Title: Childhood eczema
1Childhood eczema
2Adams eczema
- Adam is 5 years old
- He has had mild to moderate eczema since birth
- His mother applies emollient regularly, but he
still suffers from frequent flare-ups - Adam has come in to hospital for a completely
unrelated condition
3What might you talk to Adam and his Mum about?
Teasing or bullying
Impact on his daily life
4Now focusing on Adams treatment routine
- What questions should you ask Adam and his Mum?
- How often does he use emollients?
- How many times a day?
- Even at school?
- How much does he use?
5Now focusing on Adams treatment routine
- What questions should you ask Adam and his Mum?
- How often does he use emollients?
- How many times a day?
- Even at school?
- How much does he use?
- Adam uses emollient
- Every day when his eczema is bad
- Before bedtime
- He doesnt use it when his skin is clear
6What could you suggest to improve Adams routine?
Educate Adam and his Mum about how often and
how much to use
Recommend they use a bath emollientinstead of
bubble bath
Ensure they have arange of preparations to
fitwith his daily emollient routine
Suggest ways to makeapplying his emollient fun
Advise his Mum to speakto his school
aboutdaytime applications
Encourage them to havecatch up time after
schoolto chat and apply emollient
7How might Adams eczema be affecting his daily
- Friendships at school?
- Concentration levels due to sleep disturbance?
- Missing out on activities?
8How might Adams eczema be affecting his daily
- Friendships at school?
- Concentration levels due to sleep disturbance?
- Missing out on activities?
Adam takes swimming lessons but misses them when
his eczema flares up
9How can you help Adam to swim in spite of flares?
Advise them that swimmingwith eczema is fine
help themto feel confident respondingto
comments or questions
Encourage them toapply emollient beforeswimming
to create abarrier that will protect his skin
Recommend that after swimming, they shouldshower
using an emollient and moisturise Adamsskin
with emollient after drying
10Summary slide
- Adams eczema was not under control because his
emollient routine was not being maintained
effectively - By exploring ways to improve his routine, you can
help to get Adams eczema back under control and
reduce the frequency of his flares - Giving Adam and his Mum practical tips and
reassurance that will enable Adam to go to his
swimming lessons, even when hes having a
11Date of preparation March 2008 Code DIP/08-438