Title: Trade and Cooperation: A Regional Public Goods Approach
1Trade and CooperationA Regional Public Goods
- Robert Devlin and Antoni EstevadeordalIntegration
and Regional Programs Department - Inter-American Development Bank
- NetAmericas
- OAS Trade Conference
- Integrating the Americas
- IIE, Washington, D.C.
- November 20-21, 2002
- Provide analytical framework to study the
relationship between trade agreements and
cooperation agreements. - Based on some stylized facts Simultaneous
explosion of New Regionalism with growing
interest in Regional Public Goods (RPGs) in the
1990s. - Connect three bodies of literature on trade
agreements regional cooperation and regional
public goods.
3Trade and Cooperation
- Rethinking Regional Integration.
- Simultaneous explosion of New Regionalism with
increasing interest in RPGs. - The modalities of the T and C nexus.
- The T and C technologies.
- The T and C nexus A Regional Public Goods
4Trade and CooperationRethinking Regional
- Traditional thinking of Regional Integration
highly influenced by European Model of Trade and
Economic Integration based on a linear-stages
approach (FTA ? CU ? CM ? EU / MU) where other
forms of cooperation (non-trade/non-economic) are
for the most part ancillary aspects. - Nowadays, RTAs / RIAs are becoming key
instruments to respond and manage increasing
autonomous globalization and technological
change, where other forms of cooperation became
an integral part of the process.
5Trade and CooperationRethinking Regional
- Globalization Technological Change ?
- ? Cross-border interactions ?
- ? Demand for RPGs ?
- ? Optimal provision RPGs (with Public Goods
characteristics) requires Regional Cooperation
(Regional Cooperation Agreements) ? - ? Incentives for Cooperation for the provision of
RPGs greater if there are economic incentives and
commercial interests ? - ? Increase Demand for RIAs.
6Trade and Cooperation Simultaneous explosion of
New Regionalism with increasing interest in
Regional Cooperation
7The Modalities of a Joint Technology The T and
C Nexus
- T
- C
- T C
- T C
- T ? C (or T C)
- C ? T (or C T)
8The T TechnologyOld Regionalism New
- Support ISI Development Strategy
- High external barriers (high trade diversion)
- Shallow Agreements
- South-South only
- No credible enforcement mechanisms
- Support Structural Reform and Liberalization
Process - Open regionalism (mitigate trade diversion)
- Deeper Agreements
- Increasingly North-South
- Incipient DSM and improved WTO Rules
- Few incentives for regional cooperation
- Cooperation beyond trade (infrastructure,
9The C TechnologyRegional Public Goods
- Definition RPGs are transboundary public goods
whose nonrivalry and nonexclusivity properties
extend beyond national borders, but are contained
in a well defined set of states or a region. - Examples preserving rain forest prevention or
mitigation of natural disasters cleansing a
lake reducing acid rain power grid and other
energy projects airport hub-spoke network
transportation infrastructure transnational
diseases agricultural and other research policy
coordination (financial labor etc.).
10The T and C Nexus A Regional Public Goods
- T
- C
- T C
- T C
- T ? C (or T C)
- C ? T (or C T)
11The T and C Nexus A Regional Public Goods
- The Wiring
- Negotiating Considerations
- Efficiency Considerations
- Institutional Considerations
- Jurisdictional Considerations
- Role of North-South RIAs
12The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach. The Wiring
PR China
Hong Kong
Costa Rica
El Salvador
South Korea
Dominican Republic
Andean Community
New Zealand
Intra-LAC in force
Trinidad Tobago
Intra-Asia- Pacific in force
St. Vincent Grenadines
Intra-LAC Under Negotiation
Antigua Barbuda
Papua New Guinea
St. Kitts Nevis
Trans-Pacific Under Negotiation
St. Lucia
Negotiations under strong consideration
Source Ando, Estevadeordal, Miller (2002)
13The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach The Wiring
- From a rationalistic approach to international
cooperation, the spaghetti bowl is a reflection
of the revealed preferences by nation states in
search of their commercial and economic interest
as a potential first stage towards greater
interdependence. - In this sense, the New Regionalism has created
the infrastructure or the wiring for an
effective provision of regional public goods.
