Title: Wine degustation- BISTRO BACCHUS
2Basic Mistakes People Commit When Drinking Wine
Being able to learn, appreciate, and experience
new things constantly is one of the best
qualities of a committed wine enthusiast. You can
never have enough knowledge or appreciation of
wine, regardless of how experienced you are with
it or how many bottles you own. There is always a
wine variety you have yet to try, a cuisine and
wine combination you have been dying to try, or a
growing area you want to visit and tick off your
bucket list.
3Drinking wine at the wrong temperature
Wine tasting is a popular activity, and many
people visit Bistro Bacchus to partake in wine
degustation. Overheating a bottle can make it
harsh and too oxidized, while excessive freezing
can reduce a wine's acidity, sweetness, and
fruity flavors. If you know the proper
temperature for serving and storing wine, you may
easily avoid making this mistake with your
favorite bottles. Fuller-bodied whites are
generally served at 5560F, while lighter,
fruitier varieties are better chilled around
4Believing that price determines quality
When selecting a wine you like, avoid letting the
price tag deter you. Numerous factors influence
the retail price of a bottle of wine, such as the
brand and winemaker's popularity and
respectability and the location of the grapes. It
also covers the methods used to grow the grapes,
the aging process for the wine, and the cost of
additional components such as the label, bottle,
closure, and gas for transportation.
5Aged wine is not meant to be age
Most table wines are meant to be enjoyed within
two to five years and however, others are meant
to age and get better with time. Red wines, in
particular, generally age far longer than white
and rose varieties. These hours are reserved
especially for properly stored, unopened wine
BISTRO BACCHUS Cira Carica bb 20000 Dubrovnik,
Croatia Email info_at_bistrobacchus.com Phone 385
98 590 043 Website www.bistrobacchus.com