Title: Arenguuuringud Loeng 10 Relativism, universalism ja arenguhindamine
1Arengu-uuringudLoeng 10 Relativism,
universalism ja arenguhindamine
- Mati Heidmets
- 15.12. 2008
2 Lähteküsimus
- Muutused ühiskonnas
- Muutus ilma suunata teisenemine
- Kasv kvantitatiivne suurenemine
- Progress liikumine ideaali suunas
- Innovatsioon järsk teisititegemine
- Areng positiivne pikaajaline muutumine
- Lähteküsimus kas on olemas arenguuniversaale
kõikjal ja kõigile kehtivaid arengukriteeriume?
Kuhu tuleks püüelda riigina viie rikkama,
rohelisema, targema, tugevama hulka - inimesena
edu, tunnustuse, rikkuse, õnne suunas? Kas üldse
püüelda (seada arengueesmärke?) - Areng kui konstrukt - relatiivne või
universaalne, individuaalne või üldinimlik? - Kas saab defineerida üldinimlikke ja kultuurist
sõltumatuid arengueesmärke, millisel skaalal neid
mõõta ja hinnata? - Kui jah, kas siis saab/tohib arengut suunata,
motiveerida, jõuga peale suruda? Eriti kui
selleks on olemas ressurss?!
3Relativistlik vaade
- Relativism tõe suhtelisus, moraalne relativism.
- Relativism is the idea that some elements or
aspects of experience or culture are relative to,
i.e., dependent on, other elements or aspects. - Common statements that might be considered
relativistic include - "That's true for you but not for me"
- "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
- "You can't judge other cultures by the standards
of your own" - Some relativists claim that humans can understand
and evaluate beliefs and behaviors only in terms
of their historical or cultural context. There
are many forms of relativism which vary in their
degree of controversy. - The term often refers to truth relativism, which
is the doctrine that there are no absolute
truths, i.e., that truth is always relative to
some particular frame of reference, such as a
language or a culture. - Another widespread and contentious form is moral
420 sajandi II pool nihe relativismi suunas
- Pöörded sotsiaalias ja humanitaarias vt KK 8-9,
2008 - Keeleline pööre keel pole vaid meedium, keel
loob tegelikkust - Kognitiivne pööre maailmapildi konstrueerimine
- Kultuuriline pööre kultuurikontekst, erinevad
tähenduste maailmad, jagatud uskumused,
representatsioonid - Kvalitatiivne lähenemine mis on mõõdetav?
- Positivistlik, tõde ja püsivust otsiv teadus
tunneb pöörete ajastul ebamugavust. Teadmine on
liiga paljudest asjadest sõltuv!
5 Sisemine ja väline vaatepunkt
- Anthropological relativism refers to a
methodological stance, in which the researcher
suspends (or brackets) his or her own cultural
biases while attempting to understand beliefs and
behaviors in their local contexts. This has
become known as methodological relativism, and
concerns itself specifically with avoiding
ethnocentrism or the application of one's own
cultural standards to the assessment of other
cultures. This is also the basis of the so-called
"emic" and "etic" distinction, in which - An emic or insider account of behavior is a
description of a society in terms that are
meaningful to the participant or actor's own
culture an emic account is therefore
culture-specific, and typically refers to what is
considered "common sense" within the culture
under observation. - An etic or outsider account is a description of a
society by an observer, in terms that can be
applied to other cultures that is, an etic
account is culturally neutral, and typically
refers to the conceptual framework of the social
scientist. (This is complicated when it is
scientific research itself that is under study,
or when there is theoretical or terminological
disagreement within the social sciences.)