This fact downplays the potential negative
effects of the spaghetti bowl.
14The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach The Wiring
- The final use of this infrastructure for
regional cooperation will depend on the joint
outcome of two complex and endogenous processes - (1) Process of inter-state bargaining and
institutional choices for the provision of
regional public goods building on existing
RIAs. - (2) Process of absorption of minor
connections by larger ones (For example, in the
Americas, the effect of an FTAA on existing
subregional and bilateral agreements).
15The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach. Negotiating
- The linkage between RIAs and the provision of
other RPGs increases the number of negotiating
issues on the table, creating more margin for
trade-offs but also increasing the complexity
of negotiations based on single-undertaking
principle (I.e., EU Bilateral agreements, etc.). - Right combination of carrots and sticks
through technical assistance programs or other
compensatory mechanisms.
16The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach. Efficiency
- RPGs cannot be supplied by national governments
acting unilaterally. Cooperation will be needed
and it often requires an agreement supported by
some institutional arrangements. - RPGs compare better vis-à-vis GPGs since
countries in a regional group have greater
homogeneity and face less barriers in terms of
asymmetric information.
17The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach.
Institutional Considerations (1)
- RIAs may offer a cost-saving institutional
architecture to aggregate the demand for RPGs
among their members. - RIAs can achieve enough economies of scale and
economies of scope with respect to RPGs so that
it would be possible to provide multiple or
joint RPGs. - RIAs may increase the credibility and ability of
a regional group to act jointly to offer
collaterals to back up loans or other external
financing for the provision of RPGs.
18The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach.
Institutional Considerations (2)
- The leader country of an RIAs may act as a
demandeur of RPGs in front of intl donor
community. - RIAs may reduce the effect of competition forces
among regional members that may otherwise inhibit
an efficient provision of RPGs. - RIA institutions possess the necessary
infrastructure to provide RPGs and can also act
as intermediaries in global networks contributing
to a more optimal provision of TPGs or GPGs.
19The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach.
Jurisdictional Considerations (1)
- The principle of subsidiarity implies a
correspondence between the political
(decision-making) jurisdiction and the economic
domain of the public goods range of spillovers. - According to the subsidiarity principle
- GPG should be allocated by a global multilateral.
- TPGs should be allocated by a network of regional
institutions. - RPG should be allocated by a regional
20The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach.
Jurisdictional Considerations (2)
- RIAs may offer the optimal economic jurisdiction
for the provision of some RPGs - Allowing for the internalization of positive
spillovers - Reducing transaction costs
- Providing market value to some RPGs
- Promoting evolution of regional institutions to a
changing environment
21The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach. Role of
North-South RIAs (1)
- However, traditional South-South RIAs may have
some disadvantages in the optimal provision of
RPGs due to insufficient economies of scale and
scope and lack of leadership and capacity. - North-South RIAs can provide an important
framework for the T and C nexus, in particular
when taking into account aid considerations (C
as Development Cooperation)
22The T and C Nexus A RPG Approach. Role of
North-South RIAs (2)
- Modalities for T and C nexus under North-South
RIAs - Quasi Demand-Supply Model (APEC,)
- Supra-Regional Model (Western Hemispheric
Initiatives/FTAA,..) RPGs provided to multiple
regions by institutional arrangement of greater
geographical reach (economies of scale) - Hub-Spoke Model (EU Bilaterals,) Multiple or
joint RPGs with non-overlapping spillovers range
provided by a single institution (economies of
scope) - Other Advantages include the increase interest by
donors since it facilitates monitoring and some
RPGs benefits can be internalized by the donor.
23Trade and CooperationA Regional Public Goods
- In the context of the New Regionalism, Regional
Cooperation is not an ancillary component of a
RIA but rather an integral part. - RPG literature provides a useful analytical and
policy framework to understand the role of the
New Regionalism and the modalities for a T and C