Title: Trade Facilitation in the WTO Context
1Trade Facilitation in the WTO Context
- Mike Doran - CERN, UN/CEFACT Vice Chair
- Tom Butterly - UNECE
- Geneva, 26 May 2005
- 2. International Trade Transaction Process
- 3. Trade Facilitation eBusiness Standards
- 4. UN/CEFACT Instruments Related to GATT
Articles VIII and X - 5. Capacity Building and Implementation
3International Standards The UN Role
The United Nations promotes trade for its
potential to foster economic development and
eradicate povertyUNECE develops, maintains and
leads the implementation of trade-related
recommendations, standards and toolsThis
activity is carried out through UN/CEFACT (the
United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and
Electronic Business) which is open to the
participation of any business or
governmentUNECE developed standards are open
and technology neutral, and will cater to the
needs of large or small companies and of
developed and developing countries alike.
- Mission
- To deliver trade facilitation recommendations
e-business standards which can improve the
ability of business, trade and administrative
organizations within developed, developing and
transitional economies, to trade products and
relevant services more effectively - and so
contribute to the growth of global commerce. - Focus
- The worldwide facilitation of national AND
international trade transactions, through the
simplification and harmonization of business
processes, procedures and information flows.
5UN/CEFACTs Future Strategy
6UN/CEFACT Programme of Work
- Details all the specific work items of UN/CEFACT
- Project Title
- Description
- Target Audience
- Target Date for Completion
- Link to CTIED Programme of Work
- Lead Group
- Submitted for approval of the UN/CEFACT Plenary
in June
- 2. International Trade Transaction Process
- 3. Trade Facilitation eBusiness Standards
- 4. UN/CEFACT Instruments Related to GATT
Articles VIII and X - 5. Capacity Building and Implementation
8International Trade Transaction Process
The International Trade Transaction Process
consists of
The International Trade Transaction Process
consists of integrated and coordinated flows of
information, goods payments Source UN/CEFACT
International Supply Chain Reference Model
Prepare For Export
Prepare For Import
- Commercial
- Procedures
- Establish Contract
- Order Goods
- Advise On Delivery
- Request Payment
- Transport
- Procedures
- Establish Transport Contract
- Collect,Transport and Deliver Goods
- Provide Waybills, Goods Receipts Status reports
- Regulatory
- Procudures
- Obtain Import/Export Licences etc
- Provide Customs Declarations
- Provide Cargo Declaration
- Apply Trade Security Procedures
- Clear Goods for Export/Import
- Financial Procedures
- Provide Credit Rating
- Provide Insurance
- Provide Credit
- Execute Payment
- Issue Statements
- 2. International Trade Transaction Process
- 3. Trade Facilitation eBusiness Standards
- 4. UN/CEFACT Instruments Related to GATT
Articles VIII and X - 5. Capacity Building and Implementation
11UN/CEFACT Instruments
- - UN Layout Key for Trade Documents
- - UNeDocs
- - ebXML
- - Single Window
- - Compendium of Trade Facilitation
12eBusiness Standards Development
Need for a common, agreed, international standard!
