductivity
- High field dissipation
- Quench
- Material issues
- Monocrystal/ large grain cavities
- Shape optimization (field emission)
- Mechanical properties
Real Surface
Theoretical Surface
lL depth penetration where dissipation
occurs. For Nb 50-100 nm
22High field dissipation general
- Baking effect preserved after
- Air exposure (up to 46 months)
- HF rinsing and/or HPR
- anodization
- Slope comes back after any (light) etching,
250nm oxipolishing - Bulk properties of the SC are not changed (except
l) - Similar results baking 110C/60 h vacuum and
air, 145C/3 h vacuum only - Only 3-6 hours for monocrystalline cavities
- Results consistent with
- thermal diffusion of light impurities
- very superficial effect inside the SC (not
oxide) - no fundamental ? EP/BCP
23High field dissipation what diffusion species?
- Glow Discharge Luminescence (GDL)
- Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA)
Results consistent with thermal diffusion of O
24High field dissipation chasing interstitial O
25High field dissipation chasing interstitial O
XPS Principal Components Analysis
aNb2O5 bNbO2 gNbO dNb4O eNb6O hNb ?
At least 6 statistically significant components
26Interstitials oxygens (Oi)
- Segregation near metal-oxyde interface
- Oi ranging from 10 At Arfaoui to 70 At
Hellwig (5/70.714) - Origin
- Upon oxydation competition between oxidation/Oi
injection TB, Halbritter, Arfaoui, Hellwig... - Thermal diffusion (upon cooling) TB, ...
Local distorsion in the close neighborhood of
randomly distributed defects (1 O) BCC ?
trigonal w phase, seen on Nb monocrystal by
diffuse scattering Dosch (bulk),
27Depth-sensitive diffuse scattering in the near
surface region
Nb oxide
Scattering depth ? f(af,ai)
Inside the oxide no signature of the distorsion
Diffuse scattering intensity evolution for
different scattering depths.
28High field dissipation chasing O or C ?
- No large observable diffusion of O (on that
scale) !
- Some C diffusion!!????
- Short baking time for monocrystalline cavities
- Need for sensitivity and depth resolution
Atom-probe tomography (APT)
Collbn NUniversity
Cleaner interface gt ? SC behavior !?
29Influence of interstitial on superconducting gap ?
10 decrease in D gt Rs x10
Point contact spectroscopy
30Quench mechanisms
- thermal/magnetic instability
- local defect
- not affected by
- Baking
- Rinsing (H2O, HF, HPR)
- Affected by
- Purification annealing
- Surface etching (EP/BCP)
31Replica _at_ the quench site
Size of the defect ? 550 µm x ? 15 µm
32Replica _at_ the quench site
a) first quench site, b) same area after 20 µm
(quench site _at_ a new location ) c) new quench
- Morphological features not observed on EP
cavities - gt quench origin is ? ???
Local morphology is consistent for explaining the
33Grain boundaries and roughness
- Annealed material with grain ? 1-2 mm
- Small grain material with ? 70 mm
EP ?
b 1.4
34Grain boundaries evidence of preferential
apparently depending on GB orientation
1) Purification annealing Nb 1µm Ti
2) Chemical etching 15 µm
2) PIXE imaging ? (probe size 1µm) ?some
1000 Atppm !!!
35Morphological effect or depleted SC ?
What is the problem with GB ?
Flux penetration _at_ GB _at_ artificial notch
Collabo. WU/FSU
A. Polyanskii et al, WU/FSU
There is a local field enhancement due to
Saturation-field H0 gives information on
de-pairing Jd of SC GB
Sung Hawn
36Metallurgy issues- mono Xstal/large grain material
- GB Issues
- Segregation can play an important role in the
normal state GB conductivity - Depends strongly on disorientation
- gt work on monocrystals !?
Welding _at_ triple point ?
collabn, MSU
- RD is a way to confirm/ optimize (/choose
among) empiric improvements - We need to master the supply of adequate
material (purity, mechanical properties, ) - We need to master surface processing and field
emission - The physics behind ultimate limitations is
still not well understood. We need explanation
for - Baking effect
- Quench
- Nice fundamental physics AND practical
And Some Perspectives
38Surface processing
- Field emission (particle contamination) is still
the major practical limitation source
- What are the possible sources?
- Bad control of the wet process particle
counting is not enough - Bad control of the ancillaries e.g. cleaning of
couplers - Contamination during assembly long, complex,
manually made - Absence of post processing solution
- Recommendations
- Develop new designs/tooling to ease assembling
- Collabn Jlab
- Develop post processing applicable to
assembled cavities - e.g. Plasma cleaning w ECR plasma
- New designs of flanges, couplers?
39Beyond bulk niobium nano-composite
- Theory (FSU - National High Magnetic Field Lab)
- MgB2 (ANL, Penn State), NbN (ANL, JLAB), Nb3Sn
Higher-Hc SC
Nb (has the highest Hc1)
A. Gurevich, APL 2005
Higher Tc thin layers provide magnetic screening
of Nb
40(No Transcript)
41Superconductivity limits
- Superconductivity limits
- The theoretical limits for RF superconductivity
arent well known
- What causes the high field losses/ hot spots ?
- Morphology ?
- Grain boundaries
- Surface contamination (O)
- Recommendations
- Basic RD on superconductivity
- e.g. Hot Spot Model A. Gurevich (Colln w FSU)
Heat affected zone
- Effect of trapped vortices
- Heat source can be very small (nm )
- Thermally affected zone 5 mm and growing with
Trapped vortices