6T.Kuhn ja relativism
- Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science, as expressed
in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is
often seen as relativistic (and enthusiastically
proclaimed as such within the humanities). He
claimed that as well as progressing steadily and
incrementally ("normal science"), science
undergoes periodic revolutions or "paradigm
shifts", leaving scientists working in different
paradigms with difficulty in even communicating. - "the third and most fundamental aspect of the
incommensurability of competing paradigms this
is a sense that I am unable to explicate further,
the proponents of competing paradigms practice
their trades in different worlds. One contains
constrained bodies that fall slowly, the other
pendulums that repeat their motions again and
again. In one, solutions are compounds, in the
other mixtures. One is embedded in a flat, the
other in a curved, matrix of space. Practicing in
two different worlds, the two groups of
scientists see different things when they look
from the same point in the same direction. Again,
that is not to say that they can see anything
they please. Both are looking at the world, and
what they look at has not changed. However in
some areas they see different things and they see
them in different relations one to the other.
That is why a law that cannot even be
demonstrated to one group of scientists may
occasionally seem intuitively obvious to another.
Equally, it is why, before they can hope to
communicate fully, one group or the other must
experience the conversion that we have been
calling a paradigm shift." - Thus the truth of a claim, or the existence of a
posited entity is relative to the paradigm
7Relativistlikud argumendid arenguhindamises
- Kultuuriargument. Kultuur kui kollektiivne
kohanemisskeem (tegevused, suhted, tähendused).
Väide maailmas (kollektiivse) kohanemise viise
põhimõtteliselt palju. - Ei ole olemas ainuõiget elukorraldust
(nukleaarperekond, roheline eluviis), poliitilist
süsteemi (liberaalne demokraatia), väärtusmudelit
(individualistlik empaatia), kõigil
elukorraldustel peaks olema võimalus ennast
testida - Relativist - F.Fukuyama oli põhimõtteliselt
eksiteel. Inimkond kui otsiv süsteem,
tulevikulahendusi on väga erinevaid, kõigil oma
shanss -
8Mitterelativistlikud vaated
- Püsivust rõhutavad positsioonid universalism,
objektivism, absolutism, monism - Relativism can be contrasted with
- Universalism the view that facts can be
discovered objectively and that they thus apply
universally in all situations, times and places. - Objectivism the view that cognitive, aesthetic
and ethical values are independent of human
thinking. - Absolutism the view that beauty, truth, etc,
are timeless and unchanging qualities. - Monism the view that in any given area there
can be no more than one correct opinion.
9Universalistlikud argumendid arenguhindamises
- Igivana soov leida universaalset arenguskeemi
tsivilisatsiooniargument, moraalse arengu
argument, väärtuspildi liikumine arengu suunas - Arusaam, et inimese (mõned?) põhivajadused ja
ootused on ühesugused kõikjal - Seetõttu on olemas kõigile ja kõikjal omased
väärtused ja soovitavad arengusuunad. - Inimese ja ühiskonna arengu ideaal?!
10 Universalistlik arenguvõrdlus
- Globaalne arenguvõrdlus universalistlik
lähenemine? - Globaalsed arengumõõdikud kui ühtsed mõõdikud
kõigile rahvastele ja regioonidele? - Majandus, Innovaatilisus, Kaitsevõime, Hälbiv
käitumine, Vabadus, (Eba)võrdsus, Tervis,
Haridus, Väärtused, Subjektiivne enesetunne ??? - Võrdlustööstus lähtub universalistlikust
arusaamast. Siit selle valdkonna konfliktid ja
debatid mis on korruptsioon, kellele on vaja
sallivust, võrdsust
11Universalistlik argument konstruktide
- Konstrukti institutsionaliseerumine idee,
toetajad, organisatsioon, nõuete formuleerimine
ja kehtestamine, hindamine, klassifitseerimine
(järgib/ei järgi), surve, idee juurdumine
ühiskonnas - õigussüsteem, haridus, surverühmad,
väärtussüsteem -
- Universaalsed konstruktid
- Inimõigused,
- Laste õigused,
- Loomade õigused
- Võrdsus
- Sallivus ja rahumeelsus
- Tulevikuarvestamine (jätkusuutlikkus)
- Demokraatia
- Universalistlik arengukäsitlus sõltumata
riigist, rahvast ja kultuurist on püsiväärtused,
mille abil saab arengut hinnata ning mille
juurdumist tohib toetada ka võõraste juures -
121948 inimõigused, 1970dad loomade õigused
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
is a declaration adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly (10 December 1948 at Palais de
Chaillot, Paris). The Guinness Book of Records
describes the UDHR as the "Most Translated
Document in the world. - 1975 Animal Liberation is a book by Australian
philosopher Peter Singer, published in 1975.
