Title: Arenguuuringud 5' Arenguhindamine II
1Arengu-uuringud5. Arenguhindamine II
- Välja kujunenud valdkonnad instrumentide
komplekt hindamaks maailma riikide/ühiskondade
arengutaset. Tuntumad konstruktid, mida
hinnatakse - Vabadus (poliitilised vabadused, majandusvabadus,
demokraatia) - Tervis, haigestumine, eluiga, hälbiv käitumine
- Võrdsus (ebavõrdsus, võrdsed võimalused)
- Majanduskeskkond, tehnoloogia, innovatsioon,
internet - Riigi võimekus
- Keskkonnaseisund
- Usaldus, sallivus, rahumeelsus, subjektiivne
rahulolu, õnn, väärtused - Igaühe kohta mis see on, kes mõõdab/hindab ja
kuidas, millised andmebaasid olemas, näited
- World Bank Doing Business Report
- Vt http//www.doingbusiness.org/
- Riikide järjestus http//www.doingbusiness.org/ec
onomyrankings/ - Näitajad
- Starting a Business
- Dealing with Construction Permits
- Employing Workers
- Registering Property
- Getting Credit
- Protecting Investors
- Paying Taxes
- Trading Across Borders
- Enforcing Contracts
- Closing a Business
4WB doing business rankings
- 1.Singapore 1,9,5,1,13,7,2,2,14,2
- 2.New Zealand
- 3.USA
- 18.Georgia 10,11, 4,11,48, 33,102, 64,42,105
- 19.Belgium
- 20.Germany
- 22.Estonia 23, 19, 163, 24,43, 53,34,5,30,58
- ..
- 38.Spain
- 39.Armenia 47, 73,48,2,36, 83,143,118,64,42
- 40.Kuwait
- ..
- Source World Bank, Doing Business 2008 report
- 57.Turkey
- 71.Kazakhstan
- 96.Azerbaidijan
- 106.Russia
- 135.Iran
- 139.Ukraine
- 153.Tajikistan
- 159.Afganistan
- 178.Congo
5Innovatsioon. Internet
- European Innovation Scoreboard
- The European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) is the
instrument developed at the initiative of the
European Commission, under the Lisbon Strategy,
to provide a comparative assessment of the
innovation performance of EU Member States. The
EIS 2007 includes innovation indicators and trend
analyses for the EU27 Member States as well as
for Croatia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway,
Switzerland, Japan, the US, Australia, Canada and
Israel. - Vt 2008 aruannet
- http//www.proinno-europe.eu/index.cfm?fuseaction
page.displaytopicID5parentID51 - Internetikasutajad
- http//www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm
6Innovatsiooniindeks, 2007
7Internet users per 1000 people, 2006
(calculated from CIA World Factbook)
- Netherlands 891
- Iceland 869
- New Zealand 780
- USA 692
- Estonia 512
- Latvia 447
- Lithuania 357
- Source www.nationmaster.com
- Turkey 222
- Russia 165
- Azerbaijan 80
- Armenia 49
- Georgia 39
- Kazakhstan 26
- Bangladesh 2
- Niger 1
8Läbikukkunud riigid
- A failed state is a state whose central
government is so weak or ineffective that it has
little practical control over much of its
territory. The level of control required to avoid
being considered a failed state varies
considerably amongst authorities. Furthermore,
the declaration that a state has "failed" is
generally controversial and, when made
authoritatively, may carry significant
geopolitical consequences - Since 2005 the United States think-tank, the Fund
for Peace and the magazine Foreign Policy,
publishes an annual index called the Failed
States Index. - Riikide järjestust vt
- http//www.fundforpeace.org/web/index.php?optionc
9Failed states, 2007 Allikas http//www.fundforpe
- Ökoloogiline jalajälg
- The ecological footprint is a measure of human
demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares
human demand with planet Earth's ecological
capacity to regenerate it. It represents the
amount of biologically productive land and sea
area needed to regenerate the resources a human
population consumes and to absorb and render
harmless the corresponding waste, given
prevailing technology and resource management
practice. Using this assessment, it is possible
to estimate how many planet Earths it would take
to support humanity if everybody lived a given
lifestyle. - Andmed riikide kohta http//www.footprintnetwork.
