Title: Eugene P' Mayer
1Eugene P. Mayer
- Office Bldg. 2, Rm. B18
- Phone 733-3281
2Innate (Nonspecific) Immunity
3Overview of the Immune System
Interactions between the two systems
4Comparison of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
5Cells of the Immune System
6Development of the Immune System
7Function of the Immune System(Self/Non-self
- To protect from pathogens
- Intracellular (e.g. viruses and some bacteria and
parasites) - Extracellular (e.g. most bacteria, fungi and
parasites) - To eliminate modified or altered self
8Infection and Immunity Balance
9Effects of the Immune System
- Beneficial
- Protection from Invaders
- Elimination of Altered Self
- Detrimental
- Discomfort and collateral damage (inflammation)
- Damage to self (hypersensitivity or autoimmunity)
10Overview of the Immune System
11Innate Host Defenses Against Infection
- Anatomical barriers
- Mechanical factors
- Chemical factors
- Biological factors
- Humoral components
- Complement
- Coagulation system
- Cytokines
- Cellular components
- Neutrophils
- Monocytes and macrophages
- NK cells
- Eosinophils
12Anatomical Barriers - Mechanical Factors
13Anatomical Barriers - Chemical Factors
14Anatomical Barriers - Biological Factors
15Humoral Components
16Cellular Components
17PhagocytosisandIntracellular Killing
18Phagocytes - Neutrophils (PNMs)
- Characteristic nucleus, cytoplasm
- Granules
- CD 66 membrane marker
19Characteristics of Neutrophil Granules
primary granules
secondary granules
azurophilic characteristic of young neutrophils
specific for mature neutrophils
contain cationic proteins, lysozyme, defensins,
elastase and myeloperoxidase
contain lysozyme, NADPH oxidase components,
lactoferrin and B12-binding protein
20Phagocytes - Macrophages
- Characteristic nucleus
- Lysosomes
- CD14 membrane marker
21Phagocyte Response to Infection
- The SOS Signals
- N-formyl methionine-containing peptides
- Clotting system peptides
- Complement products
- Cytokines released by tissue macrophages
- Phagocyte response
- Vascular adherence
- Diapedesis
- Chemotaxis
- Activation
- Phagocytosis and killing
22Initiation of Phagocytosis
Attachment via Receptors
Complement R
Toll-like R
- Attachment
- Pseudopod extension
- Phagosome formation
- Granule fusion
- Phagolysosome formation
24Respiratory Burst
Oxygen-Dependent Myeloperoxidase-Independent
25Respiratory Burst
Oxygen-Dependent Myeloperoxidase-Dependent
26Respiratory Burst
Detoxification Reactions
Superoxide dismutase
2O2- 2H
H2O2 O2
2 H2O2
H2O O2
27Oxygen-Independent Killing in the Phagolysosome
Effector Molecule
Cationic proteins (cathepsin)
Damage to microbial membranes
Hydrolyses mucopeptides in the cell wall
Deprives pathogens of iron
Hydrolytic enzymes (proteases)
Digests killed organisms
28Summary of Intracellular Killing Pathways
29Nitric Oxide Dependent Killing
30Non-specific Killer Cells
- NK and LAK cells
- ADCC (K) cell
- Activated macrophages
- Eosinophils
- They all kill foreign and altered self targets
31Natural Killer (NK) cells
- also known as large granular lymphocytes (LGL)
- kill virus-infected or malignant cells
- identified by the presence of CD56 CD16 and
absence of CD3 - activated by IL2 and IFN-? to become LAK cells
32Lymphokine Activated Killer (LAK) cell
33Regulation of NK Cell Function
34K Cells
- morphologically undefined
- mediate ADCC
- have Fc receptor
- recognize antibody coated targets
- could be NK cells (IgG), macrophages (IgG),
eosinophils (IgE) or other cells (IgG)