Title: Birds 17 (Birds in Art. Sculpture)
2Rooster of the Basilica of San Isidoro de León on
display in the museum of San Isidoro Royal
Collegiate Church. The Pre-Islamic Near Eastern
wind vane originally stood on top of the church's
Torre Del Gallo (Tower of the Rooster) where a
replica now stands. The artifact is an iconic
symbol of the city ??of León
3Rooster of the Basilica of San Isidoro de León
4Bronze weathercock at the roof of St Vitus'
Cathedral at Prague Castle
Rooster Coq de l'église protestante de Bouxwiller
5Bronze weathercock at the roof of St Vitus'
Cathedral at Prague Castle
6Paris The iconic metal rooster which perched on
top of Notre Dame Cathedral's spire
7Notre Dame's iconic rooster 'miraculously'
survives despite fire completely destroying spire
and was found amidst the rubble. In what has been
described as "an absolute miracle", the rooster
was spared from excessive damage
8Two statues descended from the top of Notre-Dame
de Paris cathedral on April 11, 2019, a few days
before the fire
9Paris - The rooster of the spire of Notre-Dame
exhibited at the Ministry of Culture
10(No Transcript)
11Mario Rossello (Italian, 1927 2000) Gabbiano
su onda di mare
Sculpture in Mariestad by Wanja Nones Håkansson
121384 2013
The Black Rooster is a very important symbol for
all Chianti Classico producers. Legend has it
that the black rooster, initially signifying in
Italy the whole of the Chianti and now indicating
the Chianti Classico region, was chosen for the
following reason In the Middle Ages when Siena
and Florence were fierce rivals and wished to
locate the boundary between them, it was decided
that two knights would set out on horseback from
their respective hometowns at cockcrow and where
they met would be the boundary.
13Gallo Nero di Greve in Chianti. Monument to
black rooster symbol of Chianti
14The Sienese chose a beautiful white rooster,
raised sleek and fat with the idea that it would
loudly wake their knight at dawn the
Florentines, on the other hand, provided their
knight with an underfed black rooster.
15Gallo Nero a Castellina in Chianti by Luca e
Stefano Ruggero
On the day of the race, the black rooster was so
hungry he began to crow even before sunrise,
causing the knight to set out much earlier than
his counterpart, whom he met at Fonterutoli, near
Castellina in Chianti a mere 12 km from
Siena. In this way, almost all of the Chianti was
under the role of the Florentine Republic and the
black rooster much celebrated
Gallo Nero a Radda in Chianti by Luca e Stefano
16Gallo Nero by Luca e Stefano Ruggero
17Gallo Nero Gaiole in Chianti Castle of Vertine
18Gallo Nero di Gaiole in Chianti made by the
blacksmith artist Fabio Zacchei
19Gallo Nero di Gaiole in Chianti made by the
blacksmith artist Fabio Zacchei
20Blacksmith artist Fabio Zacchei Swallows
21Blacksmith artist Fabio Zacchei Nest
22The name of Gheorghe Leonida remained related to
the famous symbol statue in Rio de Janeiro, Jesus
the Savior, whose face is the work of the
Romanian sculptor
Gheorghe Leonida (Romanian, 1892-1942) Prometeu
23Joseph Marie Thomas Lambeaux (Belgian,
1852-1908) Prometheus Parcul Herastrau Bucharest
24Joseph Marie Thomas Lambeaux (Belgian,
1852-1908) Prometheus Parcul Herastrau Bucharest
25Patrick Villas Autruche Le Piré sur Seiche
Château des pères
26The golden crane, Modern Deco Facade of
Parkview Square, Singapore
27(No Transcript)
28Madrid, Gran Vía
Almost all the provincial capitals of Spain have
a building crowned with a phenix bird. The
sculpture of the dome was a creation (1911) of
French sculptor Charles René of Saint-Marceaux
(1845 - 1915), for the insurance company La Unión
y el Fénix Español
Barcelona, La Unión y el Fénix Building, Passeig
de Gracia
29Santa Cruz de Tenetife
Spain Sumbol of the insurance company La Unión y
el Fénix Español in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
30The Union and the Phoenix is the symbol of the
Insurance Company "La Unión y el Fénix Español",
which was formed in 1879 by a fusion of "La
Unión" (founded 1856) and "El Fénix Español,
Compañía de Seguros Reunidos" (1864). As symbol
they used first just the phoenix, but when in
1911 a new main office was built in the Calle
Alcalá in Madrid, the symbol was redisigned. The
French sculptor Saint-Marceau designed the new
emblem with the young man, sitting on one of the
wings of the Phoenix.
31Madrid, Gran Vía
Many years later, in 1989, the real meaning of
Marceaux' sculpture was discovered not the myth
of of the Phoenix is represented, but the
abduction of Ganymede by Zeus in the shape of an
Madrid Hotel Meliá Fénix
32Madrid, Castellana
34 Ramón Acín Aquilé (Spanish, 1888-1936) La
pajarita - Cocotte en papier Tarbes
35Ramón Acín Aquilé (Spanish, 1888-1936) Las
pajaritas Huesca, Parque Miguel Servet
36The Memory Candle monument to the victims of
Holodomor The Memorial in Commemoration of
Famines Victims in Ukraine
37The Memory Candle, monument of one of the worst
genocides in history, that many people know
nothing about
38The Memory Candle monument to the victims of
Holodomor The Memorial in Commemoration of
Famines Victims in Ukraine
39(No Transcript)
40The Holodomor also known as the Terror-Famine and
sometimes referred to as the Great Famine, was
a famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that
killed millions of Ukrainians
41The Holodomor emphasises the famine's man-made an
d intentional aspects such as rejection of
outside aid, confiscation of all household
foodstuffs and restriction of population
movement, a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented
in the history of Ukraine. Since 2006, the
Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 15
other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian
people carried out by the Soviet government
42The Memory Candle
43Text pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Scorpions - Send me an angel Life
is too short
Etienne Pirot
Walenty Pytel
Philip Wakeham
Etienne Pirot
Jean-Pierre Augier
Eco Art Parade
Birds of happiness
White cranes
Donya Coward, Matt Wilson
Elise Macdonald
Jorge Valdivia Carrasco