Although Singer is not the first person to apply
the concept of moral standing to nonhuman
animals, the book is widely considered within the
animal rights movement to be the founding
philosophical statement of its ideas. - 1976 The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a
name used internationally by animal liberation
activists who engage in direct action on behalf
of animals. This includes removing animals from
laboratories and fur farms, and sabotaging
facilities involved in animal testing and other
animal-based industries. According to ALF
statements, any act that furthers the cause of
animal liberation, where all reasonable
precautions are taken not to harm any animal
(human or otherwise), may be claimed as an ALF
action - Kas inimõigused ja loomade õigused on
relativistlikud? Kas nende juurdumine on märk
13Laste õigused
- The United Nations' 1989 Convention on the Rights
of the Child, or CRC, is the first legally
binding international instrument to incorporate
the full range of human rightscivil, cultural,
economic, political and social rights. Its
implementation is monitored by the Committee on
the Rights of the Child. National governments
that ratify it commit themselves to protecting
and ensuring children's rights, and agree to hold
themselves accountable for this commitment before
the international community. - Surverühm Save the Children
- Save the Children is a leading international
organisation helping children in need around the
world. First established in the United Kingdom in
1919, separate national organisations have been
set up in more than twenty-eight countries,
sharing the aim of improving the lives of
children through education, health care and
economic opportunities, as well as emergency aid
in cases of natural disasters, war and conflict. - Kas edenemine laste õiguste vallas on areng?
14Vähemuste õigused. Rühmaõigused
- Rahvusvahelised konventsioonid
- The first post-war international treaty to
protect minorities, designed to protect them from
the greatest threat to their existence, was the
U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide. Subsequent human rights
standards that codify minority rights include the
International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Persons Belonging to National or
Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, two
Council of Europe treaties (the Framework
Convention for the Protection of National
Minorities and the European Charter for Regional
or Minority Languages. -
- Feminism.
- The history of feminist movements has been
divided into three "waves" by feminist scholars.
Each is described as dealing with different
aspects of the same feminist issues. The first
wave refers to the feminism movement of the 19th
through early 20th centuries, which dealt mainly
with the Suffrage movement. The second wave
(1960s-1980s) dealt with the inequality of laws,
as well as cultural inequalities. The Third wave
of Feminism (1990s-current), is seen as both a
continuation and a response to the perceived
failures of the Second-wave. - Kas vähemuste õiguste, rühmaõiguste järgimine on
- UNESCO Declaration of the principles of tolerance
1995 - Article 1 - Meaning of tolerance
- Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation
of the rich diversity of our world's cultures,
our forms of expression and ways of being human.
... - Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not
only a moral duty, it is also a political and
legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that
makes peace possible, contributes to the
replacement of the culture of war by a culture of
peace. - Tolerance is not concession, condescension or
indulgence. Tolerance is, above all, an active
attitude prompted by recognition of the universal
human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. - Kas sallivus (kui väärtus ja käitumismall) on
16 Universalism vs realtivism
- Koos relativistlike pööretega ka universalistliku
arengukäsitluse levik. Mitmed universalistlikud
vaated institutsionaliseeritud. Kes järgmised
meeste õiguste harta, esindamata rahvad ? - Universalism vs relativism? Või tööjaotus nende
vahel? - Liikumine kahes suunas relativism (toimuva
mõistmisel) ja universalism (sihiseadena) - Kust tuleb universalistlik arengukäsitlus?
Liberaalne demokraatia? Alternatiivid?