Title: Faculty Rewards and Recognition:
1Faculty Rewards and Recognition
- Learn the Very Basics
- Before You Try to Hit the Jackpot
- Dr. Jill Grob
- Director, Academic Advisement Center
- Weber State University
- Catherine Zublin
- Professor, Theatre Arts
- Associate Dean, College of Arts Humanities
- Weber State University
3Presentation Outline
- General Structure
- presentation brainstorming
- Importance of Rewards Recognition
- Definitions of the Terms
- Research, Including Survey Results
- Sources, Resources, Tips
4Importance of Rewards Recognition
- Purpose- share the VERY BASICS
- Premise- they ARE WORTHWHILE
- Many recent reports point to the R R system as
- the key to stimulating the reforms needed in
- higher ed (Joint Policy Board for Mathematics, p.
vii) - One reason some faculty fail to effectively
- advise is they are not meaningfully rewarded
- or recognized (Glennen Vowell, p. 69)
5Importance of Rewards Recognition
- Multiple Expectations of Faculty
- teaching, research service
- Increased Responsibilities of Faculty
- technological proficiency workloads
- Institutions R R Structures
- not broad enough to respond to changes
- emphasize research (easier to reward)
- Lack of R R ? Stress Low Morale
6Definitions of Rewards Recognition
- Rewards
- direct or indirect compensation
- Recognition
- psychological benefits
- Cant some things
- be both or either?
7Distinction Between Rewards Recognition
- Extrinsic Intrinsic Factors
- extrinsic- satisfy physiological needs ( can
buy) - intrinsic- satisfy psychological needs
- ancillary- objective subjective
- Tangible Intangible QOL Factors
- tangible- office, parking, secretary, awards
- intangible- respect, flexibility, appreciation
8Rewards for Faculty Advisors
- Monetary Award
- Salary increase or overload, merit pay, stipend
- Promotion
- Salary increase
- Tenure
- Lack of can loss of job/
- Sabbatical
- Can be lucrative
- Award
- Can be
- Our Survey on
- Faculty Rewards and Recognition
- Survey Population
- Council of Colleges of Arts Sciences
- Higher Education Resource Services
- Our Survey Respondents
- Institutions
- 60 Unionized schools
- 80 Public
- 60 5,000 students
- 67 Masters doctoral
- Roles
- 56 Faculty
- 25 Assistant or Associate Dean
- 13 Dean
- 6 Provost
- Advising Load Up to 50
- In Load? 59 yes
- Our Survey Questions
- Is there recognition?
- Is it unique?
- What does it entail?
- Is the recognition university-wide?
- Are advisement responsibilities formally stated?
- Are faculty advisors recognized for promotion?
- Are faculty advisors recognized for tenure?
- Is advising part of the teaching load?
- What is the usual teaching load?
- What is the average advisement load?
12Rewards for Faculty Advisors
- Our Survey Findings on Rewards
- Most successful attributes
- Titled position
- Reassigned time
- Stipend
- Service credit
- Most unique attributes- none reported any
- Advisors recognized for
- Promotion 87 yes
- Tenure 87 yes
13Rewards for Faculty Advisors
14Recognition in General
- To Recognize is to
- Acknowledge, Praise, Encourage
- Immediate- handwritten note fine
- Simple- thanks on back of business card
- Timed well- right after stressful period
- Public- share with boss
- Personal- give credit,use name,spend time
- Celebratory- potluck, retreat
- Sincere- heart felt
15Recognition for Faculty Advisors
- Our Survey Findings on Recognition
- Most successful attributes- none
- Award- advisor of the year
- University-wide or academic unit based
- 80 University-wide
- 7 Faculty not recognized for advising
- 7 Academic Unit Based
- 6 Both
16Recognition for Faculty Advisors
17Relative Effectiveness of Rewards
- Equally Appreciated?
- Recognition of 7500 reward was stronger impact
- Teachers ignore importance of extrinsic
- If cant reward, at least recognize
- Anti-Reward Sentiments
- Some departments against merit increases
- Promote productivity job satisfaction instead
- Anti- Rewards AND Recognition
- Cause jealousy negative atmosphere
18What Else?
- With this basic knowledge,
- where should you go from here?
19Pre-Implementation Considerations Regarding Plan
- For What Should Faculty Get R R?
- Faculty- most comfortable in cognitive domain
- Hired for subject matter expertise
- Focus on tenure governance
- Discomfort with affective relational domain
- Students- most comfortable in affective domain
- Care about relationships with faculty
20Research Before Implementation of Rewards
Recognition Plan
- Many Kinds of Sources
- AHA Commission on Workforce for Hospitals and
- Health Systems
- National Fire Academy
- Northwest Association of Teacher Educators
- Regional Conference
- National Resource Center for the Freshman Year
Experience and Students in Transition -
- Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association
21Research Before Implementing Rewards
Recognition Plan
- Many Kinds of Resource Formats
- Reports
- Presented papers
- Articles
- Monographs
- Books
- Surveys (conduct your own, too)
- Discussions
- Dont Expect Others to R R
- Advocate for advising to be more significant in
faculty compensation, promotion, and tenure
decisions as incentive to advise and advise well -
- Dont R R All Advisors Always
- Not all faculty are/make effective advisors
- Constant R R can be counter productive
- One System Cant Work for All
- All people, all institutions, or all units
- Consider Written Plan-
- Academic Advisement Guidelines
- Fox Technical College
- Institutions advising philosophy is
- Faculty advisors responsibilities are
- Selection of advisors is based on
- Advising systems in place are
- Available advising training includes
- Evaluation of advisors includes
- Recognition and rewards include
25Thank you!Catherine Zublin and Jill Grob