11Ökoloogiline jalajälg, 1961
12Ökoloogiline jalajälg, 2001
13Ecological Creditors and Debtors Allikas
14Subjektiivne maailmapilt
- Inimese subjektiivne vaade elule usaldus,
rahulolu, rahumeelsus, sallivus, õnn, väärtused - Sallivuse defitsiit ja sallivuse tootmine
arenguprobleem?! - Sallivus hoiak, tunne, mida poliitiliselt
15Sallivus UNESCO Declaration of the principles of
tolerance - 1995
- Article 1 - Meaning of tolerance
- Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation
of the rich diversity of our world's cultures,
our forms of expression and ways of being human.
... - Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not
only a moral duty, it is also a political and
legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that
makes peace possible, contributes to the
replacement of the culture of war by a culture of
peace. - Tolerance is not concession, condescension or
indulgence. Tolerance is, above all, an active
attitude prompted by recognition of the universal
human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.
16 UNECSO 1995 ...
- Tolerance is the responsibility that upholds
human rights, pluralism (including cultural
pluralism), democracy and the rule of law. - Consistent with respect for human rights, the
practice of tolerance does not mean toleration of
social injustice or the abandonment or weakening
of one's convictions. - In the modern world, tolerance is more essential
than ever before. Without tolerance there can
be no peace, and without peace there can be no
development or democracy. - In order to generate public awareness, emphasize
the dangers of intolerance and react with renewed
commitment and action in support of tolerance
promotion and education, we solemnly proclaim 16
November the annual International Day for
17 Miks sallivus?
- Avatud maailm erinevused ärritavad.
- Täna poliitika ja usu kõrvale ka teistsugune
keel, käitumine, riietus, hoiakud, suhted...
Ärritavad nudistid, autistid, tüsedad,
koolikohustuse vältijad, taimetoitlased, homod
ja lesbid, maa- ja vanaususlised - Sallivus ärrituse mahasurumine, agressiivsuse
mahasurumine - Üldine hoiak - sallivus on väärtus, sallivust
on vähe. Vaidlus - kas sallida
kultuuripraktikat, mis näit vastuolus lääneliku
arusaamaga inimõigustest? Kas on põhjendatud
sallimatust? - Mis toodab sallivust kindlustunne, isiklik
kogemus. - Sallival inimesel identiteedipiirid laiad. Erich
Fromm ja ligimesearmastus!
18Sallivus suhtumine immigratsiooni ja
multikultuursusesse(Allikad Pew Global
Attitudes, 2007, EIA, 2006)
- Vastuseis multikultuursele ühiskonnale EL
liikmesriikides 2003, ( küsitletutest kes
väljendasid vastuseisu, /Resistance to
multicultural society) - Kreeka 59
- Eesti 51
- Läti 44
- Tsehhi 39
- Belgia 37
- Küpros 36
- Saksamaa 34
- Leedu 33
- Slovakkia 29
- Austria 27
- Itaalia 24
- Soome 24
- Taani 22
- Prantsusmaa 22
- Malta 22
- Holland 22
19Suhtumine islamiusulistesseAllikas
20Usaldus Eesti institutsioonide usaldusväärsus,
2007Allikas J.Kivirähk EIA 2007, 64
21Rahumeelsus global peace index
- Global Peace Index is an attempt to measure the
relative position of nations and regions
peacefulness. It is maintained by the Institute
for Economics and Peace and developed in
consultation with an international panel of peace
experts from peace institutes and think tanks,
together with the Centre for Peace and Conflict
Studies, University of Sydney, Australia with
data analysed by the Economist Intelligence Unit - The list was launched first in May 2007 and then
recently in May 2008 and is claimed to be the
first study to rank countries around the world
according to their peacefulness. - The research team was headed by The Economist
Intelligence Unit in conjunction with academics
and experts in the field of peace. They measured
countries' peacefulness based on wide range of
indicators, 24 in all.
