Title: Tread Trainer
1Tread Trainer
- To provide training opportunities to a multitude
of champions willing to spread the message of
ethical and responsible recreation
3Program Partner
- Funding provided through the Federal Highways
Administrations Recreational Trails Program
- Program inspired by the need to promote outdoor
ethics in the OHV community - 1st Course in March 2003 in Charlotte, NC
- 96 Courses provided through the program
- 1240 Individuals Trained through the program
5Program Organization
7Tread Lightly! Staff Role
8Remaining Active
- Provide one Tread Lightly! Presentation or
Promotion during the two years following your
(and each 2 year period after)
9Trainer Benefits
- Snazzy lapel pins upon renewal
- Education Trunks
- Display and Lightfoot Rental
- Discounts in Tread Lightly!'s store.
- 25 to Trainers in free educational materials
- Supply of guidebooks and tips for the cost of s/h
only - Training Completed decal for use in training
and presentations
- Course listings
- Locate a Trainer
- Course Reporting
- Newsletter
- Education Resources
11Presentation Reporting
- Reporting presentations and promotions required
to remain active - Web reporting quick and easy
- Basic information to report includes date,
location, type of event, attendance, and type and
age of audience
12Friends Program
This program is designed to educate individuals
about Tread Lightly! and responsible recreation
the email newsletter
13 TL!s Kids Club
- Send fun, interactive educational emails to kids.
- Yearly birthday messages from Lightfoot.
- Parental approval necessary.
14Trainers in Action
15Trainers in Action
- Clean Up Inspired by Participation in the Tread
Trainer Program
16Trainers in Action
- Bring Lightfoot to an event to engage children
17Trainers in Action
- Creative training techniques
18Trainers in Action
- Incorporate the Tread Lightly! message into OHV
adventures and driving courses.