Title: A Brief Introduction About Unity Care
1A Brief Introduction About Unity Care
2A Foster Youth Organization
Unity Care is a foster youth organization
providing housing options to youth emerging from
foster care. The group was founded in 1993 and
provides life skills, support, stable housing,
caring connections, and other programming to
assist youth in attaining self-sufficient living.
3A Nonprofit Service
Unity Care is a nonprofit service provider
lending support to youth in foster care through
housing solutions and other transitional
services. The solutions are developed to support
foster youth aging out of the system and reduce
4Focuses On A Cultural Proficiency
Unity Care was founded in 1993 and focuses on a
cultural proficiency which differentiates it from
other providers.
5Serves Foster Youth
Unity Care serves foster youth across a number of
California counties, including El Dorado, Santa
Clara, San Francisco, Placer, San Mateo,
Monterey, Alameda and Nevada counties.
6Visit To Know More-
7Thank You
Unity Care