22Rahumeelsuse mõõtmine
- Methodology and Data SourcesThe
indicatorsTwenty-four indicators of the
existence or absence of peace were chosen by the
panel, which are divided into three key thematic
categories. Many of the indicators have been
"banded" on a scale of 1-5 qualitative
indicators in the index have been scored by the
Economist Intelligence Unit's extensive team of
country analysts, and gaps in the quantitative
data have been filled by estimates. Indicators of
quantitative data such as military expenditure or
jailed population have been normalised on the
basis ofx (x-Min(x)) / (Max (x) - Min (x)) - Where Min (x) and Max (x) are respectively the
lowest and highest values in the 140 countries
for any given indicator. The normalised value is
then transformed from a 0-1 value to a 1-5 score
to make it comparable with the other indicators.
23Rahumeelsuse mõõtmine
- Measures of ongoing domestic and international
conflict - Number of external and internal conflicts fought
2001-06 - Estimated number of deaths from organised
conflict (external) - Number of deaths from organised conflict
(internal) - Level of organised conflict (internal)
- Relations with neighbouring countries
- Measures of societal safety and securityLevel of
distrust in other citizens - Number of displaced people as a percentage of the
population - Political instability
- Level of disrespect for human rights (Political
Terror Scale) - Potential for terrorist acts
- Number of homicides per 100,000 people
- Level of violent crime
- Likelihood of violent demonstrations
- Number of jailed population per 100,000 people
- Number of internal security officers and police
per 100,000 people
- Measures of militarizationMilitary expenditure
as a percentage of GDP - Number of armed services personnel per 100,000
people - Volume of transfers (imports) of major
conventional weapons per 100,000 people - Volume of transfers (exports) of major
conventional weapons per 100,000 people - UN Deployments 2007-08 (percentage of total armed
forces) - Non-UN Deployments 2007-08 (percentage of total
armed forces) - Aggregate number of heavy weapons per 100,000
people - Ease of access to small arms and light weapons
- Military capability/sophistication
24Global peace indexAllikas http//www.visionofhu
25Subjektiivne heaolu. Õnnetunne
- New Economics Foundation, http//www.neweconomics.
org/gen/m1_i1_aboutushome.aspx - nef is an independent think-and-do tank that
inspires and demonstrates real economic
well-being. - We aim to improve quality of life by promoting
innovative solutions that challenge mainstream
thinking on economic, environment and social
issues. We work in partnership and put people and
the planet first. - nef was founded in 1986 by the leaders of The
Other Economic Summit (TOES) which forced issues
such as international debt onto the agenda of the
G7 and G8 summits. - We are unique in combining rigorous analysis and
policy debate with practical solutions on the
ground, often run and designed with the help of
local people. We also create new ways of
measuring progress towards increased well-being
and environmental sustainability. - nef works with all sections of society in the UK
and internationally - civil society, government,
individuals, businesses and academia - to create
more understanding and strategies for change
26Happy planet indexAllikas nef,
27Satisfaction with Life Index by Adrian White,
University of Leicester, Legend Green
Happiest gt Blue gt Purple gt Orange gt Red Least
Happy Grey Data not availablehttp//en.wikiped
28Subjektiivne heaoluAllikas http//www.le.ac.uk/u
29Maailma väärtuskaartAllikas R.Inglehart,
30Arenguanalüüsi loogika
- Positiivselt esiletoodud arengud rohkem vabadust
ja demokraatiat, kõrgem haridustase, parem tervis
ja vähem hälbivat käitumist, piiranguteta äri,
vähem korruptsiooni, oma ülesandeid täitev riik,
uute tehnoloogiate kiire juurdumine, väiksem
keskkonnakoormus, sallivus, rahumeelsus,
õnnetunne - See läänemaailma tänane pilt arengust?!
31Arenguanalüüsi areng
- Suur pilt ja seosed erinevate arengudimensioonide
vahel - Kas rikkus toodab õnne, kus on kasvu piirid, miks
muutuvad väärtused, religioon ja areng, kust on
pärit keskkonnasäästlik mõtteviis
32Wealth and religiosityAllikas
33Heaolu ja ökoloogiline jalajälg(allikas UNDP)