Title: Home Remedies For Eczema
1Home Remedies For EczemaNatural Remedies for
Eczema We discussed how to control the itching
of eczema, most of which involve using natural
ingredients and avoiding the use of chemicals,
dyes, perfumes and other skin irritants. What
about natural treatments for the disease itself?
There are some things out there to try. If you
have suffered long enough with eczema, you will
no doubt be willing to try anything. Probiotics
are increasingly popular these days as an
aggressive treatment for various disorders.
Probiotics are "good" bacteria, which in essence
are live microbial organisms that occur naturally
in the digestive tract and are believed to
suppress the growth of harmful bacteria. They
take a "proactive" to maintain their health, in
other words. Researchers are working on testing
different strains of probiotics to see if any of
them can help reduce the appearance of eczema, or
even prevent outbreaks altogether. So far it has
been found that children of women who took
probiotics during pregnancy had a lower incidence
of outbreaks of eczema during infancy and
childhood. Before taking any probiotics, however,
consult a qualified health professional, as some
people with immune disorders should not take
them. Above all do not give their children
without first consulting your child's
physician. Licorice (administered as a gel) has
been the subject of a recent study in the
treatment of eczema. Which was found to
significantly reduce the redness, swelling and
itching are the main concerns of patients. Not
available anywhere - you probably have to go to a
health food store to get it, but if you can find
it, it seems worth trying as a topical treatment
directly to the skin. Aloe Vera is world
renowned for its healing properties. Many people
have aloe vera plant on hand to help with burning
or stinging insect bites. This miracle plant is
also used to relieve itching and inflammation of
eczema. Aloe vera can be found at your local
pharmacy, in gel form, or you can invest in a
plant aloe vera if you have frequent outbreaks of
eczema. For use in plant form, simply snap a
sheet and divide it into two or more pieces. The
juice that comes out is 100 aloe vera juice and
usually provides immediate relief. Vitamin E is
another excellent skin emollient and is cheap and
easy to find. You can take the form of vitamin A
(usually in gel capsules), its use directly on
the skin as an oil, or break a gel capsule and
pour the oil into the gel cap directly on the
rash. It has the ability to instant relief from
aloe vera, but it is a great moisturizer and its
properties are beneficial in the long
term. Zinc is well known to stop itching and
soothe inflammation. It's definitely worth
investing in a tube of zinc oxide zinc is the
equivalent of hydrocortizone cream when it comes
to stopping the itching. It's cheap and can be
found at any pharmacy without prescription super
store. The application is fairly easy so you
should have no problem with this
option. Psoriasis on the scalp - home
remedies For mild to moderately severe
psoriasis of the scalp home remedies can bring
about significant improvements. We have compiled
the most important tips for you.The scalp is
affected particular problems psoriasis while on
his knees or elbows can be treated quite easily,
are usually the hair on the head in the way.
Especially for the covered areas of the skin is
difficult. Patients often have the feeling that
most of the cream in your hair to lose even
before the drugs to diseased scalp is
penetrated. Better than the creams and
ointments are therefore basically
washes. Important the regular one uses the
home agent, the greater the success. A long
breath becomes so well paid. Warning some of
these home remedies should not be used better in
the long term. This applies especially to the
point 2 The most important home remedy for
psoriasis on the scalp First washing with
chamomile tea (lukewarm)Second Washes with
Zugsalbe tar or additives (please arrange in
advance with the doctor!)Third Washes with
healing earth (a test for the healing earth can
be found at Manus Test World Healing Earth)4th
Washings with salt from the Dead Sea5th Scales
can be better detached from the scalp when they
have been soaked with a salicylic acid
solution6th Provide high humidity at home and at
work (dry air increases the symptoms)7th Short
sunbathing8th Reduce Stress9th Diet some
patients report that their skin condition has
improved significantly after they have given for
two to three weeks for animal protein, especially
dairy products. Even on hot foods should avoid
psoriasis. On the other hand helps a diet that is
rich in omega-3 fatty acids (herring, salmon,
soy, mackerel,).10th No caps or hoods bear with
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