Title: CPR
2The Chain of Survival
- The sequence of actions that will maximize
survival after cardio-respiratory emergencies. - If any of the links is missing or weak (action
delayed or not performed correctly), the
victims outcome is likely to be poor. - The Chain of Survival applies to all victims of
cardiac and respiratory emergencies and stroke.
3Chain of Survival for Adults
- Early access (call 911 or other emergency
response number)
4Chain of Survival for Adults
- Early access (call 911 or other emergency
response number) - Early CPR
5Chain of Survival for Adults
- Early access (call 911 or other emergency
response number) - Early CPR
- Early defibrillation
6Chain of Survival for Adults
- Early access (call 911 or other emergency
response number) - Early CPR
- Early defibrillation
- Early advanced life support
7Chain of Survival for Pediatric Victims
- Prevention of injuries and cardiac arrest
- Early CPR
- Early access (call 911 or other emergency
response number) - Early advanced life support
8Calling 911
- When should I call?
- Any unresponsive victim
- Heart attack, stroke, choking, major injuries,
- Reply with short, specific answers
- Stay calm and listen to the dispatcher
9Information youll need
10Information youll need
- What is the emergency?
- Where is the emergency?
- Address, building etc. Be specific!
- What number are you calling from?
- The dispatcher may now ask you to stay on
the line or hang up. They can provide you with
help until rescuers arrive.
- Victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who
receive CPR by bystanders are more than twice as
likely to survive as victims who do not receive
such support
12Heart Attack
- A heart attack means some heart muscle has
suddenly started to die. - The muscle is dying because one or more of the
blood vessels of the heart have become blocked.
13Heart Attack--What are the signs?
- A person having a heart attack is usually awake
and can talk to you.
14Heart Attack--What are the signs?
- Chest pain or pressure in the center of the
chest. The pain may travel to the neck or jaw or
down the left arm. - This is the most common and most important
symptom of heart attack - The pain usually lasts more than 3-5 minutes
15Chest Pain
- From the center
- of the chest
- radiating
- outward.
16Heart Attack--What are the signs?
- OTHER SIGNS--victim may be vague
- Lightheadedness or feeling dizzy
- Fainting or loss of responsiveness
- Sweating--breaking out in a cold sweat without
a fever
17Heart Attack--What are the signs?
- OTHER SIGNS--victim may be vague
- Lightheadedness or feeling dizzy
- Fainting or loss of responsiveness
- Sweating--breaking out in a cold sweat without
a fever - Nausea--usually without vomiting
- Shortness of breath--when associated with chest
pain this can be very worrisome
18Heart Attack--What are the signs?
- Many people will not admit they are having a
heart attack. - When a person with symptoms of a heart attack
tries to downplay what they are feeling, YOU must
take responsibility act at once.
19Cardiac Arrest
- When an artery of the heart is blocked during a
heart attack, the heart muscle is deprived of
oxygen, and the heart may stop pumping blood. - The heart muscle may quiver in an abnormal heart
rhythm---This causes Cardiac Arrest. During
cardiac arrest the blood flow stops.
- Stroke is a leading cause of death and serious
disability among Americans.
- Stroke is a leading cause of death and serious
disability among Americans. - A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain
becomes blocked or ruptures so that an area of
the brain receives no blood (oxygen).
22Stroke--warning signs
- Facial Droop
- one side of the face only
- Arm Weakness
- may not be able to move arms
- Each year, choking causes about 3000 deaths in
the U.S.
- Each year, choking causes about 3000 deaths in
the U.S. - Choking in adults usually occurs during eating.
Meat is the most frequent cause.
- Each year, choking causes about 3000 deaths in
the U.S. - Choking in adults usually occurs during eating.
Meat is the most frequent cause. - Choking can cause two types of airway
obstruction - partial--can still allow adequate air movement
- severe or complete--cannot speak or make much
26Choking--Warning signs
- Universal choking sign
- hands clutching the throat
27Choking--Warning signs
- Universal choking sign
- hands clutching the throat
- Victim unable to speak
- ask victim Are you choking? If victim nods,
ask, Can you speak?
- Weak, ineffective coughs
- High-pitched sounds or no sounds while inhaling
28Choking--Warning Signs cont.
- Increased difficulty breathing
- Blue lips or skin
29ChokingWhat to do
- Use Abdominal Thrusts (The Heimlich Maneuver) to
relieve severe or complete obstruction of the
airway - Abdominal Thrusts quickly force air from the
victims lungs, helping to expel the obstruction
30Abdominal Thrusts (The Heimlich Maneuver)
- Make a fist with one hand
- Place the thumb side of the fist on the victims
abdomen, just above the bellybutton well below
the breastbone - Grasp the fist with the other hand and provide
quick, upward thrusts into the victims stomach - Repeat the thrusts until the object is expelled
or the victim becomes unresponsive
31Abdominal Thrusts
32ChokingAn unresponsive victim
- Call 911
- Begin CPR
- CPR may help expel the foreign object
33Major controllable risk factors for heart attack
and stroke
- Cigarette smoking
- The single most important cause of preventable
death in the U.S. - Smoking and second-hand (sidestream) smoke can
damage blood vessels and cause many other
preventable diseases
34Major controllable risk factors for heart attack
and stroke
- High Blood Pressure
- Damages blood vessels, including those in the
brain - See your doctor if you have high blood pressure
35Major controllable risk factors for heart attack
and stroke
- High Cholesterol
- Excess cholesterol deposited on the inner walls
of the arteries, narrowing them - This reduces blood flow to the heart or brain
- Avoid a diet high in saturated fat
36Major controllable risk factors for heart attack
and stroke
- Obesity
- Increases the risk of high blood pressure,
diabetes, and high cholesterol--all increase the
risk of heart attack and stroke