Title: Faculty and Student Motivation
1Faculty and Student Motivation
- KFUPM Faculty Perspectives
- M.R.K. Krishna Rao
- Information and Computer Science Department
- College of Computer Science and Engineering
- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
2KFUPM Faculty Perspectives
- Thank you
- Thank you
- Thank you!
- Over 100 faculty members responded within 40
hours. - Highly motivated faculty!!
3What is motivation?
- You can take a horse to the water but you cannot
force it to drink - It will drink only if it's thirsty
- So is the case with people.
- Whether it is to excel on a sports field or in
the 'ivory tower' they must be motivated or
driven to it, either by themselves or through
external stimulus. - Motivation is a means to reduce the gap between
ones actual state and some desired state. - Extrinsic to get a reward or to avoid punishment
- Intrinsic working without expecting a reward
4Why bother about motivation?
- Are we born with the self-motivation?
- Not really
- Motivation is a skill which can and must be
learnt. - performance f(ability, motivation)
- Ability depends on education, experience and
training - Its improvement is a slow and long process.
- On the other hand, motivation can be improved
5Maslows hierarchy of needs (1943)
- Generativity and Self Actualization (doing
things) - Esteem Needs (internal ones like self respect,
autonomy, achievement and external ones like
status, recognition, attention) - Belongingness (affection, belonging, acceptance,
friendship) - Safety (security, protection from physical and
emotional harm) - Physiological Needs (hunger, thirst, shelter,
etc.) - http//psychclassics.asu.edu/Maslow/motivation.htm
6Maslows hierarchy of needs
- Self Actualization
- Esteem Needs
- Belongingness
- Safety
- Physiological Needs
- As the lower needs are satisfied, higher level
needs become more important
7Question 1 self-satisfaction
- Assessing the highest need in Marlows hierarchy
of needs, self actualization. - Over 80 of the faculty strongly agree that they
are motivated to excel in their work by the
self-satisfaction and love for the profession.
8Question 2 intellectual challenge
- Again assessing self actualization.
- Filling the gap between (a) the challenges we
face and (b) the skills we possess - Over 50 strongly agree
9Question 3 esteem needs
- Assessing the 2nd level in Marlows.
- Baffled many I should have explained.
- About 70 agreed.
10Question 4 new ideas and recognition
- Again assessing the 2nd level.
- New ideas and possible world-wide recognition
motivate 75 of the faculty.
11Question 5 Motivated students
- Assessing the belongingness need.
- Over 75 of the faculty said that they value
motivated students and many made interesting
suggestions on enhancing the motivation
12Question 6 Institutional support
- Assessing the belongingness and safety needs.
- About 75 of the faculty said that they value the
facilities and other support provided by KFUPM
13Question 7 Promotion / increment
- The two lower (safety and physiological) needs .
- Lowest total of strongly agree and agree
- Some noises about salaries in other countries
14Student Motivation Levels
- Most of the faculty felt that less than 20 of
our students are highly motivated expected - 60 of students are performing upto their
potential - I feel there is a scope for improving at least 60
15Student motivation 1 Staff development
- 80 of the faculty agree that staff development
is important - DAD should continue with workshops in Sept
16Stud. motivation 2 Integrated curriculum
- About 2/3 of the faculty place great emphasis on
integrated curriculum addressing various levels
of cognitive skills in Blooms taxonomy - ABET
17Student motivation 3 Language skills
- Our faculty is most passionate about these skills
- 90 agreeing
- Many comments in question 8
18Stud. motivation 4 better assessment
- Assessment techniques like performance tasks and
projects that model real world problems - Needs further investigation to adopt them
19Stud. Motivat. 5 employer community
- Work with industry and other employer community
in designing the curriculum so that the skills
and techniques needed at work are given more
emphasis in our programs
20Student motivation 6 student involvement in
material selection
- Least number of strongly-agree responses
- Concerns about student maturity
- Power of student evaluation
21Student motivation 7 Online material
- Least number of strongly-agree responses
- Security concerns Maslows safety
- Yet, 60 see it useful as supporting material!
- Faculty and student motivation levels at KFUPM
are comparable to those levels at other good
universities across the globe - Both faculty and students enthusiastically
participated in the surveys - Over 100 responses from faculty members within 40
hours really commendable - Improve the reading skills of our students
- Faculty development workshops on topics like
critical thinking and active learning - Work closely with industry and employer community
23Recommendations Stud. Motivation
- Send our students to spend a semester or two at a
foreign university - Develops interpersonal skills
- Major 2 exams should be scheduled to finish in a
short period - Free mind is an important asset
- Tutorial session for courses with no lab comp.
- Reduce office hours to 5
- Introduce active learning techniques
- Extra-curricular activities
- Sporting activities beyond PE course work
24Recommendations Fac. Motivation
- Salary survey
- Faculty contracts for longer periods, 3 or 4
years - After the first renewal
- Get-togethers / surveys to get faculty feedback
- Sense of belonging
- Issues / concerns addressed quickly
- Enjoyable and productive committee work
- Membership in no more than 3 or 4 committees
- Committees with at most 6-8 members
- Committee recommendations acted upon
25Recommendations Fac. Motivation
- Examination center to release faculty members
from mundane invigilation duty - Gardens and walkways with overhead covers
- Frequent college-level social meetings
- Encourage quality research
- Emphasis on quality not quantity
- Discourage publications in low quality (money
making) conferences and journals - They publish if registration fee is paid
- Saw a journal paper with mistakes in the first 5
26Faculty Motivation
27Student Motivation