Title: Unit Three
1Unit Three
2Major Concepts and Skills
- Reading Response
- Written
- A5, B10
- Literature Circles
- A21, B14, B15
3Major Concepts and Skills
- Comprehension
- Monitoring
- Fix-up strategies
- A12
- Summarization
- A13
4Major Concepts and Skills
- Vocabulary Development
- Structural analysis
- A11
- Multiple-meaning words
- Idioms
- B13
- Precise words
5Major Concepts and Skills
- Creative Writing/Story
- Writing Process
- Prewriting
- Drafting
- Revising
- Editing/proofreading
- Publishing
6Major Concepts and Skills
- Grammar
- Irregular verbs
- Comparing with adjectives
- Complex sentences
- Use of I and me
- Conventions
7 Unifying Focus Shared Chapter
- Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear
8Looking at the Lessons
Unit 3 Realistic Fiction
9Literary Devicestechniques used to achieve
particular effects
- Alliteration
- Dialogue
- Hyperbole
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Personification
- Imagery
- Onomatopoeia
- Repetition
- Rhyme
- Rhythm
10Poster Presentation
- Learning about cultural diversity
- Oral, group project with visuals
- Tailor to your class
Lesson 1
11Notebook Writing I dont know what to write
- Ideas for Writing
- Getting ideas from reading
- List
- Just a few words
- Freewriting
- Builds fluency
- Any form, style, content, and purpose
- Consider a classroom chart of ideas
Lesson 2 (4,6,10)
12Looking at the Lessons
- Lessons 2-7
- What Good Readers Do
- Memorable Language
- Background Knowledge
- Vocabulary
- What Good Writers Do
13Creative WritingStory Realistic Fiction
- Prewriting
- Variety of forms
- Rereading notebook
- Lists
- Timeline
- Drawings or story board
- Freewriting
Lesson 7
14Creative WritingStory Realistic Fiction
- Prewriting
- Organize ideas so that a logical progression of
thought is evident both within and across the
paragraphs - Remain focused on the topic (Obj. 1)
15Creative WritingStory Realistic Fiction
- Drafting (B12)
- Just one step in the process
- Leave space for later revising and editing
- Skip lines
- One side of the paper
- Leave wide margins
- Repeated recopying can turn kids off to writing.
16Voice (A19)
- Writers fingerprints on the page
- Sounds like the person who wrote it, has life,
and makes the reader feel connected
17 Voice Writing Obj. 1
- To express an individual voice means that the
composition engages the reader by clearly
reflecting the personality of the writer. The
students writing sounds authentic and original
and genuinely expresses the students own
personal viewpoint. When a student responds in a
highly individualistic way, his or her voice is
naturally expressed. On the other hand,
formulaic writing frequently prevents students
from having the opportunity to express their own
18Creative WritingStory Realistic Fiction
- Revising (A20)
- Exploding the Moment
- Show, Not Tell
- Strong Lead
Lessons 8 - 12
19Creative WritingStory Realistic Fiction
- Peer Conferencing (A23, R2)
- Students hear their work
- Students share their work
Writing Objectives 3,4 recognize and correct
errors in organization and development in the
context of peer-editing passages.
Lessons 9,11,12
20Creative WritingStory Realistic Fiction
- Proofreading/Peer Editing
- Writing Objective 2
- Demonstrates a command of the conventions of
spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar,
usage, and sentence structure - Writing Objectives 5,6
- in the context of peer-editing passages.
Lessons 12,13
21Creative WritingStory - Realistic Fiction
- Publishing
- Written
- Partnering with the art teacher
- Partnering with the computer teacher
- Authors Chair (A24)
Lessons 13,14,15
22Assessment Opportunities
- Ongoing informal assessment
- Student self-evaluations (B16, B20)
- Poster presentation (B6)
- Reading response (B2, B3)
- Story writing (B11)
- Unit test (A25, B19)
- Other practice activities
23Bilingual and ESL
24Bilingual Model LessonsSpanish Language Arts
Unit 3, Lesson 2 Example
25ESL Model LessonsEnglish Language Arts
Unit 3, Lesson 4 Example