- Combining 30 yrs trade facilitation,
- 15 yrs of traditional EDI and
- 20 yrs of SGML electronic documentation standards
- Launched in Canberra September 1999
- ebXML is now ISO 15000
- 2. International Trade Transaction Process
- 3. Trade Facilitation eBusiness Standards
- 4. UN/CEFACT Instruments Related to GATT
Articles VIII and X - 5. Capacity Building and Implementation
15GATT Article VIII(Fees ) Formalities Connected
with Import/Export
- Recognizes the need to minimize the incidence and
complexity of import and export related
formalities and documentary requirements
16Proposals on Article VIII
- Standardization of Trade Documents using
international standards (many countries) - Use of UN Layout Key (UN/CEFACT Recommendation1)
Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland - Establishment of a repository or bank of trade
documents - New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland - Standardization of Data Elements
- Single Window (one time submission, one agency,
single entry point) Peru, Korea, Japan, Mongolia
17Article VIII UNECE Instruments available
- United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents
(UNLK/ ISO 6422) - most key trade documents - UN Trade Data Element Directory (UNTDED)
- Codes UN/LOCODE, Currency, Modes of Transport,
ISO Country Code... - UN/EDIFACT
- UN eDocoments for trade (UNeDocs)
18(No Transcript)
19Mode of transport
20United Nations Standards for Trade Documents SAD
21(No Transcript)
22Article VIII UNECE Instruments available
- Recommendation and Guidelines on establishing a
Single Window (UN/CEFACT Recommendation 33) - Repository of Single Window Implementations
sw_present_cases.htm - Standards for Single Windows - September 05
23Article VIII UNECE Instruments available
- UN/CEFACT Recommendation 18 (Facilitation
Measures related to the simplification of
International Trade Procedures) - UN/CEFACT Recommendations 4 (TF Pro Committees)
24Article X Publication Administration of Trade
- Imposes obligations regarding
- Transparency and Predictability publish trade
laws, regulations etc promptly and in an
accessible manner - Not to enforce measures prior to publishing
- Impartiality in administration of laws,
regulations and administrative rulings of general
25Proposals on Article X
- Use of the Internet for publishing
- Single Window (one stop service, single entry
point, single inquiry point) Canada, China,
European Community, Hong Kong China, Japan,
Korea, Mongolia, Peru, - Establishment of consultative mechanism between
trade and government (several)
26Article X UNECE Instruments available
- Recommendation and Guidelines on establishing a
Single Window (UN/CEFACT Recommendation 33) - UN/CEFACT Recommendations 4 (TF Pro Committees)
- 2. International Trade Transaction Process
- 3. Trade Facilitation eBusiness Standards
- 4. UN/CEFACT Instruments Related to GATT
Articles V, VIII and X - 5. Capacity Building and Implementation
28Capacity Building Approach
- Help countries to understand our recommendations
and standards and where they can fit their needs - One Size does not fit all but standards
essential - National and Regional strategies
- Partnership approach
- National Experience
UNECE in partnership with other organizations
Technical Assistance (Donors decide what is to be
done) - UNECE does not provide long term TA
Recommendations/ Standards Development and
Capacity Building (Helping governments elaborate
a national TF strategy)
UNECEs role is to create the standards through
participation of UN member States and the
business community in UN/CEFACT Working Groups.
We engage in an active Capacity Building
programme to help countries understand how best
to implement these standards, given their unique
needs, priorities and resources while other
organizations assist in long term technical
assistance (UNCTAD, WB etc). The WTO sets the
30Capacity Building and Cooperation
- UN Development Account Project on Trade
Facilitation Implementation, with all five
Regional Commissions (ECE, ECA, ESCWA, ESCAP,
ECLAC) 2005 to 2007 - 15 Regional Workshops (3 in ECE, 2 of which in
CIS) - 2 Inter-regional Workshops (one in Geneva)
- African Group Workshop (March 2005)
- Asia and the Pacific Region (March 2005)
- Latin and Central America Region (July 2005)
- Single Window Workshop (September 2005)
- Global Facilitation Partnership (GFP) World
Bank, UNCTAD, WCO... - WTO
31Capacity Building Tools
- Tool for the Alignment of Trade Documents
- Repository of Aligned Trade Documents
- Repository of Single Window Implementations
- Guide to Trade Facilitation Implementation
- Benchmarking Guide
- Case Studies of PPP in TF Implementation
32A Policy Framework for Paperless Trade
- UN Forum on Paperless Trade, Geneva 20, 21st June
2005 - UN High Level Stakeholder Group
- National and Regional Capacity Building
- in cooperation with UN Regional Commissions
- UNeDocs Regional Competence Centre
- joint project plan with ESCAP
33Summary Points
- Trade Facilitation key element in Trade and
Economic Development - UN/CEFACT instruments provide a solid foundation
for implementation - UN/CEFACT Capacity building programme working
with key partners to assist in these efforts - Strong momentum now for more and better
34.. now we have to make trade facilitation happen!
35THANK YOU ! tom.butterly_at_unece.org
- All UNECE Recommendations, codes, standards and
publications are available for free on our
website at - www.unece.org/trade
- www.unece.org/cefact/
- www.unece.org/etrades/unedocs/