Title: Leave%20No%20Trace
1Leave No Trace combines knowledge and judgment
with ethical responsibility
"Tell me, and I will forget Show me, and I may
remember Involve me and I will understand..."
2Leave No Trace Outdoor Skills Ethics
3Leave No Trace
A National Education Program Designed to Teach
Stewardship, Land Ethics, and Outdoor Skills on
Public Lands
4Presentation Objectives
- Provide an overview of resource impacts resulting
from recreational use. - Review WHY a national Leave No Trace educational
program is needed. - Introduce and describe Leave No Trace practices
most applicable for Outdoor Living.
5Boggled by the minimum impact slogan, the
Scoutmaster takes only photos of footprints
6Overview of Visitor Impacts
Leave No Trace Virtual Campfire
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9Social Impacts
10Is all this use really a problem?
11 Why Leave No Trace ?
- Leave No Trace might seem unimportant until you
consider the combined effects of millions of
outdoor visitors.
- One poorly located campsite or campfire may have
little significance, but thousands of such
instances seriously degrade natural resources and
recreation experiences. - To protect our resources we must take the
responsibility to educate ourselves and practice
the skills and ethics necessary to Leave No Trace.
12The LNT Challenge
- Prevent avoidable resource and social impacts
- Minimize unavoidable impacts
- Preserve the quality of resources and recreation
13The Seven LNT Principles
- 1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- 2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
- 3. Dispose of Waste Properly
- 4. Leave What You Find
- 5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
- 6. Respect Wildlife
- 7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
141. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Poor camping hiking skills that unnecessarily
impact natural resources or degrade the
experiences of other visitors.
- Soap in streams
- Expansion of campsites
- Campfire impacts
- Creation of new trails
151. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Leaders and participants can learn, apply, and
teach Leave No Trace skills and ethics.
161. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Large group sizes that are noisy and crowd out
other visitors.
- Displacement of others at popular sites
- Noise
- Crowding
- Conflicts
171. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Obtain sufficient leadership to travel and camp
in smaller groups, even when there arent group
size limits.
181. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Use of equipment that unnecessarily increase
resource impacts.
191. Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Select equipment that facilitates Leave No Trace
- Use backpacking stoves for cooking
- Bring a trowel to dig cat-holes
- Bring a piece of screen to strain dishwater
- Use a candle lantern instead of a campfire
202. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
- Widening trails by hiking two or more abreast,
creating new trails, and cutting switchbacks.
212. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
- Stay on formal trails when possible, walk single
file in the center of the tread. Dont create
new trails.
222. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
- Creating new campsites or enlarging existing
sites by developing new tent sites or trampling
vegetation around campsites.
232. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
- Use only well-established campsites that are
large enough for your group or split the group
and camp on separate sites. - Focus activity in core use areas on the most
durable surfaces.
24Durable Surfaces
Previously Disturbed Surfaces
253. Dispose of Waste Properly
- Trash left behind, food spilled, left-over food
buried or partially burned. Wildlife attracted
to campsites.
263. Dispose of Waste Properly
- Pack it in, Pack it out Inspect campsite for
trash and spilled foods, including
micro-garbage. Dont burn trash or food. - Strain dishwater through a screen to remove food
particles. Pack these out, along with leftover
273. Dispose of Waste Properly
- Pollution of water from washing or improperly
disposed human waste.
283. Dispose of Waste Properly
- Carry water for washing dishes or your body 200
feet away from streams or lakes and use small
amounts of biodegradable soap.
293. Dispose of Waste Properly
- Deposit solid human waste in catholes dug 6 to 8
inches deep at least 200 feet from water, camp
and trails. Cover and disguise the hole when
304. Leave What You Find
- Souvenir collection and artifact theft (e.g.,
flowers, fossils, historic or cultural artifacts,
deer antlers, wild animals as pets).
314. Leave What You Find
- Explain why souvenir collection is not
sustainable. Leave natural and cultural objects
for others to see.
325. Minimize Campfire Impacts
- Proliferation and migration of campfire sites.
335. Minimize Campfire Impacts
- Use a lightweight stove for cooking and a candle
lantern for light. - Only build a campfire when permissible, in areas
with an adequate wood supply, and if an existing
fire site is present.
345. Minimize Campfire Impacts
- Damage to trees from axes, saws knives,
depletion of firewood, large fire pits filled
with charcoal and unburned trash and food.
355. Minimize Campfire Impacts
- If you do build a campfire keep fire small and
burn for a short time to conserve fuel. Use
sticks from the ground that can be broken by
- Burn all wood to ash, put fires out completely
and scatter cleaned ashes to keep fire pits
366. Respect Wildlife
- Disturbance of wildlife, displacing them from
areas of preferred habitat.
376. Respect Wildlife
- Enjoy wildlife at a distance.
- You are too close if your presence or actions
elicit a response from wildlife.
386. Respect Wildlife
- Feeding wildlife (unintentional or intentional),
attracting them to people and developed areas.
- Feeding wildlife damages their health, alters
natural behaviors, and exposes them to predators
and other dangers.
396. Respect Wildlife
- Never feed animals or allow them to obtain human
food or trash. Even a few pieces of GORP are a
meal for many animals. Dont teach wildlife to
be beggars!
406. Respect Wildlife
- Bears that obtain human food become problem
bears that must be relocated or killed.
Wildlife should not pay with their lives due to
our carelessness with food.
416. Respect Wildlife
- Protect wildlife and your food by storing rations
and trash securely. In bear country hang bear
bags or use bear-proof food canisters.
426. Respect Wildlife
437. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
- Crowding, particularly at attraction sites, along
trails during rest breaks, and in popular camping
447. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
- Take breaks off-trail, dont monopolize
attraction sites and popular camping areas. Camp
away from trails and other visitors.
457. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
- Conflicts with other groups, particularly with
visitors seeking solitude.
467. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
- Respect other visitors and protect the quality of
their experience. - Let natures sounds prevail. Avoid loud voices
and noises.
47Benefits of Applying LNT
- Better planning leads to safer trips and lighter
packs - Prevents avoidable impacts, minimizes unavoidable
impacts - Protects the quality of natural environments and
recreation experiences
- Avoids or minimizes the need for restrictive
management regulations or use limitations
48What Can I DO?
- Visit the website (www.lnt.org) or call the Leave
No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics
(1-800-332-4100) to obtain LNT brochures,
booklets, and other information. - Learn and apply LNT skills and ethics on future
trips! - Complete the BSA LNT Awareness Award, take a
Trainer or Masters course and then teach others. - Become a supporting member of Leave No Trace.
49 Leave No Trace Website
Comprehensive information on the Leave No Trace
program including Principles LNT
Courses Skills Ethics Booklets Traveling
Trainer Program
50 Leave No Trace Publications
51 The End
Leave No Trace !
Happy trails and remember to . . .
52- This slide set was developed for the national
Leave No Trace program. Copies may be obtained
from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor
Ethics. - Shorter versions can be developed by omitting
slides or local images may be substituted to
adapt the program to specific areas.
Developed by Jeff Marion, Ph.D. Leader,
Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA 540-231-6603, jmarion_at_vt.edu