Title: National Museum of the US Air Force Museum
1National Museum of the US Air Force Museum
100 Missions Up North History and Traditions
Jeff Duford NMUSAF/MUA 22 July 2008
We are the keepers of their storiesTM
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3Capt Kenneth Bell
4Capt Bruce Holmes
5 Operation Rolling Thunder
- 2 March 19651 November 1968
- Began winding down in spring 1968 (bombing
limited to southern North Vietnam). - Characterized by frequent pauses and periods of
intense activity.
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8100 Mission Policy
- 1961- fall 1965, USAF personnel on temporary duty
(TDY) 30-90 days - 1 November 1965, 100 mission tour policy
established - 12 months or 100 missions out-of-country
- Out-of-country (Laos and North Vietnam)
9 100 Mission Policy Changes
- 30 December 196520 missions count as one month
for time purposes (i.e.80 missions and 8 months) - 1 February 1966Missions in Laos not counted
(only North Vietnam) - 52 F-105s, 109 F-4s and 22 RF-4Cs (among others)
lost from damage incurred over Laos
10 100 Mission Policy Changes
- 30 December 196520 missions count as one month
for time purposes (i.e.80 missions and 8 months) - 1 February 1966Missions in Laos not counted
(only North Vietnam) - 1 November 1966Time credit for missions (20
missionsone month) ended
11 100 Mission Policy Changes
- 100 Mission Policy ends
- Aircrews leaving CONUS (Continental United
States) on or after 1 July 1968 will serve one
year tour, regardless of where or how many
missions they flew
12 First 100 Mission Tour
Capt Donald Beck RF-101C pilot 15th TRS 15
November 1965
13 1st 100 Missions Over North Vietnam
Capt Eldon Joe Canady RB-66C EWO December 1965
14 1st F-105 100 Mission Tours
Capt Ben Bowthorpe Capt Don Totten 12 January
1966 F-105 pilots 355th Tactical Fighter Wing,
15 F-105 100 Mission Tours
Capt Bruce Holmes Capt William May Capt Richard
Ely Capt William Ramage 15 January 1966 F-105
pilots 388th TFW, Korat
16 Traditions The Patch
Capt William Koenitzer
Capt Bruce Holmes
17 100 Missions Princess Hotel
18 Traditions The Celebration
19 Enlisted 100 Mission Tours
A3C Darrel Wallace
September 1966
SSgt Alexander Underwood
20 1st A-1 100 Mission Tour
Lt Col Jerald Ransom A-1E pilot 602nd FS
(Commando) 27 November 1966
21101 in an O-1
Maj James Harding O-1 pilot, 101 Missions over
North Vietnam
22 1st B-52 100 Mission Crew
Maj Derek Detjen B-52 EWO Crew E-13
23 Traditions The Parade
24 Traditions The Thunderbuzzards
34th and 469th TFS Korat RTAFB 1971-1972
25 Traditions The Parade
26 Traditions The Celebration
Maj Robert Krone F-105 pilot 469th TFS
Commander 3 June 1966
27 Traditions The Celebration
Rowland Smith David Williams Wild Weasels 44th
TFS 19 December 1967
28 Traditions The Red Carpet
29 Traditions The Parade
30Traditions The Soak
Capt Robert Clark, RF-4C, 2nd 100 Mission Tour
31Traditions The Soak
Capt Richard Hammaker RF-4C 14th TRS
32 Traditions Boonie Hats
Capt Richard Rutan
33Traditions Bulletproof Mustache
Col Robin Olds F-4 pilot 8th TFW commander
34 Traditions Pueblo Incident
Maj Stan Goldstein
Capt Matt Dillon
35 Traditions F-4 Phantom
36 Traditions Four Aces
Capt Robert Clark RF-4C pilot
37 Traditions Southeast Asia War
Capt Wayne Pittman RF-4C 12th TRS
38 Traditions Misty FACs
Capt Eben Jones F-100F pilot 7 April 1968
39 Traditions Variations on 100
40 Traditions Variations on 100
41 Traditions Honor Rolls
42 Traditions Desert Storm
43Traditions OEF/OEF
Lt Col Timothy Sipes KC-135 349th ARS Commander