Mathematical Modelling in Engineering Design. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mathematical Modelling in Engineering Design.


The attached narrated power point presentation explores the tools and techniques used for mathjemathematical modelling in engineering design. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:2
Date added: 8 December 2024
Slides: 43
Provided by: sunith.cheriyil


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mathematical Modelling in Engineering Design.

Mathematical Modeling in Engineering Design
  • Definition and Principles.
  • Abstraction.
  • Mathematical Tools.
  • Physical Dimensions.
  • Figures of Merit.
  • Dimensional Analysis.
  • Balance and Conservation.
  • Analogies.
  • Design Criteria.

  • Miniature representation of something.
  • A pattern of some thing to be made.
  • An example for imitation or emulation.
  • A description or analogy used to help visualize
    something (e.g., an atom) that cannot be directly
  • A system of postulates, data and inferences
    presented as a mathematical description of an
    entity or state of affairs.

Mathematical Model
  • Representation in mathematical terms of the
    behavior of real devices and objects.

Mathematical Model

Principles of Mathematical Modeling
  • An activity with underlying principles and a host
    of methods and tools.
  • Ability to predict the behavior of devices or
    systems that we are designing.
  • Overarching principles are almost philosophical
    in nature.
  • Individual questions recur often during the
    modeling process.

Principles of Mathematical Modeling
  • Why do we need a model?
  • For what will we use the model?
  • What do we want to find with this model?
  • What data are we given?
  • What can we assume?
  • How should we develop this model, what are the
    appropriate physical principles we need to apply?

Principles of Mathematical Modeling
  • What will our model predict?
  • Can we verify the models predictions (i.e., are
    our calculations correct?)
  • Are the predictions valid (i.e., do our
    predictions conform to what we observe?)
  • Can we improve the model?

Mathematical Modeling
Why Mathematical Models?
  • Developing a mathematical model allows estimation
    of the quantitative behavior of the system.
  • Quantitative results from mathematical models
    compared with observational data to identify a
    model's strengths and weaknesses.
  • An important component of the final complete
    model of a system which is actually a collection
    of conceptual, physical, mathematical,
    visualization, and possibly statistical

  • More general than specific.
  • Thinking about finding the right level of
    abstraction or detail means identifying the right
    scale for our model.
  • Means thinking about the magnitude or size of
    quantities measured with respect to a standard
    that has the same physical dimensions.

  • Choosing the right level of detail for the
    problem very important.
  • Dictates the level of detail for the model.
  • Requires a thoughtful approach to identifying the
    phenomena to be emphasized.
  • To answer the fundamental question about why a
    model is being developed and how we intend to use

Lumped Model Abstraction
  • The actual physical properties of a real object
    or device are aggregated or lumped into less
    detailed, more abstract expressions.
  • What we lump into lumped elements depends on the
    scale on which we choose to model, which depends
    in turn on our intentions for that model.
  • Eg Aircraft (mass as point mass, effect of
    surrounding atmosphere as a drag force on the
    point mass) modeled in different ways depending
    on the goals.

Mathematical Tools for Design Modeling
  • Tools used to apply the big picture principles
    to develop, use, verify, and validate
    mathematical models.
  • Dimensional analysis.
  • Approximations of mathematical functions.
  • Linearity.
  • Conservation and balance laws

Dimensional Homogeneity
  • Rule of dimensional homogeneity not to be
  • Properly constructed equations representing
    general relationships between physical variables
    to be dimensionally homogeneous.
  • Dimensions of terms that are added or subtracted
    to be the same.
  • Dimensions on the right side of an equation to be
    the same as those on the left side.

Physical Dimensions
  • Every independent term in every equation to be
    dimensionally homogeneous or dimensionally
  • Every term to have the same net physical
  • Ensure dimensional consistency (also called
    rational equations).
  • Attach numerical measurements or values to
    physical quantities representing objects.

Classes of Physical Quantities
  • Fundamental or primary quantities - measured on a
    scale independent of those chosen for other
    fundamental quantities.
  • Derived quantities - follow from definitions or
    physical laws, expressed in terms of the
    dimensions chosen as fundamental.
  • Force a derived quantity derived from Newtons
    Laws of motion. If M, L, and T stand for mass,
    length and time respectively force F (M x L)/T2

Units of a Physical Quantity
  • An arbitrary multiple or fraction of a physical
  • Numerical aspects of dimensions of a quantity
    expressed in terms of a given physical standard.
  • Use of most widely accepted international
  • Choice of units to facilitate calculation or
  • Magnitude or size of the attached number depends
    on the unit chosen.

Physical Dimensions
  • Physical dimensions of a quantity are constant.
  • Must exist numerical relationships between the
    different systems of units used to measure the
    amounts of quantity.
  • Conversion may be needed.
  • Equality of units for a given dimension allows
    units to be changed or converted with a
    straightforward calculation.

Physical Dimensions
  • Each independent term in a rational equation has
    the same net dimensions.
  • Can add quantities having the same dimensions,
    expressed in different units.
  • Cannot add length to area in the same equation,
    or mass to time.
  • Equations to be rational in terms of their

Figures of Merit
  • Sets of units of interest for the scales of
    metrics to be used for assessing the achievement
    of objectives.
  • To construct mathematical objective functions
    that represent figures of merit to optimize a
  • All independent terms in an objective function to
    be rational, to have the same net dimensions.

Number of Significant Figures
  • Equal to the number of digits counted from the
    first nonzero digit on the left to either (a) the
    last nonzero digit on the right if there is no
    decimal point, or
  • (b) the last digit (zero or nonzero) on the
    right when there is a decimal point.
  • Eg 5415 four significant figures, 0.054
    two significant figures.
  • NSF not determined by the placement of the
    decimal point.

Dimensionless Quantities
  • Often ratios of same kind.
  • No dimensions.
  • Intended to compare the value of a specific
    variable with a standard of obvious relevance.
  • Eg Current Gain, Soil Porosity etc.

Method of Dimensional Analysis
  • List all of the variables and parameters of a
    problem and their dimensions.
  • Anticipate how each variable qualitatively
    affects quantities of interest, ie does an
    increase in a variable cause an increase or a
  • Identify one variable as depending on the
    remaining variables and parameters.
  • Express that dependence in a functional equation.

Method of Dimensional Analysis
  • Choose and then eliminate one of the primary
    dimensions to obtain a revised functional
  • Repeat until a revised, dimensionless functional
    equation is found.
  • Review the final dimensionless functional
    equation to see whether the apparent behavior
    accords with the behavior anticipated.

Physical Idealization
  • Idealize or approximate situations or objects so
    that we can model them and apply those models to
    find behaviors of interest.
  • Two kinds of idealizations - physical and
    mathematical, order in which we make them is
  • To have an initial physical idealization, then
    translate the physical idealization into a
    consistent mathematical model.

Linear Models
  • Nonlinear problems harder to solve.
  • Linear models work extraordinarily well for many
    devices and behaviors of interest.
  • Linear model approximations wherever possible.
  • Eg Approximating sin a to a for small angles.

Balance and Conservation
  • Laws of conservation to be obeyed.
  • Conservation laws are special cases of balance
  • Balance or conservation principles applied to
    assess the effect of maintaining levels of
    physical attributes.
  • To count or measure both what goes in to and what
    comes out of the boundary of the domain under

Series and Parallel Connections
  • Notion of division/deflection.
  • Applying constitutive laws to series and parallel
  • To gain insights into design behavior when we
    link characterizations to appropriate balance or
    conservation laws.

Series and Parallel Connections

Mechanical - Electrical Analogies
  • To represent the function of a mechanical system
    as an equivalent electrical system by drawing
    analogies between mechanical and electrical
    parameters or vice versa.
  • Wide use in electromechanical systems where there
    is a connection between mechanical and electrical
  • Analogizing - process of representing information
    about a particular subject (the analogue or
    source system) by another particular subject (the
    target system).

Mechanical Electrical Analogies
  • Analogical awareness a good habit of thought that
    experienced designers often exploit.
  • Use of analogy between the elementary mechanical
    and electrical circuits.
  • Eg springs are the mechanical elements, which
    store energy, while capacitors are the electrical
    elements, which store energy.

Mechanical Electrical Analogy

Design Criteria
  • Depends on objectives and constraints.
  • Relative importance of objectives to vary with
    client and application.
  • Eg light weight - minimize the mass of
    material used, inexpensive - minimize the cost.
  • Against what requirements do we assess the
    performance of our designs?
  • Designing for strength to know the stresses at
    which a material fails.

Design Criteria
  • Designing for stiffness to determine values of
    the design variables as to lie within and not to
    exceed specified deflection limits.
  • Design for Aesthetics and Ergonomics?
  • Codes or standards specify the limits.

Methods of Mathematical Modeling
  • Theoretical modeling - system described using
    equations derived from physics.
  • White-box models - system modeling entirely based
    on physical principles (equations).
  • Experimental modeling - also called system
    identification is based on measurements.
  • Black-box models - system modeling entirely based
    on experimental data (input/output measurements).

Methods of Mathematical Modeling
Methods of Mathematical Modeling

Why Experimental Modeling
  • If the system is complex, deriving the
    mathematical equations can be very hard.
  • Most of the parameters used in the mathematical
    equations are not known, so the overall behavior
    of the modeled system is uncertain.
  • Not all physical phenomena are captured or well

Statistical Modeling
  • A mathematical representation (mathematical
    model) of observed data.
  • Applying statistical analysis to a dataset.
  • Use of mathematical models and statistical
    assumptions to generate sample data and make
    predictions about the real world.
  • Collection of probability distributions on a set
    of all possible outcomes of an experiment.

  • Preliminary design requires careful mathematical
  • Need for focused research to obtain relevant
  • Doing research to identify appropriate materials
    a skill in its own right.
  • Knowledge on dimensions, scaling, simplifying
    assumptions, and how a model answers only the
    questions asked of it can be applied to almost
    all modeling and design efforts.

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